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Re: randomness

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 4:25 pm
by adwuga
If you ever want to convince someone to watch my little pony, show them that. It almost turned me.

Re: randomness

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 9:22 pm
by Ragdollmaster

Jesus fucking CHRIST that looks beautiful

Fox Engine seems to be worthy of the hype Kojima stirred up for it, assuming that's all real-time- which I would not put past Konami considering that MGS4, which is now over 4 years old, did all of its cutscenes in the in-game engine and still managed to look stunning.

Re: randomness

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:07 am
by Korban3
Yus, just saw it after Sophie's tweet.
I cannot relate how fantastic that game looks in words. It simply will not come through properly. I was amazed when the game went form the scene of Snake crawling up and it went straight to gameplay. I really didn't expect that and it's fantastic that the game's cutscenes are engine rendered in real time. I'm going to leave all of the praise at "That game looks fucking amazing" and call it a nuff said moment.
And, thankfully, MGS has fun gameplay and won't suck on that front either! Hooray!

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:19 am
by Zhukov
This is your resident killjoy reporting for duty.


11min video.

9:30min of cutscene.

Less than 1 minute of gameplay.

Roll credits.

Oh yeah, this is a real MGS game.

Re: randomness

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:23 am
by SteelRaven7
Now imagine what it'd look like if the game wasn't running on 6 year old hardware ;).

Re: randomness

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 10:58 am
by adwuga
I'm guessing you aren't a fan of consoles? Me neither.

Re: randomness

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:06 am
by Ragdollmaster
Well Zhukov, it is sort of the first "reveal," if you will, so it's not centered around the actual gameplay but rather just a vague idea of what the game might be about, like the first Skyrim reveal trailer that everyone hated ("IT'S JUST A FUCKING OLD GUY TALKING ABOUT DRAGONS RAWRAWRAW")

Although I do agree in that they probably won't be changing their formula of 50:50 ratio of cutscenes and gameplay.
SteelRaven7 wrote:Now imagine what it'd look like if the game wasn't running on 6 year old hardware ;).
It's actually pretty impressive that they can squeeze such amazing performance out of something so old. I don't think they can go much beyond this, though, but that is why Konami are already looking to future hardware for their needs- they've essentially confirmed that at some point in time, MGS5 will be a thing, so it'll likely be an early title on the next generation of gaming systems.

EDIT: Oh, for those desiring some gameplay, I found a (poor quality) recording from the live demonstration and it shows roughly 4 minutes of play.

Re: randomness

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 10:05 pm
by underthedeep

Re: randomness

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 12:42 am
by Jacktheawesome
We missed you, man.

Re: randomness

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:34 pm
by Ragdollmaster
New gameplay of The Last of Us. It seems really similar to the first demonstration since it's in the same level, but there's a pretty clear deviation starting around 6:15. ... quality=hd

I'm loving a lot of what's being shown. The AI seems really solid, atmosphere is fantastic, and I think there's great chemistry between the two protagonists. Showcases even more of the ever brutal melee combat.

Re: randomness

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 2:46 am
by Korban3
Last of Us is the first game since Receiver and Overgrowth that's really gotten me excited and freaking out. It just builds so much suspense. It's looking fantastic so far.
One thing I loved is that all of the things the player did in the first gameplay video, like taking the enemy hostage, dodging through windows to maneuver, making the molotov and all was reversed. The AI and player are on rather equal levels.
A lot of that is what I'd love in OG. Being taken hostage and having to escape or having the enemy make moves that you can. It just gave it such a scary feel, especially when he was being held up for the guy to shoot and then reversed the entire thing.
And the brick beat down. Just yes.

Re: randomness

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 5:52 am
by Ragdollmaster
ITT Rag kills a manticore

Stunning 480p

My gear's improved quite a bit at the urging of my new guild- it surprisingly took only about 3 weeks to nearly double my health and increase my defense, attack, and critical rate significantly. The irony in that being that we've had this level cap since late December and I'd spent months assuming that getting decent equipment would take too long :lol:

Also recently had the "T4" patch, as it's called, which changed the skill system and changed the damage of a lot of skills as well. Not *quite* used to it- overall I'm a lot stronger just because of that, but certain skills I used to use a lot are now garbage and other skills that I'm not used to frequently using are absolutely great.

Re: randomness

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 7:35 am
by Endoperez
Korban, you're going to like this.

Other's aren't interested in ponies.

In another forum, there's this random thread about what happens if Genghis Khan's armies accidentally invade Equestria.

A few replies later...

Enter the national emblem of Mongolia.

The wind horse is an allegory for the human soul in the shamanistic tradition of Central Asia. In Tibetan Buddhism, it was included as the pivotal element in the center of the four animals (mystical eagle, dragon, tiger, snow lion) symbolizing the cardinal directions and a symbol of the idea of well-being or good fortune.

In a different context, the wind horse is typically shown without wings, but carries the Three Jewels, or the wish fulfilling jewel. Its appearance is supposed to bring peace, wealth, and harmony. The ritual invocation of the wind horse usually happens in the morning and during the growing moon.
Why does it fit so well?!

Re: randomness

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 3:11 pm
by Ragdollmaster

Oh god lol

Re: randomness

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 9:34 pm
by Korban3
Endoperez wrote: Stuff that cannot be coincedence
I love the two edits the poster made:

Logical conclusion:
Sorry guys, no versus. As soon as the army sees talking flying ponies, they'll all get off their steeds and start praying.

Edit: In fact I'm ready to start thinking that the OP's situation actually happened.
Edit 2: Be proud, guys. The Golden Horde were also bronies.

That's fantastic. I love history.