Need Help Installing a Video Card

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Need Help Installing a Video Card

Post by Zantalos » Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:42 pm

I'm having some trouble putting in a video card. I've never done it before, so I'm a little confused.

Here's what happened. I put in the video card, attached it to the motherboard, but then when I turned on the computer it started making a really loud ringing sound, I don't even know if it was coming from the speakers. So I turned off the computer, got the video card out, turned the computer back on and it said the whole, windows had quit unexpectedly due to some new hardware or software stuff, you can reboot normal or in safe mode, but it was fine.

Has anyone else encountered this ringing noise? Should I just allow this ringing noise to continue and turn the computer back on, or is this a really bad thing I shouldn't ignore?

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Post by David » Fri Aug 24, 2007 11:36 pm

The motherboard usually has its own speaker that can play various beeps (or just one long beep), so it could be an error code from that. It is also possible that one of the wires in the computer is brushing up against a fan, or there is some kind of obstruction in the video card fan. I am not sure if any of those would create a sound that could be described as 'ringing' however.

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Post by Zantalos » Sat Aug 25, 2007 12:38 am

Yes it must be coming from the speaker on the motherboard because it was like an electronic ringing sound from the computer tower itself.

Now, how bad could this error code be to cause a beep like that.

If this video card is totally busted or if it's just not compatible for some reason, if I just install it and allow this long ringing noise to continue will my motherboard get totally jacked or something? Is that even possible? Maybe I just somehow put the video card in funny and it didn't like that, but would it really ring like that? I really don't want to do something dumb to break my computer, but, it's basically useless with only Intel's built in graphic accelerator.

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Post by wormguy » Sat Aug 25, 2007 12:02 pm

Try taking out the card and putting it back in again. That sound could just mean you plugged it in wrong. If the sound continues, you could check if the fan is spinning. If THAT doesn't work, try putting it in a buddy's machine to see if it's the card or your computer.

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Post by rudel_ic » Sat Aug 25, 2007 7:17 pm

<lurking-mode off>

First of all, audible motherboard error codes should be explained in your motherboard manual. If you don't have one for whatever reason, search for your motherboard manual on the internet and look up the error you're hearing.
Yes, it could be a really bad thing you shouldn't ignore. So do all you can to find out what kind of error you have.

The codes are generated as programmed in the BIOS chip. So, if you've got a common BIOS, like the Phoenix *snicker*, you may find your code here.

Now... You should have a support number for what you bought, or some URL. Please call your support or go to the manufacturer's website. You want to check out the support for your motherboard first, then the support for your graphics card. The beepcode is essential for analyzing your problem.

If you're an inexperienced hardware fiddler, chances are that you could break stuff because people in this forum here told you to do stuff you shouldn't do. If your support gives you false instructions, they will definitely pay.

If you have no free support anymore, there are still forums out there that handle such things on a daily basis. Try Google.

Good night, and good luck.

Edit: This site seems to cover more BIOSses: (on the upper right, there's a menu for beep codes by manufacturer).

<lurking-mode on>

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Post by Zantalos » Mon Aug 27, 2007 2:54 pm

Thanks guys for the feed back. The problem:

1.) I didn't realize that the PNY Geforce 8800 GTS 320 MB needed a 6 pin power supply to be plugged in
2.) The ringing noise was probably from that mother board telling me that I needed to plug in the 6 pin power supply
3). I bought my graphics card off of ebay and it didn't come with any manual, or box, or anything
4.) my power supply is 4 pin not 6 pin

Well I bought a new 4 to 6 pin converter off of ebay as well, where shipping and handling is nearly double the cost of the item so... hopefully all I have to do is plug in this 6 pin and it will be fine.

Why the hell did I buy the converter off of ebay?

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Post by wormguy » Mon Aug 27, 2007 2:56 pm

Yeah, that should do it. You should have specified that it was such a beastly card...those usually eat up power.

...That's one beastly video card.

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Post by leDoOd » Mon Aug 27, 2007 8:58 pm

How many watts is your power supply? If it doesn't even have 6-pins, you might need to upgrade.

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Post by wormguy » Mon Aug 27, 2007 9:03 pm

leDoOd wrote:How many watts is your power supply? If it doesn't even have 6-pins, you might need to upgrade.
This man speaks the truth. You may be better off getting a new PSU than buying an adapter.

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Post by Zantalos » Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:38 pm

I really don't want to get a new 6 pin one because they're so expensive, but this power supply just barely meets the minimum requirements of 400w so I might just have to. However, I did purchase a new PoWork 600w power supply but it got totally jacked in the shipping (like, dented), so I'm not sure it will even work.

For reference here are my specs, I went nuts and bought everything off of ebay

Intel custom computer #6

PoWork 600w

Sun 21 inch CRT flat screen monitor

PNY GeForce 8800 GTS 320mb

4 to 6 pin adapter

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Post by Zantalos » Wed Aug 29, 2007 2:00 am


I put that new power supply in and it works, I did it correctly! Took me forever to take out all those plugs (especially the 20 pin one that plugs into the mother board, what a bitch), and I got a little confused putting all the plugs back in but.. oh man, it works.. it works.

AS you can see I'm a little proud of myself because as I was pulling out wires I somehow managed to yank the power chord from the hard drive completely out and when it got time to plugging everything back together, I had no idea what this chord was for and so I left it out. When I started up the computer it had no hard drive and started freaking out and asking for some kind of setup so I took apart the computer again, found out where to put that plug in to the hard drive and got everything back to work again.

Oh yea, I did that.

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