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Drunken Gaming

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 1:12 am
by Freshbite
Lately, I've been doing a lot (a LOT) of drunken gaming. A friend and I tend to challenge each other in which of us gets the most kills in our matches of League of Legends. Usually, he dominantly wins.

He seem to love the opportunity to drink me under the table, and I can understand why. Personally, when it comes to League of Legends, I actually play BETTER than I would have if I were sober. Drunken me takes more risks, is severely more reckless and doesn't hesitate at all to start team fights (even if the odds are in the opposite team's favor). Sober me is somewhat of a coward, who doesn't take unnecessary risks and for the most part plays it safe. The less deaths the better.

The thing is, I've come to notice that the risks I take whilst being drunk are not nearly as many failures as they are successes. I have learned that, for the most part, I am WAY to cowardice in my sober self. Therefor, besides the slow responses and the fact that I'm somewhat unwary on occasion, I often play much better than I would if I were sober (How many times have I repeated that now?).

What's your experience of playing whilst being drunk? Do you play better, or worse? Let me know, I'm actually quite interested in hearing your responses. :]

And yes, I am actually very, very drunk at this time of writing...

Re: Drunken Gaming

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 2:59 am
by ShinyGem
Never drank and gamed, but, I picture something along the lines of this:

FPSs seems to be the most lulsy.

Re: Drunken Gaming

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 12:59 pm
by leDoOd
Is this a safe environment for secrets? I've had interesting gaming sessions with alcohol similar to your experiences, but I've also found after the initial manly-man rushes and ballsy pushes I become sloppy and unable to think of new strategies... and then pissy as hell when the alcohol makes me angry-drunk. :|

Certain other mood-altering substances, however, dramatically enhance my flow of strategy for their duration, improving my "game sense" awareness and making my "twitch" aiming reflexes significantly more accurate, especially when playing FPSs like TF2, Battlefield 3/BC2, and CS:S. I take my super-soldier skills very seriously, of course. :mrgreen:

TL;DR YMMV, but the best 10 rounds of TF2 I've played was when I was super high on shrooms.

Re: Drunken Gaming

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 5:03 pm
by Assaultman67
Games are a lot better when everyone is fucking around and not taking it seriously. When people take it seriously, the game is just ... tedious. :?
ShinyGem wrote:...
"Who's the NCO?!?"

"I am"

"I am too!"

"Who's the more superior NCO?"

*everyone looks around, while one guy fixes his bayonet*

*more looking around*

*stab stab*

"oh well I guess he is the NCO."
I fucking lost it.

Edit: Downloading now.

Re: Drunken Gaming

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 5:48 pm
by kehaar
It works great in real life, too! Driving drunk is awesome fun, like playing driving games drunk.

Ok, just kidding. I been drinkin' a cider or two right now. woot!!

Re: Drunken Gaming

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:09 pm
by underthedeep
this thread has me written all over it.

i'm sure all of you are aware that i am an alcoholic, so drunken gaming is a large part of my gaming life. to me it makes gaming with friends much more enjoyable, be it over the internet or splitscreen. alcohol loosens me up and i feel like i "flow" more after a few drinks. some of my best gaming moments have been under the influence. i have such fond memories of beating games on co-op with buddies splitting a 12 pack... or a 30pack sometimes. i will openly admit though that this is only the case when my motorskills are still intact. once i am completely smashed i tend to get a bit sloppy, therefor sucky.

which then brings me to the topic of stoned gaming, that my friends is a completely different story.

i bet my lack of capitalization gets annoying after a while.

Re: Drunken Gaming

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:11 pm
by zoidberg rules
Ahh, I'm suddenly reminded of drunk driving in GTA IV, that shit was crazy!

EDIT: Reminded of that by Keehar's post, you done scooped me UTD!

Re: Drunken Gaming

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:16 pm
by underthedeep
zoidberg rules wrote:Ahh, I'm suddenly reminded of drunk driving in GTA IV, that shit was crazy!

EDIT: Reminded of that by Keehar's post, you done scooped me UTD!
drunk driving with a hooker in the car, crashing into everything until your car lights on fire, exiting the vehicle to see the hooker jumping out on fire rolling on the floor.

now thats just hilarious.

Re: Drunken Gaming

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:25 pm
by Assaultman67
underthedeep wrote:
zoidberg rules wrote:Ahh, I'm suddenly reminded of drunk driving in GTA IV, that shit was crazy!

EDIT: Reminded of that by Keehar's post, you done scooped me UTD!
drunk driving with a hooker in the car, crashing into everything until your car lights on fire, exiting the vehicle to see the hooker jumping out on fire rolling on the floor.

now thats just hilarious.
It also disinfects the hooker! two birds with one stone!

Re: Drunken Gaming

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:38 pm
by zoidberg rules
That right there is how Niko Bellic gets rid of evidence! :lol:

Re: Drunken Gaming

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:46 pm
by Glabbit
Me and my best pal ain't drinkers, but we do notice we're hitting the walls less when playing WipeOut HD after a bottle of ginger beer each.

Also at the swordfighting club I'm told that often people fight better after a drink (although not too many) because they quite simply think simpler and cut off some thinking time, meaning faster, more straightforward hits.
Of course, being *drunk* has quite the adverse effect, as you may imagine.

Re: Drunken Gaming

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:50 pm
by zoidberg rules
Nah I ain't a huge drinker either, couple of beers plus Batman challenge maps equals fun though! :lol:

Re: Drunken Gaming

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:57 pm
by Jacktheawesome
That game is PC only right now. :cry:

Re: Drunken Gaming

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 2:10 pm
by zoidberg rules
Arkham City? Where do you live?

Re: Drunken Gaming

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:59 pm
by Jacktheawesome
Oh no, I meant Resistance and Liberation. The one in the video.