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Re: Humble THQ bundle

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:29 pm
by jbaskin
I am disappointed quite a bit at the tone of the bundle as a whole. At least a few of the games are not steamworks (like metro or the company of heroes games) and so would not have had to have much, if any effort to make DRM free. Another thing I dont see anyone mentioning, although I find important, is the fact that unlike very other bundle, the music cannot be downloaded via torrent. I think its shows a tonal shift as opposed to just the impracticality of porting games/making them DRM free.

Re: Humble THQ bundle

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:00 pm
by Korban3
I'm so with Jesse on this one. I honestly am amazed at how many people are bitching about this.

Sick kids are being helped. Yay!

THQ, who is going under, is buying a little extra time. Unlike what the popular negative view seems to be, this isn't more time spent as an evil publisher stealing souls with their DRM. This is more time that each and every one of their employees has some semblance of financial security before they loose their livelihood. Maybe it's a few extra weeks of bread on their family's table or a roof squarely ensured over their head. Being a game development employee isn't exactly a glorious thing.

John has clearly stated that they arenot abandoning Linux, DRM free or other facets of the HIB, this was just a bonus.

Humble Bundle Inc. is still getting funds as well. Good thing, otherwise there'd be no more Indie Bundles at all.

EDIT: All of this negative whining actually makes me kind of sick to my stomach.

Re: Humble THQ bundle

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:26 am
by Freshbite
Seriously, what's all this bitching about? tl;dr

Re: Humble THQ bundle

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:09 pm
by Spinnacre
Both myself and many of my friends, some who haven't been interested in any humble bundles before, are loving this. A thing I would like to point out is that they'll probably be interested in the next bundle, so arguably this bundle is bringing in a wider audience to the indie community. I can only see that as being a good thing.
Thanks for the games.

Re: Humble THQ bundle

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:24 pm
by underthedeep
Freshbite wrote:Seriously, what's all this bitching about? tl;dr
Korban3 wrote:I'm so with Jesse on this one. I honestly am amazed at how many people are bitching about this.
yep, lets get outta here fellas.

Re: Humble THQ bundle

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:23 pm
by Glabbit
Word at that

Re: Humble THQ bundle

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 5:54 pm
by adwuga
I'm gay.

Re: Humble THQ bundle

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:41 pm
by Grayswandir

Re: Humble THQ bundle

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:39 pm
by Zantalos
Judging by the comments on reddit, the general consensus is that people are really happy to get all these AAA games for 5 dollars and are actually really upset about news sites that are bashing the bundle just for not being indie.

I'm really glad that David, Jeff, and John posted their reasoning for releasing this AAA bundle to the people who are upset about this. The points are solid, there's really nothing you can do about the cons. You can't port them, and you can't take out their steam integration. It's still an amazing pay what you want deal. I am incredibly surprised THQ went along with this and I hope it does well.

Re: Humble THQ bundle

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:57 pm
by adwuga
It's doing 3.6 Million well so far. For the first time, all of my friends are talking about a humble bundle(rather than just me). I'd say it's doing well.

Re: Humble THQ bundle

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 1:15 am
by Korban3
Grayswandir wrote:Image
Oh my god, it's so perfect.

Re: Humble THQ bundle

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 9:25 am
by Hibbe
But everyone praises Doublefine for making money of something they would have done without being payed either way? wat!

Doublefine has made console games.
Psychonauts was even an AAA title.

The only difference between Jason Rubin and Tim Schafer is that Tim's bumper sticker say, "I make indie games"
(Jokes aside)

How can you complain about massive games practically being given away to you.

How can you say that Humble Bundle will become a DRM-EVIL-CORP marketing platform?
Really, what other AAA developers want to sell their games for $1?(or even less really)

THQ isn't UBISOFT or EA and all of you have happily accepted the steam keys previously.

Re: Humble THQ bundle

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:20 am
by SirPrimalform
Hibbe wrote:But everyone praises Doublefine for making money of something they would have done without being payed either way? wat!
Most of the criticisms I've seen aren't to do with THQ not being indie, they're to do with the lack of DRM-free and/or the lack of cross platform versions. Also, some criticisms were from Germans screwed over by the regionalisation of Saints Row 3 keys.

Double Fine are at least putting their prototypes up DRM-free, but they're not crossplatform so yes it is hypocritical for people not to criticise them a bit. There is a point though, that the Amnesia Fortnight is not a Humble Bundle. It's not the Humble Amnesia Bundle, or even the Humble Amnesia Fortnight. It's just the Amnesia Fortnight.

Still, my only criticism of this is not that the THQ games aren't DRM-free, but that Humble Bundle's DRM-free/cross platform stance has weakened and may reduce the chances of them convincing future developers to go DRM-free ("But THQ just included Steam keys, I want to do that too!").

Re: Humble THQ bundle

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 8:23 am
by Kristian
SirPrimalform wrote:
Hibbe wrote:But everyone praises Doublefine for making money of something they would have done without being payed either way? wat!
Most of the criticisms I've seen aren't to do with THQ not being indie, they're to do with the lack of DRM-free and/or the lack of cross platform versions. Also, some criticisms were from Germans screwed over by the regionalisation of Saints Row 3 keys.

Double Fine are at least putting their prototypes up DRM-free, but they're not crossplatform so yes it is hypocritical for people not to criticise them a bit. There is a point though, that the Amnesia Fortnight is not a Humble Bundle. It's not the Humble Amnesia Bundle, or even the Humble Amnesia Fortnight. It's just the Amnesia Fortnight.

Still, my only criticism of this is not that the THQ games aren't DRM-free, but that Humble Bundle's DRM-free/cross platform stance has weakened and may reduce the chances of them convincing future developers to go DRM-free ("But THQ just included Steam keys, I want to do that too!").
Exactly and the same of course applies for cross platform gaming: "But THQ just had a Windows version, I want to do that too!" and when developers say that Humble Bundle Inc will be completely disarmed they won't have any response. Also the huge success of this bundle all but guarantees future Windows only bundles, so even if Humble Bundle Inc will say they require DRM free, cross-platform games for their so called "Indie" bundles, the developers will just wait for the next Windows only, Steam only bundle. Something that was not possible until Humble Bundle did this. So in the long run we will get fewer DRM free, cross-platform games than we would have gotten otherwise.

Re: Humble THQ bundle

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 2:15 pm
by underthedeep
or how about you let go of all this negativity and think that you may be getting DRM Free Cross-Platform content AAAAAND Windows only steam keys?

glass half full type of guy over here.