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Post by Grayswandir » Sun Nov 23, 2008 9:34 pm

Guess I'll make something and see if this goes anywhere.

Name: Touran McClarren
Race: Human
Age: 30
Appearance: 5' 4", average build, grey eyes, dark-brown fedora, dark-brown fabric coat, black t-shirt, worn blue jeans, brown boots w/ black soles
Equipment of Note:
Primary: M-14 DMR
Secondary: Winchester 1897 Trench Gun w/ 1917 bayonete
Sidearm: Beretta 93R
Other: Various hand grenades, fibre wire, combat knife, M-14 silencer, extra ammunition
History: I'll think of something.

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Post by Ragdollmaster » Sun Nov 23, 2008 10:01 pm

Gray: Your dude can start anywhere you want him to. Maybe even in the next tank or the remaining Apache.

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Post by Grayswandir » Sun Nov 23, 2008 10:36 pm

Touran sat on a large outcropping at the top of a hill and watched the battle below. He watched the Apache crash to the ground and unhooked the scope from his rifle and then scanned the carnage below letting out a low whistle.

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Post by Lotus Wolf » Mon Nov 24, 2008 2:58 am

(This will seem god-mode as it is read, but the end will compensate)

"I have an idea." Jack said. taking his 50 cal. and opening the top hatch of the tank. the Raptors were swooping down again, and would never expect a single rifleman to begin firing at them. Jack aimed very carefully, having flown a Raptor before, he knew where the pilots head would be... the single shot echoed through the earsplitting din of the explosions, and one Raptor began swerving and dipping in the air. Jack shelled another bullet, and aimed again, this time the shot missed the pilot, for the Raptor pulled up sharply, and circled again. Jack reloaded again, but when he looked up, the Raptor, who's pilot he had shot, was falling in a nose dive toward them. Jack pulled the hatch shut, and yelled for Geshein to move fast. The tank, already moving at full speed, couldn't go any faster, and the sound of the falling Raptor was getting louder. There was a crash, and the tank flew forward, flipping front-ways, and crushing the barrel of the main cannon. Then it began to tip further, and the tank fell upside-down. "anyone still alive, say something." Jack said, coughing. "WTH WAS THAT?" Torrin said. "Raptor crashed behind us." Tiny said. "Kit-Sai? Geshein?" Jack said. The tank's lights had dimmed considerably, and there was smoke and dust floating through the air. There was no reply to Jack's call. Jack moved to the front of the tank, and found Geshein, still strapped to his seat, with part of his head caved in. "Kit-Sai?" Jack said again. Still no answer. "Jack!" Tiny pointed to the floor-now-roof of the tank. Jack looed up, and saw Kit-Sai, impaled by the inverted barrel of the main cannon. "It must have come back on her when we tipped forward..." Torrin said. "Lets get out." Jack said, with a grim and deadly savage look on his face. Jack kicked the side door twice, and it swung out. They exited the tank to find the wrecked Raptor not 50 yards away. The remaining exo's were coming, and the three Raptors were circling around. "Smooth, Jack..." Tiny said. Jack glared at him with hatred in his eyes. Geshein had been a good comrade, and he had been rather fond of Kit-Sai... "Just kill them all." Jack growled.

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Post by Glabbit » Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:38 am

Grenmar suddenly disappeared with a pop.
Had there been a console, the words "Grenmar Gaijin has disconnected" would have lit the screen.
He was never seen again.

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Post by Ragdollmaster » Mon Nov 24, 2008 6:59 pm

"They might still be alive," Tiny said. "If we can get a medic to them fast-" his sentence was broken off by rapid gunfire as a Raptor dived down. "Die already you piece of shi- (gun blast)" Torrin yelled as he pointed up his AR50 and fired into the Raptor. The bullets were HEIAP rounds- High Explosive Incendiary Armor Piercing rounds. As the bullet entered the underbelly of the Raptor, a high explosive detonated and blasted a cavity into the plane, as incendiary flames shot into the fuel tanks. They saw the whole plane explode into pieces as it hit the ground and rolled over and over. There wasn't much time to rejoice as the exos had cut the distance in half and were only a hundred yards away. "Go, go, go!" Torrin yelled as he pulled out his Sig and gave cover fire for Tiny and Jack as they ran into the companion tank, which had just realized their friends had been totaled a few hundred yards back. They opened fire on the exos as the 3 climbed into the tank quickly. The inside of the tank wasn't quite as advanced as their custom one, but there was a driver, who controlled an 85mm cannon and a minigun, and two flank gunners who had rapid fire anti-infantry explosives that doubled as anti-air. There were 3 more soldiers already inside the tank, making it a cramped ride- 9 people can't exactly fit into a tank. With a sigh and grumble Jack reloaded his sniper rifle and cleaned out the barrel. The tank was still standing still, firing off at the exos. Finally, it stopped. "All enemy units cleared!" yelled the front driver. Torrin asked, "Are there any combat medics on here? We have two assumed casualties in the other tank, but they could still be alive." One of the 6 soldiers, a cat, looked up. "Yeah, I've got some gear in the back."

