Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

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Re: Please help us test Receiver (7-day FPS game)

Post by Zero_Ctrl » Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:27 pm

Roujin wrote:I get the "falling through floor" bug - and I think it is a problem with a specific asset. I was there two times now and both times at one particular spot you fall through what appears to be solid ground.

Unfortunately I don't have screenshots, but I can try to describe the place.
You start in a hall, that has a stairway leading up to the second floor (about in the middle of the hall), there is some kind of catwalk as the second floor. That leads to a door (on 2nd floor, middle of wall) into the next section. The floor turns immediately left after the door, and you can see it turning right again after just a few meters, but exactly at that corner you will fall through the floor.

I will try to take a screenshot if I happen to spawn there again.
Yep, I've fallen there too

Great prototype!

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by catattack998 » Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:31 pm

Yes, it seems to be one hallway area, every time, that makes me fall through the floor. Also, do you think we could not be able to spawn with a turret looking at us? :D

I have another couple requests. First, I would love the ability to remove bullets from a clip, as opposed to just mashing 'R' after putting the clip in the gun. Second, I would love it if pressing 'Z' while the chamber of the gun is open would insert a bullet into the chamber. This would not have a huge impact, but would make it easier to play a round-in-the-chamber-style game, and make the clips not necessary to reloading.

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by OzymandiasLlewellyn » Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:33 pm

I love everything about it so far, except the clipping issues.
There is the clipping issue wherein you can uncrouch and stick your head through objects you've crouched under and jump etc. and since you can clip upward you can jump right up through any solid object.

Other than that, I love it. Also, please do NOT nerf the flying killbots, it would make the game way too easy, as right now they're the only thing that kill me, and only in the cases where I have no ammo or they jump me.

Oh yea and the freezing that happens as you walk through a doorway the first time in a new level is kinda annoying, but REALLY bad if you happen to be attacked right then...

Things to consider for a full release:
More environments, more enemies, more weapons, possibly multiplayer.

I think it would be fun to have to juggle clips, weapons, and ammo to try and decide which ones it would be more advantageous to carry.

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by NoSkillz » Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:46 pm

Darn, I bought the game before I realized that I could get it free with my Overgrowth purchase. Is there anything I should do or should I just be happy that I supported Wolfire?

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by funymunky » Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:01 pm

About to try it out right now. Will report back with any bugs.

EDIT: Well, no bugs so far. It's really fun, and I would love to see those gun mechanics in an actual full-featured game. Still a nice tech demo though. Also, it shows how much of a wimp I am; it's intense and actually pretty scary when you run out of ammo as a flier charges towards you.
Last edited by funymunky on Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by Jeff » Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:13 pm

NoSkillz wrote:Darn, I bought the game before I realized that I could get it free with my Overgrowth purchase. Is there anything I should do or should I just be happy that I supported Wolfire?
Just send an email to [email protected] for a refund, no worries!

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by kacboy » Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:28 pm

I have an '06 iMac which could only manage about 1-10 FPS on lowest graphics. :(

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by a_lemming » Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:42 pm

I've got a Macbook Pro 7,1 2010 model with an Nvidia 320M graphics card. I can only run Receiver at what appears to be 20 FPS maximum. That's not as much of a problem as the extreme mouse lag I seem to be having though. As in, I move my mouse to the left, and up to half a second later the player will finally turn left. This combined with the frame rate make this very difficult to play, which sucks because I really want to love this game :(

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by iDubbbz » Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:02 am

Running it on a Windows 7 (64bit)
Intel i7-2600k CPU @ 3.40GHz

Runing great! A few bugs, but im getting around 60fps avgerage.

I even have a video of the gameplay up, if you'd like to take a look: ...

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by Ryujin » Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:47 am

Pretty neat, it gives the weapon a bit more personality than most games.

I second being able to take rounds out of magazines, the first thing I want to do is merge all my magazines.

I'd also think an easier way of navigating the inventory would be nice, for example, just one button to put things back in the inventory (I don't care about the slot when putting it away).

Being able to hold E to eject and not catch the current magazine and then tap Z to load the next magazine would be nice, feels a bit difficult to streamline the reload.

Another thing is when you have a magazine in one hand and the gun in the other and you eject the magazine from the gun, it drops the mag in your hand and swaps it for the mag that was in the gun. This seems a bit odd as generally I want to load the mag that was in my hand, not drop it. The mag I'm ejecting from the gun should be dropped, as generally that's going to be the one I don't want.

With all this detail, it seems to be asking for gun jams or such, so you have some more stuff to do with it other than reload.

