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A Blackshades Story

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 10:41 pm
by Kalexon
Are you ready childen? Then we'll begin.
Spot walks out the door, Spot waves, hi spot, hi.
Oh, I'm sorry, wrong book.

A man wearing nothing but black and a pair of sunglasses enters a bank, just as a robber pulls out a Handgun and starts getting people to move into one corner. As the robber shouts to the bank teller to empty the safe the man in black pulls out a military class Magnum with unbelieveble speed and fires once all in the space of less then two seconds, though it felt like an age for him. The robber falls, dead before he hits the ground.

As the man walks out of the bank one of the patrons asks "Who are you?"

"Some call me... Tim"

Okay, there's the beggining of a hopefully humorous tale. More to come, and I will be making references in it to Monty Pythons Flying Circus! and other comedys.