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Post by Lotus Wolf » Thu Nov 20, 2008 8:37 pm

"damn..." said Jack. "they may have been disorganized, but they are well equipped." "Then it's likely the family we hit a few months ago..." Torrin said. "If i may, what are you talking about?" Samuel asked. "Torrin and I were hired out on a simple hit. an assassination of some politician with powerful relatives. we believe it may be connected." Jack said. Samuel nodded, though he probably didn't understand some of it. Jack pulled out a small metal rod, with what looked like a battery pack at one end, and a roll of some gel-like gauzy stuff. he wrapped the yellow green gel-gauze around his arm, and started moving the rod back and forth up and down his arm. "What is that you're doing?" asked Samuel. "Its a DS Deliverer. the rod sends DS waves through the gel, and into your chromosomes, the purpose of the gel is to keep the cathodes in your skin from decaying under the DS energy." Jack said. "Basically, if he does that every day to the greater parts of his body, he will stay in good shape, and it will extend his life by up to 450 years." Torrin put it plainly. Jack nodded and switched to his other arm. "Exactly how old are you!?" Samuel said, quite awestruck. "298. and since my life expectancy is around 535 years, im still right in my prime." Jack said. "won't catch me trying to live that long..." Torrin said. "Where did you come by that device?" Samuel asked. "Picked it up years and years ago. the merchant selling them was asking 1500 (are we going with USD or GP) for them, and i happened to have that. i thought it was a hoax, but apparently not..." Jack said. "Me and Torrin looked for the guy, but we never found him. Guess he could still be alive, if he uses them too. Torrin, we should get out of here." Jack said, suddenly sounding alert. "I feel it to." Torrin said. "You can come if you want." Jack said to Samuel, as he and Torrin stood up and began to head for the back door.

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Post by Chainsaw man » Fri Nov 21, 2008 10:03 am

((OOC: what the fucks up with all the humans guys?
The Human: A fine peace of work, and possobly the absoulotly most borings choice you could make!))

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Post by Glabbit » Fri Nov 21, 2008 2:01 pm

Ragdollmaster wrote:They are entirely God-Mod. Same goes for Glabbit. Do NOT post those types of posts here :/ They are extremely annoying and unrealistic. This is MODERN times.
Tha's fine, but you realise you could still follow Grenmar out, don't you? This was just his little introductory cycle. All the rest will follow up better, like =3

Anyway, Grenmar's now sitting on a rock at the edge of a forest about twenty minute's walk from John's bar, if anyone wants to find him.

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Post by blood-shard » Fri Nov 21, 2008 3:44 pm

samual looked at torrin and jack as they began to talk and forget about samuel. he now decided too leave and head for the forrest but he stopped in front of the where the weapons were he looked at them for a few minutes then picked them up and headed for the forrest there were a sea in it where he had he's own old fashion boat he used to sail around alittle in it when he were stressed to he got there the wierd guy grenmar were sitting on a rock whit a bottle of sake. samuel looked at him then said"you here too" and did a twisted smile he dident know if he should be angry,sad,or happy
grenmar hold a cup made of tree out on he's left whit sake whitout looking back. samuel looked at him leaning hi's head whit a raised eyebrow

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Post by Lotus Wolf » Fri Nov 21, 2008 9:59 pm

Samuel had decided to go his own way, so Jack and Torrin set off out the back door towards Jack's Humvee. with many hidden features, it was a powerful, yet not-to-intimidating. "Torrin, you're the better driver, you drive." Jack said, and slipped through the small back window, and into the shielded turret mount hidden in the back. Jack could feel it keenly now, there was great tension in the air, and someone, or something, was approaching. Torrin drove them out onto the deserted highway, and began heading for Jack's place. It wasn't long before 5 group transport planes flew overhead. they circled once, and then out of the open side doors jumped about ten soldiers, from each plane. "Jumpers! they must have exoskeletal armor." Jack yelled. Torrin mashed on the gas pedal and the Humvee shot off down the highway. "Up ahead!" Torrin shouted over the engine. Jack turned and looked through the front window. There was a blockade, made up of 6 heavy hummers, and one roadway tank, along with a small force of armed soldiers. Jack looked back and saw the soldiers who had jumped from the planes getting closer, running with supernatural speed, they definitely had exoskeletal armor. Jack pulled the shields back, and raised the turret mount up. he turned and fired at 2 of the hummers blocking their path. the other 4 were knocked out of the way by the explosions of the first 2. the roadway tank fired a shot, and the shell hit just in front of the Humvee, but Torrin quickly steered out of the way, and nearly flipped the vehicle. Jack pulled his 50 cal. up, and fired at the tanks tiny front window, the shot must have missed because the tank began to move forward and shot again. this time the Humvee did flip, and jack was thrown off the turret and into the road. Torrin had managed to bail out, and had rolled to safety in the underbrush along the roadside. Jack saw the soldiers with the armor approaching quickly and ran to where Torrin was, and they both broke into a full run into the woodland area.

