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God damn you, procrastination!

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 5:02 am
by Renegade_Turner
3 hours until a deadline, 1700 words to go until the deadline, and I've been awake for 23 hours. Stupid 4000 words projects. Procrastination is the devil and it's dressed in the form of Liz Hurley.

Edit: I just overheard a girl in the same computer room as me ask another girl at the computer beside her "How do you spell "angel", is it "e-l" or "l-e"?"

God fucking damn I feel more stupid than I did 5 minutes ago.

Re: God damn you, procrastination!

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 6:34 am
by TadMod
Just Write Bullshit. It's my motto. I've managed to get through High School and Uni so far with no less than a 'B'. They usually aren't looking at content but rather structure and style, so as long as the information is relevent and well presented, you'll get the marks.

Good Luck.

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 7:07 am
by Zhukov
Been there, done that.

Well, maybe not quite that extreme. I usually get them done on the night before. Although there was that one time where I went three nights in a row without sleep because I had two research assignments due on the same day.

When it comes to making word count, my motto is Use Examples. A thoroughly explained example is good for at least 450 words. Not that it matters, since by the time you read this you will either have handed the sucker in or missed the deadline.

Oh, and on a tangentially related note, on another forum I used to frequent there was a fellow with the username 'Angle of Death'. True story.


Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 9:20 am
by Dudeman
Zhukov wrote: Oh, and on a tangentially related note, on another forum I used to frequent there was a fellow with the username 'Angle of Death'. True story.
What kind of angle was he? A 90 degree Angle of Death might be kinda scary. Like, a really steep cliff that was notorious for having people walk off it .

Re: God damn you, procrastination!

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 9:44 am
by zoidberg rules
i am a fallen angle!

also, am i the only one who thought it counter productive that you came on here to complain that you had an incomplete project due in the next day, instead of actually doing it?

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:56 am
by Zhukov
zoidberg rules wrote:also, am i the only one who thought it counter productive that you came on here to complain that you had an incomplete project due in the next day, instead of actually doing it?
That was kind of the point, no?

He was procrastinating by bemoaning his own tendency to procrastinate.

See? Irony. Or something like that.

Re: God damn you, procrastination!

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 11:02 am
by Renegade_Turner
zoidberg rules wrote:i am a fallen angle!

also, am i the only one who thought it counter productive that you came on here to complain that you had an incomplete project due in the next day, instead of actually doing it?
Yes, you're the only one. If only the rest of the people who read the topic or, say, the actual creator of the topic itself had actually realised, or even intended that. Glad we all have you here to help us walk those last few babysteps into all those mind-fuckingly-obvious points.
Zhukov wrote:When it comes to making word count, my motto is Use Examples. A thoroughly explained example is good for at least 450 words. Not that it matters, since by the time you read this you will either have handed the sucker in or missed the deadline.
Handed in that bad boy. 3026 words, finished 10 minutes before the deadline. Celebrated at Subway with a foot-long Italian herb and cheese crust salami pepperoni ham spicy cheese pickle sweetcorn cucumber lettuce sweet onion sauced toasted, also with a bag of cheese doritos and a cup of Coke-Fanta-Diet-Coke-Sprite...-er.

And then we went over to the pub for a pint to really celebrate. Met some dude sitting outside there wearing shades and a rastafarian hat (not "rastafarian hate" like I spelled it the first time; I'd love to know what rastafarian hate is because it sounds cool), and another guy who he kept calling a hippy. Fun day except for the sleep deprivation and the project.

Re: God damn you, procrastination!

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 11:31 am
by Assaultman67
Depending on the projects you are doing, you can either procrastinate really badly or you have to get started right away ...

Ive got two group papers due "dead week" which is next week

One about a crazy assed lorenz equation, (which really sucks ... i think we have to write like 20 or so pages on it and actually bind it, not staple, not put in a three ring binder, but actually go down to the print shop and get it binded ...

The problem is there really isn't much to talk about for this function, its just a standard lorenz function :roll:

The other paper I got is about possible refrigerants to consider when phasing out R-22 in air conditioners ... which feels like we will get a bad grade no matter how we approach it (the last paper we got an 80% on, but it seems everyone in the class got an 80% ... kinda shitty if you're trying to get an A in the class)

Re: God damn you, procrastination!

