Epic* Overgrowth Ideas

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Epic* Overgrowth Ideas

Post by Xorath » Sun Jun 12, 2011 5:12 pm

*In my opinion.

These are things that I've seen the potential for, but haven't been implemented yet. A couple of them I've seen talk of elsewhere, but rather than track the older threads down, I've chosen to post a new topic about them to elaborate. Sorry the list is so long, but I'd like anyone interested to weigh in on these:

Aerial Combat - Imagine tackling your foe through a window and off of a cliff. By holding the right mouse button, you could hold onto them and continue the beat down in the air. Likewise, they could hold onto you in an attempt to survive the fall. Whoever lands the most blows gains control, and the loser gets the honor of softening the victor's landing. Epic? I'd like to think so.

Edit: I really like this one. While it would indeed be rather rare, to see it in action would really bring about a "Wow..." factor. Also, had an additional thought on how it would work. My first idea is that once you gain superiority (still thinking about how this can be done. Would a simple system work best? Attack to make a Counter less likely over a few hits, and Counter to enable yourself to attack and win? Or would a Roshambo approach be more enjoyable?) during the mid-air brawl, you could break the hold and kick off of your enemy. This could either be done just before hitting the ground, or to land safely on another building or cliff. Obviously, you wouldn't see this happening on more flat levels, and it would rarely last very long, but there are a couple of levels with great potential to see it in action.

Alternate Uses for Weapons - Using a knife or dagger to climb wooden, ice, or dirt surfaces. I remember seeing a thread about a sword being thrown and used as a handhold, but a knife would be different in the fact that a player can keep it, or use two to continue climbing. Could also be used in stealth missions to hide and drop down on an enemy. ...Or to slow one's descent down a compatible surface. While not completely realistic, sliding down a solid surface using a weapon is cool, and we're talking about ninja anthropomorphs here. Certainly more feasible than claws, though. Could you imagine a wolf complaining about a broken claw? Heck, maybe they should include that too, just for giggles.

Breakable Physics - Pretty sure this is going to eventually be included anyway. As it should! Who doesn't want to slam a bunny through a table or kick them out of a window to their death? It's dramatic, it's awesome, and it makes you feel powerful. Vice/Versa, surviving something like that makes you feel as though you've met a worthy foe, and seeing the destruction you've caused as you hobble away almost gives a sense of accomplishment, doesn't it? I wonder just how far it will go though. Will there only be breakable objects, or will there be walls coming down? Sounds like a pain in the butt to program, but you can't deny it would be awesome.

Cloth Physics - Great mechanic to use for getting around. It was mentioned in another thread in the sense that a large curtain could be slid down to make an escape to a lower level. It would also be pretty neat to pick up a tablecloth or snag a curtain on the way out of a window high off of the ground, and use it as a parachute to slow the descent enough to survive, and launch a surprise attack later. I would also like to see physics on any clothing that would warrant it, such as loincloths, cloaks, and other similar items.

Coup de Grâce - Finishing moves, the salt in your opponent's wounds. The expression coup de grâce means a death blow intended to end the suffering of a wounded creature. We've seen characters writhing about after taking too much damage in the alpha videos. Perhaps it would be possible for them to be stabilized in multiplayer, or for them to rest and recover if not finished off. Coup de Grâces are not only stylish, but ensure that you won't be getting stabbed from behind. Oh... and they're humane.

Dismemberment - Should it be included? If so, to what degree? How will losing an ear, some fingers, a tail, or even whiskers affect game play? (It's pretty obvious how losing an arm or leg will affect things, I would think.) Will this damage be permanent? If not, how can it be fixed? It was included in the web-comic, so I think it should be viable on some level.

Edit: This one seems to be a toss-up, from what I've seen. Some people want it, others don't. If it's not included in the Vanilla version of the game, I can easily see a mod being made for it for single player modes at the very least.

Dual Wielding - It's pretty nifty, but should be confined to things the size of a short sword and smaller. Would provide bonuses to defense for the most part, but make it an even fight to face someone wielding a larger, two handed weapon... or at least make surviving viable. Also, it would be required for the above idea of using two in order to scale otherwise unclimbable surfaces.

Four-Legged Running - Just an idea that my friend mentioned. It was available in Lugaru. Do you guys want to see it return? Why or why not?