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Post by Ragdollmaster » Fri Nov 21, 2008 10:12 pm

(LOL! I wrote out like a pagelong post and had to make a new one XD)

Torrin growled deeply. "Sharp eyes..." he muttered as he reached into his pocket. "Remember the phrase Fire In The Hole old man?" Jack immediately understood what was in Torrin's pocket. The pin was pulled, and a fragmentation grenade was hurled into the sky, exploding just above the thicket of exoskeleton runners. A few went down, and the blast had angled the rest into a false trail. As they passed through the thick brush, Torrin grabbed one by the neck and pointed his MP7 at the man's head. Jack kicked off the helmet of the man in one fluid movement as he took out his sniper rifle and kept watch. "Who are you bastards, who sent you, why?" Torrin asked. "Exoskeletal 16, 07591910, Rank: Corporal!" The soldier barked back. A burst of three bullets entered the man's head. "He should have known I don't interrogate- I ask and shoot." Jack grinned as he fired off a shot. They could hear the tank getting closer. "Let's go, let's go!" Torrin shouted as a flaming shell felled a tree in front of them. They broke off full sprint. The exoskeletals were fast, but they were merely human. Jack and Torrin's outfits weren't just cool looking, they were designed to securely hold gear while they ran feral formed, hell bent on out speeding the incoming forces. "I hadn't expected this many soldiers..." Torrin said.

(I guess it'll turn out to be a government conspiracy :D Yay, we have a plot!)

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Post by Lotus Wolf » Fri Nov 21, 2008 10:38 pm

"This is to much for the family, only the government could authorize this many soldiers." Jack said as they ran quickly toward his hideout near the middle of the woodlands. a soldier pounced on Jack, so suprised was he that the soldier got a few heavy punches in on him before Jack could pull his MP5K up and fire 4 rounds into one of the eye holes in the armor. Torrin had kept running, it was their agreement that if one should be slowed he would have to catch up. Jack began to run again, and caught up to Torrin. after about 5 more minutes of straight running they came to a small shack. Jack wrenched open the door, and dove down a hole, that could have been mistake for a latrine. Torrin followed after a brief hesitation, and found himself in a large underground area, reinforced with steel and cement. Jack was already halfway across and room, and speaking swiftly to his comrades. "Trouble, we need to move, bring everything." Jack said, and a large leopard by the name of Geshein ran through a tunnel and a large engine could be heard starting. A wolf named Kit-Sai ran over to what looked like a storehouse and began hauling ammunition, armor, food, and weapons off down the tunnel Gashein had entered, he returned with Geshein, and they bother began ferrying the goods through the tunnel. "Tiny," Jack said, addressing a large bear. "Set this place to detonate, in 15 minutes. we're relocating!" Torrin had joined them by now. "Very efficient, aren't you?" He said. Jack nodded, and began to help move their equipment through the tunnel, Torrin followed suit. They emerged onto a subway tunnel, with a very large tank in it. it had been modified to hold more passengers, and lots of cargo. "Thats the last of it." Kit-Sai said coming through the tunnel. "The place is rigged up." Tiny said. "Pile in!" Jack said, and they all entered the tank.

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Post by Ragdollmaster » Sat Nov 22, 2008 12:01 pm

Torrin pulled out a phone and dialed in a number. "Quiz, we could use some air support here. Yeah... yeah, me and Jack... no, we got ambushed by a crap load of exoskeletals, some tanks and Humvees... 2 Apaches incoming? Good. Talk to you later." He crushed the phone on the ground as the tank sped on through the subway tunnel. Above ground they could just faintly here explosions as the tanks and soldiers blindly bombarded the area. "Tch... carpet bombing?" Jack mused. "I think they're just trying to flush us out. Chances are they haven't found the shack." Tiny replied. "By the time it explodes, the entrance to the subway will be blocked off, and they won't stop to look at an outhouse before it explodes." Kit-Sai added. "Two Apache attack helicopters are gonna meet us up for air support at the end of the tunnel." Torrin said. "One will be anti-ground to take out that tank and some of the exoskeletals, the other will keep a watch on our airspace." Jack grunted. "Apaches are reliable, but they're old models, Torrin. You know that most jets can take out a helicopter before they're even heard. And let's not even start to talk about portable SAMS- choppers can't dodge missiles going Mach 3." Torrin gave a grim nod. "It's the best chance we have, though. I don't have much accsess to airborne fighters except through the government, and I don't think it's safe under the current circumstances to request support."