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 11:51 am
by Renegade_Turner
You're given assignments with a specified number of pages as a prerequisite?

Re: God damn you, procrastination!

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 1:50 pm
by Assaultman67
Renegade_Turner wrote:You're given assignments with a specified number of pages as a prerequisite?
Well, no, but pretty much any of my papers in any class are graded by "weight" since I'm a math & science heavy college like engineering ...

They don't care so much about grammar and format as long as you have a ass ton of appendices, diagrams, calculations, and basic numerical research (such as properties of materials used for said calculations)...

Re: God damn you, procrastination!

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 9:54 am
by zoidberg rules
Renegade_Turner wrote:If only the rest of the people who read the topic or, say, the actual creator of the topic itself had actually realised, or even intended that. Glad we all have you here to help us walk those last few babysteps into all those mind-fuckingly-obvious points.
thank god we have sarcasm man here to save us all from jokes

Re: God damn you, procrastination!

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 10:51 am
by Fournine
Ahh, the collegiate years.
What class made you write this, Ren, and what was the prompt?

I'm rather glad I went the science/math route during my four-year undergrad tour of academia. Spamming out arguments and lengthy masturbatory interpretations of random novels and crap wasn't really my thing. Pounding my head over quantum thermodynamics, scouring dense journal articles for information relevant to my thesis, dealing with faulty - and leaking - instruments, and shortening my lifespan with chemical exposures? Totally less stress inducing, I think.
No, really - see? There's no sarcasm tags above.

Re: God damn you, procrastination!

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 6:53 pm
by Renegade_Turner
Fournine wrote:Pounding my head over quantum thermodynamics, scouring dense journal articles for information relevant to my thesis, dealing with faulty - and leaking - instruments, and shortening my lifespan with chemical exposures... exactly what would make college even more unbearable for me.

The subject of the class is Trade Logistics.

The subject of the essay was a 3 A4-page long e-mail from a colleague who was proposing a business venture and needed legal advice based on various concerns, such as how he could ensure payment from an international client, feasible methods of freight transportation and the different types of customs duties he'd possibly have to face. These were 3 out of about 20 or so different issues addressed in the e-mail.

The reason I like a course like this (Legal Studies in International Trade) is because it deals with such practical day-to-day issues, so that, if done right, it can be both interesting and rewarding in the sense that I know the knowledge will be useful to me in my own life as well as in a business sense. This particular subject in question, which the project was for, is like that anyway.

The other day, for example, we went to a busy port as a practical part of the course. This was on request to the college by the lecturer. The trip to the port didn't concern anything which would be on an exam (we have no exam in this module, only continuous assessment through projects), in fact the only benefit of the trip was the practical knowledge of how trade works, which would be useful in the long term.

It's a pity a lot of the other parts of the course is boring shit like Customs Law and Competition Law.

Competition law has some interesting facets which my lecturer in it relayed me because he's a geek, so am I, and I asked. One is the issue of Microsoft shipping its computers with only one internet browser without providing a choice. This was deemed to be against EU Competition law, and therefore anti-competitive.

More info here: ... ice-update

Re: God damn you, procrastination!

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 8:13 pm
by Assaultman67
Fournine wrote:... Pounding my head over quantum thermodynamics...
What IS quantum thermodynamics?

It kinda sounds like energy transfer between particles etc ...

I know regular thermodynamics takes these massive (well, compared to quantum) volumes and calculates heat transfer, work, etc as well as the state of the contents within the volume (KE and PE)

Ive taken regular thermodynamics and I am taking thermo II this semester with heat transfer next fall ...

but quantum thermo sounds ... unfamiliar to me ... damn physicists :P ...

Ive noticed that mechanical engineering never goes past the newtonian realm ... im quite happy :P ...

Re: God damn you, procrastination!

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 8:20 pm
by Sandurz
Waitwaitwait, and hold the phone. You're in mechanical engineering? What school?