~A minute or so later~

The medic had began with Geshein, inspecting the damage. "Hmph. No pulse, and the brain damage is too severe to do CPR. I'm afraid the lack of oxygen has killed him off beyond reanimation." He moved on to Kit-Sai. "...There's a pulse, but it's pretty weak. Her chances are slim since she's lost so much blood. Good possibility some of her organs are hemorrhaging, and we'll need field support but-" "Just do what you can." Torrin said cutting him off. The soldier nodded and called in for air support as he pulled of Kit-Sai from the barrel and started to clean the wound, as another soldier handed him bandages. Everyone had exited the tank, but they were all still within touching range of it, and the driver was still inside.

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Post by Lotus Wolf » Tue Nov 25, 2008 2:18 am

The crackle of fire, was everywhere, and Jack could feel the hair on him neck stand on end. "Flame, and no other sound..." He said. Torrin nodded. "its far to quiet." Tiny added. Then the air support that had been called for reached them, and the silence was broken. but Jack's hair was still on end. The small support chopper, fast and a small target, would carry Kit-Sai off the battlefield, that had once been a highway. "Should we go with her?" Torrin asked. "its not over yet." Jack said. Torrin nodded again. Jack took a phone from his pocket and placed it on the stretcher next to Kit-Sai. Jack checked his weapons as the support chopper took off, and headed east. Jack loaded a few rounds into a half empty clip, and plugged it back into his MP5K. He checked the infrared setting on his scoped weapons, the MP5, and 50 Cal, for it was getting dark, and he had a feeling the fighting was far from over.

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Post by Grayswandir » Tue Nov 25, 2008 3:55 pm

Touran carefully puts the scope back on his rifle and lights a cigarette and rests his chin on his palm, observing the battle from a distance.

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Post by Ragdollmaster » Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:53 pm

Night drew on and the temperature dropped. As one of the soldiers gave out a steamy breath, the white mist changed to red as a shot rang out and pierced his chest. He fell to the ground gurgling as everyone else took cover. "Eastbound, incoming exos and marksmen!!!" screamed one of the soldiers. Torrin hit the ground and turned on the thermal of his AR50 scope, looked through it, and saw a deep red moving mass. He counted... 10... 20... 30... 80 soldiers moving towards them. All armed with automatic rifles. "Oh God..." he whispered. "FALL BACK! FALL BACK! GET IN THE TANK, WAIT FOR AN AIRSTRIKE!" Jack screamed as he and Torrin fired at the few marksmen in the ranks of the exos. The Apache, which had landed, rose up and fired six missiles into the crowd, letting off rapid fire from the miniguns as the crew clambered into the tank. There was no end to the exos, and the Apache took off full speed alongside the tank. The transport Chinook returned, apparently at the request of the Apache, and lowered a winch that picked up the loaded tank. They traveled much faster in the air, and soon the fire of the exos dimmed down as they escaped. "Hell... so many of them... what's going on here..." Torrin muttered.

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Post by Lotus Wolf » Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:12 pm

"What do you make of that?" Jack asked. Torrin looked out the tiny bulletproof window. the exo's had parted, and there was a large vehicle moving forward. almost thrice the size of Jacks modified tank, it moved not on treads or wheels, but on large moving legs, about six of them. not much else could be seen at this distance, so Jack handed Torrin the scope from his 50 Cal. (much more powerful zoom capabilities than many other scopes). Now a large shape could be seen rising out of the top of the vehicle. Also now-visible was the hard scaling on the outsides of the vehicle. Other than that, they were still to far away to see very much. "What is it?" Jack asked. "Dunno, looks like its aiming a cannon though." Torrin said. "Faster!" Torrin yelled through the intercom to the pilot.

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Post by Ragdollmaster » Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:30 pm

