Expanding upon Split-Screen

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Expanding upon Split-Screen

Post by adm.melonhead » Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:57 pm

I don't know how hard this would be to implement, but in my book it would make split-screen into a finished feature instead of the concept-status it holds in my mind right now.

What I'm asking is to allow the two screens to adapt proportionally to the size of the game window; I mean that even if the window is resized to be twice as long as it is high, the screens height still remains as if it had no room to expand. This is a screenshot with the window expanded across both of my monitors, to give you an idea of what I mean:

Hell, it might just be easier to make the two screens occupy the entire vertical space of the window. This would make it more pleasent to the eyes even if you don't have a fancy setup. Horizontal-split would improve the situation as well, since the average monitor is wider than it is tall.

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Re: Expanding upon Split-Screen

Post by Anton » Sun Apr 29, 2012 4:34 pm

David mentioned when he added the split screen view that he would have to come up with a better way to adapt the screens to fit, but that it wasn't a high priority. I'm sure it will be revisited, like many other little details in the game. Right now the focus is to get all the basic mechanics of the gameplay into the game, and then clean up these relatively minor details.

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Re: Expanding upon Split-Screen

Post by Shawgydog » Tue May 01, 2012 7:47 pm

I cant seem to figure out how to use splitscreen yet even though i watched the video.

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