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Post by Glabbit » Sat Nov 22, 2008 1:38 pm

blood-shard wrote:samual looked at torrin and jack as they began to talk and forget about samuel. he now decided too leave and head for the forrest but he stopped in front of the where the weapons were he looked at them for a few minutes then picked them up and headed for the forrest there were a sea in it where he had he's own old fashion boat he used to sail around alittle in it when he were stressed to he got there the wierd guy grenmar were sitting on a rock whit a bottle of sake. samuel looked at him then said"you here too" and did a twisted smile he dident know if he should be angry,sad,or happy
grenmar hold a cup made of tree out on he's left whit sake whitout looking back. samuel looked at him leaning hi's head whit a raised eyebrow
Grenmar offered Samuel a cup of saké.
"I heard you preferred beer, yet I am sorry, I have none. Saké?"
Without waiting for Samuel to take it, Grenmar put it in front of him.
"I apologise for my outburst earlier. I have travelled far, and have seen much bloodshed. Sometimes it just becomes too much to bear..."
He stared in front of him for a while.
"Speaking of bears, I hear movement in the woods behind us..."
There was a rustle.

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Post by blood-shard » Sat Nov 22, 2008 3:45 pm

Samuel dident like sake as much as he dident like grenmar but war and killing sprees wouldt help himout so he should try make friends since this guy were very skilled.samuel reached out too pick up the cup whit sake then behind them in the bushes there were a rustle.a normal size squirl had come out.samuel looked then said"its so wierd seeing animals this size i mean we have so much common all of us this nature and then again... we are from two different places"samuel and grenmar began too talk about when the two of their worlds colided "i remember like it was yesterday"grenmar said "you will drink sake whit me now" samuel smiled and shook it down in disgust but he dident want too make he's new contact angry so he smiled whit tears in he's eyes
"strong stuff you japanese guys are drinking i must say" grenmar started to laugh "AAARGH yeees sake's good the japanese sailors drinks lots of it when they head to cold places" now they got serious samuel looked at him and dident say anything for a few seconds then he said "could you train me.your talking about honor and..."he held the two japanese blades out in front of him"these were my friends blades he told me too keep them.. he died in japan when they worked whit late combat exo skeletons im sure you have heard of them but enough of that.i cannot wield these blades the prober way and my martial arts arent realy´any help since im the aikido,nithtaijutsu type
... train me to become a samurai i beg of you" he said and kneeled down grenmar had a wierd look on his face.

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Post by Grayswandir » Sat Nov 22, 2008 3:56 pm


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Post by Glabbit » Sat Nov 22, 2008 6:07 pm

Yes indeed... I'm not sure I agree with what my character is doing there...

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Post by Ragdollmaster » Sat Nov 22, 2008 7:03 pm

As the tank pushed in through the tunnel, they could hear civilians up ahead using the subway for normal reasons. However, the tank fired off a shot into a wall which broke apart and revealed a large cargo elevator. The tank drove into the shaft and turned around as a 60 inch thick metal wall sprung up, painted as normal concrete, to disguise the exposed shaft and prevent any further entry. The elevator cranked to life as Tiny entered a series of complex codes onto a terminal inside the tank. "Nice set up you have here, Jack." Torrin commented. "Hopefully it's enough to throw off those soldiers." the former replied. The group reached an opening and found themselves on a road a few miles away from the outskirts of town. They slowed as the two Apaches reached them and slowed, hovering above the tank. A third Chinook arrived, carrying a second tank. Torrin chuckled. "He always includes something extra, that Quiz..." he said as the tank dropped to the road beside them and began driving- it was evidently full of troops. The Chinook soon left, being mainly a transport, and they were left driving with the 3 escorts.

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Post by Lotus Wolf » Sun Nov 23, 2008 3:02 pm

The roadway tank was up ahead, as i could not travel through the forest. Jack pointed and Kit-Sai aimed the tanks main cannon, the apache's began firing with their 30 cal. miniguns, but after Kit-Sai fired the cannon, there was nothing left to fire at. the exoskeletals must have heard the explosion. Jack sped up, and the tanks large engine roared. they sped down the highway, with the apache's flying overhead. Jack could hear the clicking of the exo's feet as they pursued them. "Tiny, minigun!" Jack yelled over the roaring tank. Tiny ran to the back of the tank, pressed a button, and gripped the large handles of the back-facing minigun. There was a sound like cards being shuffled but booming and deafening. the apache's began firing as well, and Jack could actually hear the bullets colliding with the exo armor. "Torrin, homing rockets next to tiny." Torrin nodded and moved back next to tiny, who pointed at a targeting monitor.

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Post by Ragdollmaster » Sun Nov 23, 2008 5:32 pm

The other tank had opened fire as well, and now Torrin got on the guided missile system. One exoskeletal leaped high into the air and Torrin fired a Dumb rocket at him- the Exo couldn't dodge in mid-air and was blown to bits. Torrin switched to a rapid-fire mode and began to shoot at the ground, sending bodies high up, some from the explosion, some who jumped to avoid, the latter of which were shot down by miniguns. Suddenly, an Apache went down, followed seconds later by the sound of an explosion. A squadron of F-22 Raptors (Squadron = 4) passed by and they saw sidewinders being fired. The second Apache had automated Phalanx guns on board that shot them down, but then the Raptors circled in the air and swooped in for another attack. "Crap! We need some AA for those buggers!" Torrin yelled. He tried to lock on to one and fired but the missile was too slow and was outmaneuvered quickly.

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