Improvised Weapons - Break a chair, beat your opponent with it. Even better, should dismemberment be fully included, beat them or their friends with their own arm. This is about as good as irony gets. Likewise, that cloth mentioned above could be used to non-lethally disable your opponents, tie them up, and muffle their warnings.

Jump Kicking - My favorite move, and useful for both laying the smack down and escaping. However, I think it would be pretty cool to control the direction you fly after kicking. For instance, if you're running forward, jump, and kick an enemy, by pressing forward, you should be able to continue in that direction. You could use enemies to get to higher ledges, or as part of a acrobatic combination. It would give one more move to the Parkour vocabulary. Say you're even mid-air, and one of your enemies has decided to jump up to get you after you kicked off of his friend's face. If you time it right, you could kick off of him and gain even more height, or possibly change direction. Something like that would be rare, but I can see the epic YouTube videos already.

Skill Progression - The more you do something in real life, the easier it becomes. Likewise, if you're doing a ton of acrobatics, or you favor a certain weapon in the game, I think it would be nice to be rewarded for all of that time you've spent. I don't mean upgrade the player in such a way that they'll be unbeatable for someone with a less developed character, but small, even tiny perks that give a slight advantage wouldn't break the gameplay. Thoughts?

Edit: Seems like this one hasn't been well-received. Understandable, considering the game is good as is even though it's only in Alpha. If this is done wrong, it could mess everything else up, and it's just more work for the team. Still, after a few months of game time, I'd like to see that the time I've spent has had an effect or expanded my options. If nothing else, perhaps they could have unlockable clothing, combat or acrobatic moves, stealth options, and other such perks in multiplayer. If not, everyone is running around with the exact same capabilities, and I'm not sure if that would be a good or a bad thing quite yet.

Stealth - Not only a way to dispatch your enemies with minimal damage, but a way to turn combat around once you make your escape. Hide in the shadows, pounce when they least expect it. I'd like to see a variety of acrobatic moves you can maintain to hide in the shadows. Ceiling clings? Hiding in trees? How could this be realistically applied in multiplayer? Might be slightly hard to hide from something that can smell your fear though. There are a lot of options, and most of them are pretty sweet. Wolfire is planning to include stealth options and missions (Endoperez has provided a link below), and they've already proven they know what they're doing.

Edit: If you've played Lugaru, you've used the mini-map provided to locate your enemies. I think a similar system would be good to simulate the enhanced senses that having animal traits would provide. Instead of being constantly visible, if your character hears a noise, then a dot or an arrow shows up on the minimap, and either stays there or slowly fades. That way-point could be used for NPCs to move and investigate noises, scents, or sounds... and in multiplayer, it could be used to track enemy movement. On that note, if you're covered in blood, if and when water is implemented, you could clean yourself to avoid getting sniffed out... and like in Lugaru, you could clean your weapons of blood to achieve the same effect.
On the flip side, you could use this to your advantage to deceive your opponents. In Farcry: Instincts, you could throw a rock to make noise and divert enemy attention. It would also be nice to plant a blood-stained weapon in a tree or leave it on the ground as a scent-trap. Still not sure how you could control how visible the one sneaking is though. Perhaps make them less visible when they're not moving, or in the shadows?

Throwing Knives - Am I favoring knives too much? I hope not... I just think they need a few pros to balance the cons. We saw knife throwing in the first game, and I think that they could use a similar system that we saw in plotting jumping paths to plot the path of the knife. Of course, unless the player uses them a lot, they might be more likely to miss. (See "Skill Progression" above.)

That's it for the moment, if I think of anything else, or another idea inspires me, I'll edit this post to add it.

Edit: Made it less of a headache to read. I thought I got rid of all of the redundancies the previous two times I proof-read.
Last edited by Xorath on Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:16 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Epic* Overgrowth Ideas

Post by Endoperez » Sun Jun 12, 2011 6:32 pm

Aerial Combat
Could work, but wouldn't it be really rare? Something like using your enemy to soften your wall could be fun though.

Alternate Uses for Weapons
If climbing is implemented, it would make more sense to have the character able to climb the climbable surfaces without any equipment whatsoever. Otherwise, if you lose a dagger, you can't move on.
Also, if climbing is in, the climbable areas will likely need to be restricted to give the designer a way to limit the level's flow in some way. For example, in most situations it should be impossible to climb over a wall and fight the enemy boss as the first thing. As such, there's very little use for walls that you either can or can't climb, and the level designer can't be sure of whether it's possible or not. If I was making a level, I'd use a non-climbable wall except in areas where walls should be climbable. If I want all walls to be climbable, I'll make them so from the get-go.

