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Post by leDoOd » Fri Dec 26, 2008 10:49 pm


Gawd, what's it been, like 2 years? You young'uns probably don't even recognize me. Renegade Turner! Viking Zippy! And all of you I knew way back when! Where are the rest of you old folks? I missed all y'all. :)

I guess I owe it to you to explain where I've been. Well, it's a long series of events, so I'll make a list.
  • Since I went missing, I've gone through a few more surgeries to correct complications that arose with my adenoidectomy in my Eustachian tubes, so that took up a big chunk of my time.
  • I bought a 360 and got hooked on it, then got un-hooked.
  • I went through junior year, and 'twas quite poor a year indeed.
  • I worked my butt off as a lifeguard at the Ithaca YMCA for $7.60 until a week ago, when I got a raise to $7.80, joy.
  • I got a job lifeguarding at a local lakefront beach for $8.75 an hour, and no one ever went to the beach (it was the best job EVER)
  • This year I've decided that I'm extremely interested in medicine, so I applied to and got into in a program called New Visions, where 14 seniors from the surrounding district take morning classes at their respective high schools, then commute to the local medical center to either take more classes (on mondays and fridays) or shadow doctors in basically every department in the hospital. I've had a TON of fun, I've learned so much, and my interest in medicine has only increased! Stories to follow if requested (I've been to surgery and the ER and have a few :P)
SO... uh... what's up here? Haven't really looked around all that much to be honest. I just had free time and remembered good ol' Wolfire so I decided to pop in. :D It's good to be back.

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Count Roland
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Post by Count Roland » Fri Dec 26, 2008 11:38 pm

hey ledood welcome back, you probably don't remember me since I think I joined around when you left, I think I've seen maybe one post by you. anyway lugaru 2 has been renamed overgrowth, there are active preorders. and the release date has been set to q2 2009 though I assume you could figure that out yourself. Rudel_ic though I'm not sure if he was around when you frequented the forums, has cracked the code for the .solid lugaru models, and people can create their own custom models for lugaru now, though currently changing the rabbit and the wolf models doesn't work. the wolfire team is all together now. and that's about all the general information I can give you. I'm sure you've seen the irc channel button up near the top of the screen you can always get on there. anyway I think I covered everything large and a few small and useless things there.

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Post by Jeff » Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:15 am

Welcome back :) Definitely hang out with us in IRC

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Post by Glabbit » Mon Dec 29, 2008 5:33 am


Haven't seen that face in a long while.
Welcome back!
It appears OG really is bringing back both the new and the old.

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