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So! Cortex Command!

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 7:52 pm
by Pengwertle

*Sigh* Whenever I bring up Cortex command, I feel like I'm awkwardly trying to provoke discussion about an obscure religion in order to convert particularly vehement atheists.

Anyway, I enjoy it, in spite of its quirks, and perhaps even because of them. While some might be frustrated when an engine gets sniped off of one of their drop ships, causing it to spiral into another one, which promptly explodes, killing everyone in both craft and sending a dismembered cargo bay door careening towards your command unit, I find it utterly hilarious.

Re: So! Cortex Command!

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 8:22 pm
by tannim
if it had actual internet multiplayer, I'd give it more of a shot. Local only is "Yeah... no thanks."

I never managed to even finish the tutorial before getting annoyed at it the few times I tried it. Such terrible controls.

Re: So! Cortex Command!

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 8:48 pm
by Pengwertle
The controls really are difficult and frustrating when you start out; arguing against that would be both untruthful and pointless. Later, however, the controls come as naturally to players as do the controls for any other game.

The internet play, however, is a different story entirely. The physics engine of the game is beyond intricate: it literally simulates each and every pixel as an individual physics object. For example, a soldier carrying heavy weaponry will affect different terrain in different ways- he might sink into snow, making him unusable on arctic levels, and will crush grass and pack dirt where he steps. None of this is even considering bullet mechanics, let alone AI (which is quite competent, if a bit derpy). You can see how this would be very hard to sync properly over the internet with the type of speed Cortex Command is played at.

Re: So! Cortex Command!

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 6:28 pm
by adwuga
I didn't even realize the controls were hard. I guess I'm just too used to them. But the game is pretty awesome, though I wouldn't go as far as calling the AI competent. My main problem with the game is that it's just too easy. There are some very difficult and fun missions out there, but there is nothing like the meta-game that is actually challenging. I've tried unmapped lands, it is harder than the meta-game, but it still ends up being too easy.

Re: So! Cortex Command!

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 7:50 pm
by Ragdollmaster
Cortex Command is a fun game. Not a good game, but a fun game.

Re: So! Cortex Command!

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 8:25 pm
by adwuga
Yeah, that just about sums it up. It's rather poorly made, the mods are the only reason anyone plays it, but the engine is so fun to play with. The way ships crash and people die are rather hilarious.

Re: So! Cortex Command!

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 9:40 am
by Pengwertle
I really don't understand why people say, "It's not a good game, but its fun." How do you judge the "goodness" of a game if not by fun? I understand if you mean its sloppily made; however, I would be lying horribly if I said I haven't gotten my twenty dollar's worth out of it.

Another thing I don't understand: people saying things like, "Mods shouldn't fix problems with a game," and the like. It really isn't up to any one individual to say what mods should and shouldn't do, as if it's breaking The Universal Rules Of Modding or something. Modding should be (and is for me) a legitimate selling point.