Breakable Physics
This is lots of work, and while it is cool, it doesn't make the core gameplay any better. Breaking down a table would require that someone models that table, and makes all the parts that can break off separate models as well. Even if that only took twice as much time as making the table in the first place, that'd still the game would have only a third of the assets it would have without breakable objects.

Cloth Physics
Some simple forms of cloth/softbody physics are easy. Others are difficult. None are important for the core gameplay.

Coup de Grâce - Yeah, stylish, and reminds me of one of their blog posts from ages ago.

Again, not important for actual gameplay. Many people have requested it, personally, I don't see the need.

Dual Wielding
This would require a whole different set of attack animations (for two weapons), defense animations (against attacks made with two weapons), and another set of defense animations for the guy dual-wielding. Something like a sword and a dagger pair might not be that much more difficult to animate than, say, a two-handed weapon's set of attacks and defenses. However, every pair of different weapons would need some variations on the animations, so sword-and-dagger, dual-daggers, sword-and-axe, rapier and dagger, two rapiers etc would all need to be animated separately. If this is in, I'd expect only few basic combinations are possible, perhaps just the sword-and-dagger or rapier-and-dagger styles.

Improvised Weapons
If weapons are better than going in unarmed, having improvised weapons being too common would make unarmed combat rare. That would be a pity.

Jump Kicking
Yeah, this would be cool.

Skill Progression
If you find that one attack dominates fights, wouldn't your enemies adapt to your tactic instead of becoming ever weaker to it? In Lugaru, if you tried to constantly spam one attack, enemies started blocking it more often.
I can see why you might want it, but personally, I'd prefer the game without this kind of progression. It's mostly because I'm the kind of gamer who would end up grinding up my weapon levels even in the weapons I don't intend to use.

Check the answer to question 8 here, and the blog post on camouflage, here.

Throwing Knives
I hope they won't have as big of a role as they had in Lugaru.

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Re: Epic* Overgrowth Ideas

Post by Xorath » Sun Jun 12, 2011 7:55 pm

Aerial Combat
It wouldn't have to be out of a window. It could be off of any high spot... and personally, I'd try for it just to make at least one of my fights during that mission over the top. Would be a useful way to get down to ground level, and if it wasn't high up, then it could stun instead of killing.

Alternate Uses for Weapons
Good points. Obviously there's a right way to do it, and only certain wall types should be climbable with this technique, and I imagine most bosses would be a well-protected area. The three surfaces I mentioned seem most obvious, but things like stone or rock seem like less of a candidate. It also depends on level design. Is the level linear or open? I enjoy open-ended games more than linear ones. This would open up escape options, as well as stealth attacks from above.

Breakable Physics
I've seen a lot of games that don't include this. It feels like you're either shooting up or fighting in a bunch of plastic. With the attention to detail that I've seen thus far, I think this one is still a possibility. I'm sure there are multiple ways to accomplish it too, either by linking objects together and setting a damage threshold for it them to come apart, or by deleting a table, and spawning the usable pieces while the rest is splintered, represented by an appropriate particle effect or billboard image.

Cloth Physics
I've seen too many coats in games sticking to the character's legs for me to not want this. It ruins an otherwise cool outfit for me. Maybe it won't be needed, but it adds to a game's look and feel.

Coup de Grâce -
Yeah, stylish, and reminds me of one of their blog posts from ages ago.
I'll admit that I haven't browsed the blogs as much as I should have, so thank you for providing the links that you have.

Nope, not important in the least, but with some of those weapons being swung about, it would at least make sense. Either way, it's not going to make or break the game for me, it's just something that I want to know if they're including, and what the general consensus is on it.

Dual Wielding
I don't think they would... but if the dev's wanted to take a shortcut, they could copy and modify existing animations, and then blend them together with the original ones. It would probably take a little tweaking at least. As for the pairings being relatively limited, I completely agree.

Improvised Weapons
Then simply make weapons and improvised weapons more rare. Improvised weapons would also need to be breakable, as they're much lower quality. If someone is coming at you with a broadsword, it would be better to pick up a chair to defend yourself than get cut trying to disarm. Perhaps they could even be one-shot items, meant to disarm or stun your opponent.
On that note, how do you feel about breakable weapons? It's either a life saver, or extremely annoying, depending on who it happens to, and I'm not sure how to feel about it, myself.