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by Macrauchenia » Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:04 am

Man this game is cool.

Sometimes I'll come across flying bots that are rather wobbly, not sure if that's intended.

Also, a way to adjust the mouse sensitivity would be nice. With my limited mousepad space it's tough to aim fast enough around corners.

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by Naqel » Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:15 am

This game is awesome.
It's quick to learn, hard to master, and it's genuinely scary.

Reading through this thread though...
Please don't nerf the drones. It feels so badass to take one down, and I'd hate for it to be taken away.

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by Rorschach » Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:18 am

Wonderful game Wolfire, in seven days you guys make a cooler stealth game than what most studios make after years in development.

This core concept is just so much fun as the player navigates the world trying to avoid being shot up by machines. The gun mechanics intelligently punish careless actions without ever feeling frustrating. It's always the players fault for making a mistake, there's nothing artificially hard.

Needless to say I think this could be expanded into a bigger Technothriller Stealth game. Imagine human guards that would react to player sounds and shadows. Maybe a Microhacking minigame that would require players to actually interact with computer terminals to gather information.

I know that Overgrowth needs to be completed first, but damn I'll be very disappointed if we don't see a Receiver 2 in the future.

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Re: Please help us test Receiver (7-day FPS game)

Post by LucarFox » Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:31 am

Cnaff wrote:You need to keep tapping W to sprint ;)!
Yeah, man. I did exactly that. However I realized later that sometimes holstering the gun and trying to sprint seems to bug it a bit...
But I guess I never tried to sprint with the gun in "un-ready" mode, because that seems to work just fine.
But thanks, yo. ;)

I was going to mention this before, but I'd forgotten.
This reminds me of one of Wolfire's older games; Black Shades. That game was fun, and I can't help but notice the two are very similar in gameplay.

Also wanted to add that I have a bit of a suggestion for a future update: a Rotoscope filter. Like the one used a few times in the trailer. That would definitely make the game seem a lot less bland.

anyways- thanks for the free, awesome game, guys. Keep up the work on both your titles.

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Re: Download Receiver for free! (7-day FPS game)

Post by YouKnow » Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:37 am

[strike]Is the fact that you can't sprint while your pistol is in your inventory a bug?[/strike]
[strike]Just found out you can. I guess I wasn't tapping hard enough the first couple times I tried.[/strike]

Never mind, I get the bug now. You can't sprint if you put your pistol in your inventory while it wasn't holstered, but you can if it was holstered when you put it in your inventory. I think that was said already though.

I also get some bad lag in the game. Especially in the hall lined with lights on the floor.
I'm on win7 with a GeForce 9600 GT and a E8400 Intel dual-core processor at 3.00GHz. The lag seems to be mainly affected by number of lights being rendered and the resolution I'm rendering at. Selecting graphics quality doesn't seem to do all that much.

Ryujin wrote:Pretty neat, it gives the weapon a bit more personality than most games.

I second being able to take rounds out of magazines, the first thing I want to do is merge all my magazines.

I'd also think an easier way of navigating the inventory would be nice, for example, just one button to put things back in the inventory (I don't care about the slot when putting it away).

Being able to hold E to eject and not catch the current magazine and then tap Z to load the next magazine would be nice, feels a bit difficult to streamline the reload.

Another thing is when you have a magazine in one hand and the gun in the other and you eject the magazine from the gun, it drops the mag in your hand and swaps it for the mag that was in the gun. This seems a bit odd as generally I want to load the mag that was in my hand, not drop it. The mag I'm ejecting from the gun should be dropped, as generally that's going to be the one I don't want.

With all this detail, it seems to be asking for gun jams or such, so you have some more stuff to do with it other than reload.
You can take the bullets out of magazines by first loading the mag in your gun then hold G (to catch the bullets) while pressing R (to pull back the slide thus ejecting a bullet) as many times as you want. That's how I do it, although I guess I'd be nice if the game was updated to take them out directly from the mag with your invisible hands.

I haven't had any problems with the reloading process. E-E-(#)-Z and you're good to go. It's pretty easy after some practice. Although I do agree when you have a mag in your hand and you eject your gun's mag you should drop the one that was just in the gun. That makes more sense then dropping the mag you wanted to carry and grabbing the mag you only wanted to eject.

Gun jams would only be annoying to me. Taking out the drones is hard enough and I don't want to lose my life unfairly due to a randomly generated gun jam.
Last edited by YouKnow on Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:54 am, edited 3 times in total.

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