"Good God..." Torrin muttered. "But it can't... it can't..." Jack looked him. "Don't you remember?" he asked the confused Jack. The dog thought for a second. "The Canadian Incident?" Torrin pushed on. Jack suddenly said, "Yes. A mysterious craft crashed in northern Canada, and was recovered by the US. They tried to reverse-engineer some of the technology and got so far before they realized they needed extraterrestrial materials to mass produce." Torrin took a hard look as the cannon charged up. "They believed this to be an anti-air unit and they tried replicating it, but couldn't find a support design strong enough for earth alloys. The original had only 4 legs and was a little more compact. It had very fast heat seeking missiles, twice as fast as SAMS, but that cannon looks just as deadly." he said, and climbed into the driver seat. The soldier who had been the designated pilot grunted, "What are you doing?" but Torrin was already rotating the cannon of the tank around. A large boom and some turbulence felt by the Chinook told everyone what he had intended to do. The shell impacted one of the legs, and it gave way as a cavity formed and the AA unit stumbled. The cannon fired almost immediately after, and it missed them by feet- a powerful laser, the type that burned through armored vehicles used by assault planes, flew by. It was an ESL- Electrically Stimulated Laser. If the burning laser wasn't enough, it was on a special light frequency that was able to carry electricity, the same way police Tasers carry electricity through wires- minus the wires. The cannon started to charge again and Torrin fired off another shell, hitting the body of the AA Spider. It stumbled again as it fired off another laser pulse, which went flying off and almost hitting the Apache. "Dangerous territory... we need out!"

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Post by Lotus Wolf » Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:33 am

(You know your stuff, man, that was EXACTLY what i had in mind)

Jack looked around. "Torrin!? Would this tank survive a direct drop?" He asked. "Could be, we would have to swoop low." Torrin called back, still firing at the AA insectiod. "We better try it! those blasts are getting to close!" Jack yelled as a blast came by missing only be a matter of feet. Torrin relayed this to the pilot over the intercom, and they felt the Chinook begin to dip down, towards what was now dense jungle/forest. When they were at just 500 feet above the trees jack yelled, "Hold on to something!" and Torrin disengaged the tank from the Chinook, which began rapidly flying away, trying to get out of range. Jack felt his stomach turn over a couple times as they fell. Then as he felt branches begin to snap around them, he clenched his teeth, and felt the tank hit ground...
~-minutes later-~
Jack stood outside the tank, with Torrin, and 5 of the 6 soldiers. one had lost his hold and been crushed by his own weight as it was thrown to the floor during the impact. "Treads wouldn't last if we tried to move it." Torrin said. "We wouldn't get very far with it anyway, the forest is too thick." Jack said. "Sir's, the Apache has called in, asking for status, and new directives." A soldier holding a radio reported. "Status: One casualty, 7 remaining. New Directives: Provide air support if enemy advances, otherwise, rendezvouses at east-most edge of forest." Torrin said.

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Post by Ragdollmaster » Wed Nov 26, 2008 9:55 am

The 5 soldiers were all armed with G36 rifles, advanced enough to penetrate the Exo armor. "Let's move!" one of them, the pilot who was lead of the squad, said as he gave directions to his troops on how to move through the jungle. The trees were all close together, providing some dense air cover. The 7 moved in a semi-circle formation, about 5 yards away from each other. The lead held up his fist and everyone crouched suddenly. "This is dangerous territory," he radioed in, "controlled by Black OPS. If the government is against us, we have to assume the Black OPS are too." They moved now in the crouch, advancing forward slowly. The exos would have to move a bit slower to thoroughly search every nook and cranny of the jungle to find the group. Suddenly Torrin stopped. He pointed his Sig at a bush and slowly advanced towards it, the others waiting up and ready to fire. It shook and a rabbit tumbled out. "Freeze," Jack said, putting his MP5 rifle to the head of the rabbit who was armed with a small Colt. "Who do you work for?" Torrin asked, putting his Sig against the chest of the rabbit and kicking the gun out of his hand. "No one..." the rabbit said in a voice just barely above a whisper. His arm suddenly moved towards a knife strapped on his arm, but before Torrin or Jack could shoot, he had stabbed himself in the heart. "...Mind games, you think?" Torrin asked as the rabbit fell on the ground. Jack nodded. "It's not unlike the Black OPS style. We've gotta keep moving, but let's change direction just a bit."

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Post by Grayswandir » Wed Nov 26, 2008 11:24 pm

Touran jumped from the rock and followed the group while staying along the ridge, and then slowly dropping into the forest.

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Post by Lotus Wolf » Thu Nov 27, 2008 1:37 am

Jack held his MP5 up as a sound echoed from the woods to their left. the sound had been little more than a yelp, stifled at that, and had not alerted the soldiers. Torrin however had heard it as well. Jack held up a hand, and the soldiers paused waiting where they were. Jack and Torrin spread about 25 feet apart and began moving in the direction of the noise. when they had gone about 50 yards, the sound repeated but behind them, toward the soldiers. Jack nodded to Torrin, and they began moving back, silently as possible. when they had walked back 30 yards, the sound repeated again, but from directly behind them again. Jack and Torrin turned, and aimed where the sound had been. a wolf ran out, running through the gap between them, and Jack and Torrin began firing. the wolf made it through, and when it passed directly between them, The firing stopped for a moment, then continued. this was to avoid firing directly at each other, which was precisely the effect the runner was supposed to accomplish. fortunately, Jack and Torrin had encountered the tactic before, and soon had shot the runner down.

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