Skill Progression
Extremely small bonuses for continued use of a certain skill. Damage might be multiplied by 1.2 at the most, giving an extra hit for every five landed. Perhaps as a trade-off, other skills would become slightly less effective, though this would be isolated from movement skills.
A slight height bonus for jumping from the ground, off of walls, length of wall runs and so on could be modified slightly as well.
As for single-move spammers... perhaps if someone uses a specific move over and over again, it becomes less effective due to their foe anticipating it? Even if skill progression isn't implemented, that's something to consider. Spamming one move doesn't make for an interesting fighting game.

Thank you for the link. Sorry I was lazy. x3

Throwing Knives
Again, I agree with you on this one. It seems like the knife was better than the sword simply because of how accurate and deadly it was if thrown. Maybe they could have a separate type of knife for throwing. That would at least balance it a little.

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Re: Epic* Overgrowth Ideas

Post by Endoperez » Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:39 am

http://blog.wolfire.com/2009/05/non-let ... l-weapons/

In case someone hasn't seen it, this is the post the Coup de Grace suggestion reminded me of.

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Re: Epic* Overgrowth Ideas

Post by Count Roland » Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:19 am

The knife was never more deadly than the sword, even with it's deadly accurate throwing, often times it would only give the enemy your knife, they could catch it right out of the air or pull it out of themselves if it didn't kill them (which it often didn't). Whereas the sword could be used to kill almost anything without getting a scratch.

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Re: Epic* Overgrowth Ideas

Post by Endoperez » Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:46 am

Count Roland wrote:The knife was never more deadly than the sword, even with it's deadly accurate throwing, often times it would only give the enemy your knife, they could catch it right out of the air or pull it out of themselves if it didn't kill them (which it often didn't). Whereas the sword could be used to kill almost anything without getting a scratch.
In the early levels, the knife was insta-death from way beyond sword range. It lost usefulness later on, so when swords became available daggers were no longer overpowered.

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Re: Epic* Overgrowth Ideas

Post by Xorath » Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:03 pm

Count Roland wrote: Whereas the sword could be used to kill almost anything without getting a scratch.
I think I was doing it wrong. The enemies always took my sword from me! However, the knife could be used for a stealth kill from a distance, if you could get close enough and didn't want to get within melee range. The only vanilla part of Lugaru that this isn't true for me thus far is Challenge 11, which I'm still having trouble with. Those wolves are ridiculously skillful.

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Re: Epic* Overgrowth Ideas

Post by Starkiller2000 » Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:55 pm

Other than skill progression, all the other ideas are truly EPIC! I really like the aerial combat, though you wouldn't necessarily use it every battle it would be really cool wherever you could. Breakable physics would not be that hard to implement and would also add alot to game play fights that take place inside. All the other stuff wouldn't be necessary but would definitely add to the game to make it even more EPIC!

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Re: Epic* Overgrowth Ideas

Post by CollegeShinobi » Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:55 pm

Xorath wrote:Four-Legged Running - Just an idea that my friend mentioned. It was available in Lugaru. Do you guys want to see it return? Why or why not?
The purpose of this was to catch up to enemies that ran to get their friends. It was faster and you could tackle and possibly stop them altogether. It was very useful to dodge as well. I'm a bit sad it's not included and I think would be simple enough to add. It brings out the animal-like characteristics of the world and I for one do not like the verbal human voices. Animal noises and text seems to fit with the serene atmosphere and brutal instincts of the races. Plus, there needs to be some sort of language barrier since they are modeled after different ancient tribal races.

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Re: Epic* Overgrowth Ideas

Post by greader » Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:08 pm

On the topic of skill progression: I think that could really work out for Throwing Knives. I was always a little irritated by the knife because half the time it missed or was caught. So I think it would be good if your accuracy was increased. Accuracy could have good and bad points: If you miss by a lot, there is a chance an enemy won't notice you trying to kill them. If you miss by three inches, they're going to notice. If you fail with something you don't use at all, the consequences are less severe than something you overuse. And overusing is the only way I see Turner gaining extra skill points. This would encourage you to use a more balanced method for murdering bunny rabbits.

