Cursor not registering movement when clicking

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Cursor not registering movement when clicking

Post by BunnyWithStick » Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:52 am

I don't know if this is just the new MacBook trackpad or if other mice and/or trackpads or even the system software cause this, but if I click while moving the mouse (read: moving finger on trackpad) the cursor slows down drastically and even stops for a moment if I'm moving the mouse slow enough. This is not normally a problem, but if I'm playing an FPS and I'm using a semi-automatic weapon it effectively freezes my mouse in place for the duration of my clicking. This is somewhat obviously a big issue unless I'm shooting a ten foot tall concrete pillar.

I was wondering if anyone around here knows if it is possible to and/or how to turn this rather frustrating feature off. A quick google has failed to provide answers and I very much doubt another attempt will help.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.

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Re: Cursor not registering movement when clicking

Post by Untadaike » Fri May 01, 2009 1:19 am

Hmmm, I have a MacBook but have never experienced that. What happens with me is while playing a FPS or something, the mouse randomly thinks I've held down the "fire" button and my gun strafes the wall automatically for no reason, wasting ammo.
But no, sorry, not much help to you, I'm afraid.:(

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Re: Cursor not registering movement when clicking

Post by Johannes » Fri May 01, 2009 2:00 am

Hmm, I always use the trackpad and have yet to have issues with it.
BWS, Other than making sure you have the most recently updated touchpad firmware I don't really know what else you could do :( I have never had this issue.
Untadaike, make sure you have tap clicking turned off when playing FPSs

I -have- had a bit if issues with the touchpad of my mac when running Windows for games like left4dead or TF2, but that was largely fixed with the recent software update. A good way to fix it is to set shooting to. It might be worth a try, and you'll get used to it pretty quickly.

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Re: Cursor not registering movement when clicking

Post by BunnyWithStick » Sun May 03, 2009 8:27 pm

I play on pretty high sensitivity (plus my system mouse sensitivity is at max) so I end up moving my finger quite slowly when tracking targets. A good test to see if your trackpad does this as well is to move your finger as slowly as you can on the trackpad while still moving the cursor (doesn't need to be in-game) and then start repeatedly clicking while still moving your finger on the trackpad. (using fingers on separate hands for clicking and moving if you find it hard to keep a consistent mouse movement while your thumb is clicking repeatedly)

If the mouse cursor slows down noticeably or stops altogether while clicking, your trackpad has the same "feature". I think it's probably intentional to improve click accuracy, but it's terrible for semi-auto weapons in FPS games.

I am running the latest trackpad firmware.

Not sure if setting shooting to. will help, though. :P

If you meant to say "a keyboard button like F", then maybe I should try that. The trackpad doesn't register clicks sometimes. A temporary fix is to fiddle with the screw underneath the trackpad by removing the battery and working some screwdriver magic on the innards of the MacBook, but it gets worse over time. Not irreversibly worse (although the lower left corner seems to go down a lot further upon click than the rest of the trackpad and won't register clicks anywhere near as reliably as anywhere else on the trackpad, probably as a result of fiddling with the screw and cleaning out the underside of the trackpad with bits of paper and stuff) but it does get very frustrating at times.

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Re: Cursor not registering movement when clicking

Post by Johannes » Sun May 03, 2009 10:07 pm

Gagh, yeah, I meant to say 'set shooting to X' My bad. :?
I normally have default right click options like alt shoot or whatever set to C as well.

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Re: Cursor not registering movement when clicking

Post by BunnyWithStick » Wed May 06, 2009 9:31 pm

Eww, how do you manage that? :P

Mine's usually set to E or sometimes F. Much easier to push than X or C which are usually related to other things like zooming.

Well, anyway, F works well as an alternative to clicking for those moments when I need to mash buttons for knife and pistol use or the occasional assault rifle long range shot which involves precise movement of the mouse hard to achieve when using the mouse button. Thanks. Why didn't I think of that, anyway? :P

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Re: Cursor not registering movement when clicking

Post by Johannes » Thu May 07, 2009 2:44 am

Great. I personally couldn't use F for something as frequently used as shooting.
It would mean you can never strafe right when shooting unless you do some fancy double press or contort your hand. Nah, X and C are perfect in range of the thumb, and zoom is better suited for F since you press it far less than the shoot button.
but you're welcome, I'm glad this helps you =)

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