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Post by Renegade_Turner » Sun Apr 13, 2008 2:00 pm

So if I DREW pictures of naked children in explicit scenes would that be alright if I didn't actually do anything about it?

And furries COULD exist...technology these days is pretty cool. I bet someday one of these freaks will actually stop dressing up and instead genetically alter themselves to have animal ears and tails and shit. That would be lol-worthy.

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Post by Cmyszka » Sun Apr 13, 2008 2:21 pm

http://bioteach.ubc.ca/TeachingResource ... se&Ear.jpg

They've altered the genetics of a rat to grow a human ear on it's back. I'm sure pretty soon they could theoretically grow a human with fox ears and things of that nature like R_T said. Though I'm sure it's strictly prohibited and illegal to do that kind of thing to a human.

more info:

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Post by David » Sun Apr 13, 2008 2:49 pm

Your examples with children are charged with a lot of unrelated connotations. It is probably not that healthy, but someone who gets off on drawing fauns, cyborgs, wolfgirls, centaurs or any other fictional creature is probably not going to hurt anyone.

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Post by Renegade_Turner » Sun Apr 13, 2008 3:06 pm

Oh my friend is going to have a cow over this (forgive the pun and please don't throw things at me). She's this big animals' rights person, and to make it worse she's a vegan. She's an awful pain in the arse.

I was intending to use exaggeration to make a point. Obviously paedophilia is much worse than the furry thing, but it's still utterly disturbing and mildly horrifying.

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Post by GaGrin » Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:39 pm

R_T I just don't understand your train of thought on this at all.

Firstly, I'm not trying to attack you so there is no need for you to be so hostile. It simply upsets me when people (like yourself) start ranting about what is and is not right about human fantasy.

Fuck the fact that people (IMO) should have the right to do whatever they like so long as they aren't harming someone else (whether directly or indirectly) - you're stating that people who's fantasies differ from your view of normal are deranged and potentially dangerous. Thats quite a bold claim and I think you should be more careful about throwing that sort of statement about.

And if you want to know what I think on the whole paedophila side of things... well I think its a hell of alot blurrier than people would like to admit to themselves. I certainly don't agree or condone it - and abuse in all cases whether of children or adults are just as bad. But children instinctively have a sexual curiousity and society at large does its damn best to suppress and hide that which is frankly just deceitful.

People who have sexual fantasies about children but don't act on them or abuse aren't anymore fucked up than most of us - they just aren't afforded the same rights or support when they make mistakes and you can damn bet that most of them feel like they're fucking monsters.

Its people who either can't seperate fantasy from reality, or who enjoy harming others (without consent) that worry me. And we have plenty of them. The few anthroform pictures I draw really aren't doing any harm and it allows me greater creative freedom as an artist than drawing normal human forms.

PS - I take issue with your insults in the other thread. Please refrain from making this personal.

Editted for minor spelling + grammar issues.
Last edited by GaGrin on Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by nerodx » Sun Apr 13, 2008 6:20 pm

Renegade_Turner wrote:So if I DREW pictures of naked children in explicit scenes would that be alright if I didn't actually do anything about it?
Already exists. My friend is pretty messed up and finds things like this "on accident." He recently found Jesus porn...in other news I have no hope for mankind.

Anywho, I agree that people who like that stuff aren't going to hurt anyone. In fact, it might help, since maybe if they can just look at cartoons of things like that online, they won't actually go out and start having sex with kids or drugging someone, sticking a fox tail in their ass and raping them. If it helps them control their urges then it's ok. Of course if they don't already like things like that, find some furries or some other crazy porn, decide they like it and choose to do it in real life, THEN it's a problem. Theres alot of things to consider.

Who knew porn was so complicated?

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Post by Makrond » Sun Apr 13, 2008 11:34 pm

To get off the subject of paedophilia - something that really shouldn't have been brought up in the first place, but if people relate furries to child molestation, that's their problem.
David wrote:That is one way to look at it, but I think the line is a little bit blurry.
Not really. A few years back I was into the 'furry' thing, and the fact is there are people out there who are heavily into this sort of stuff - to the point of making it a lifestyle. (A side note: it's about that point that I realised the furry thing wasn't for me - those people scared the shit out of me.) Anyway, if you do some reading (though I doubt anyone would really want to), there are a lot of guidelines, and surprisingly little conjecture about what denotes a 'furry' and what denotes an animal-girl (or guy, but there's precious few of those). To simplify it, a furry is an anthropomorphic animal, pretty obviously non-existent. An animal-girl is an otherwise normal-looking human woman with the ears and tail of an animal. It's interesting to note that within the furry community, animal-girls and their followers are looked down upon with contempt. Now how many people knew that?

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Post by Grayswandir » Mon Apr 14, 2008 3:20 am

Makrond wrote: It's interesting to note that within the furry community, animal-girls and their followers are looked down upon with contempt. Now how many people knew that?
I did, but then I watch anime and research stuff like this out of boredom.

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Post by Renegade_Turner » Mon Apr 14, 2008 5:04 am

Just as you are entitled to express your love of furries, I am entitled to express my utter distaste for it.

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Post by GaGrin » Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:16 am

Fair enough - but you can't make comments like "fucking furries" (especially on a games forum about an anthropomorphic world of rabbits and wolves) without someone strongly objecting.

And I do, so I would rather you weren't so hostile. If you genuinely do object there are ways of saying so without being offensive.

I'd also prefer it if you didn't automatically try to infer my personal tastes from my arguements - I've purposely kept my own taste seperate from the arguement because its completely irrelevant. If I only argued about personal issues I'd never have got involved.

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Post by Renegade_Turner » Tue Apr 15, 2008 1:23 pm


Blatant aggression isn't so bad compared to subtle satiristic malice.

I don't believe I said "fucking furries". Nonetheless, I've no problem with people arguing with my views. I'll still make them.

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Post by nerodx » Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:20 pm

Anyone else notice that we are talking about cartoons? Cartoons about sexy animals? NO ONE ELSE SEES ANY FREAKINESS? Great, now I'm questioning some peoples reasons for their dedication to Lugaru.

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Post by Grayswandir » Wed Apr 16, 2008 2:26 pm

nerodx wrote:Anyone else notice that we are talking about cartoons? Cartoons about sexy animals? NO ONE ELSE SEES ANY FREAKINESS
No, not really. You just have to keep in mind that its a cartoon.

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Post by Cmyszka » Wed Apr 16, 2008 3:54 pm

nerodx wrote:Anyone else notice that we are talking about cartoons? Cartoons about sexy animals? NO ONE ELSE SEES ANY FREAKINESS? Great, now I'm questioning some peoples reasons for their dedication to Lugaru.
Would you rather it be real people in costumes? Wouldn't that make it even more messed up then what it's accused of? Did I just answer your question with a question? Who knows?

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Post by Grayswandir » Thu Apr 17, 2008 12:09 am

It could be some irrational fear of a person dressed in an animal suit mugging you, feeling you up, hog-tying you, and then leaving you in the middle of the highway so they can watch you get bounced around by large vehicles to see how long it takes the human body to start falling apart.

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