I'm not big on skill points, and I really don't like it when people who've played longer have all the perks like in Black Ops. So how about a system like in Halo or Fallout? You get perks for overusing weapons that give you more luck in things you can't control, and points you can spend on cosmetics. Like bandage wrap for your fists and metal shoulder guards! Does it actually block anything? No. But it is pretty shiny! :mrgreen:

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Re: Epic* Overgrowth Ideas

Post by chadista » Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:47 pm

These are some of the best suggestions I've heard. Alot of these are things that i also really would like to see in the game. However i see no need for dismemberment.

The skill progression system can be bound to weapons kind of like in Fable 3, where every weapon has like four different criterias. And for every criteria you fulfil you gain a bonus for that weapon. For example: one of the criterias on throwing knifes could be to kill 50 enemies from a distance of more than 6 yards, and when you fulfil this criteria your accuracy with throwing knifes increase by 10%

What do you think about that?

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Re: Epic* Overgrowth Ideas

Post by Wilbefast » Tue Jun 14, 2011 3:11 pm

Aerial Combat Aimed Jump Kicking - Doesn't really fit with the spirit Overgrowth. This sort of thing would be more for a Devil May Cry, over-the-top spectacular sort of fight, not than the raw grittiness David is aiming for.

Daggers for parkour - I see you've played Two Thrones :wink:

Breakable Physics, Dismemberment and Cloth Physics - In a perfect world I'd like to see all of these. We'd all love to see more prettiness, but I'd much prefer the team focused on features grounded in gameplay. These are all suggestions that would take a massive amount of time and effort to implement, and Wolfire is an indie company with very limited resources.

Coup de Grâce - Definately :D They were in Lugaru after all.

Dual Wielding, Kratos climbing - I see you've also played God of War :wink:

Four-Legged Running - The maps are big: it'd be good to have a fast way to get around.

Improvised Weapons - Overgrowth is supposed to be very violent, but not gratuitously. This is an important distinction! So using limbs is right out in my book, even supposing there is dismemberment.

Skill Progression - Lugaru was a purely skill-based game, I would definitely be against any kind of levelling up in Overgrowth. No, not even perks :wink:

Stealth - Stealth should be an important part of Overgrowth, and some of the ground-work has already been laid.
Competitive multiplayer, however, has not been confirmed. I'm fairly certain it will prove impossible to transmit data over a network fast enough for the timing-centric combat mechanics to work online. Not unless everyone installs fibre-optics between now and OG's release-date.

Throwing Knives - Very yes :D Except the levelling-up :|

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Re: Epic* Overgrowth Ideas

Post by Xorath » Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:11 pm

Wilbefast wrote:A lot of things that make sense.
Whatever makes a game good and extremely fun is what I want to see from Overgrowth. The thing that got my attention in the first place was, again, how much attention the team pays to it's community, and how much attention to detail they're putting into making this game. There's still quite some time before a beta is even released, and before that happens, I imagine the support they'll get from the community will encourage them to make a very polished game.

So! At the moment it looks like skill progression is definitely out, though I do like the Fable-esque suggestion. Not many people like the idea much, and I definitely understand why. It's been the focus of too many games. I also understand the desire to have a working game before having one that looks good, so some of this stuff wouldn't be implemented until later.

I'm going to stand strongly behind the Aerial Combat and Jump Kicking ideas though. After all, we're talking about a very skilled set of anthropomorphic ninja, more or less. The more you can do, the more dynamic and unique combat is, and the more control you have over your character, the better.

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Re: Epic* Overgrowth Ideas

Post by Endoperez » Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:18 pm

Xorath wrote:I'm going to stand strongly behind the Aerial Combat and Jump Kicking ideas though. After all, we're talking about a very skilled set of anthropomorphic ninja, more or less. The more you can do, the more dynamic and unique combat is, and the more control you have over your character, the better.
The only problem I have against aerial combat is that it will no happen accidentally. it's too good, doing it as often as possible will become the easiest way to fight against tough opponents. If it's not overpowered, just cool, it's going to be fun for a few times, but spending lots of time on it would be a waste. So a few simple moves would be enough, IMO.

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Re: Epic* Overgrowth Ideas

Post by Wilbefast » Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:32 pm

I have to find you guys that podcast from ages ago... here we go :)

While you're listening to that: you might have noticed from damn gory the game is becoming these past few updates. There's a reason for this, as you'll hear near the end. Back then David said wanted to show the impacts of violence, rather than it just being used for "juiciness" (ie. exaggerated positive feedback for "correct" gameplay actions) as it is in many games (eg. God of War).

So aerial combat, while terribly awesome in many ways -there's no denying it- just isn't really in the spirit of things :?

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