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Post by yoyo1337 » Sat Sep 22, 2012 7:11 am

Hey there! I've got a couple suggestions for Overgrowth!

1) Dragging. Right now I think the dragging of bodies could be improved.
Example: If I kick someone then they go flying into a wall but if I try to drag the body I just KILLED with my bare feet its extremely slow...? Please implement better dragging.

2) Death by kick to the feet... really? Someone swipes my legs out from under me and the kick... kills me?!!? Nuff said.

3) Bug: If I fall from a great height in ragdoll mode (dead) I go through the floor. Fix please.


1) When the full game is out will there still be a sandbox mode where you can make levels and stuff?

2) Will you ever add multiplayer? Because co-op Overgrowth with my friend is really fun and I was wondering if you would implement multiplayer. (I mean wifi multiplayer not local)

Thanks for listening!

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Re: Suggestions

Post by Coincidence » Sat Sep 22, 2012 8:07 pm

1) It's still just a placeholder.

2) The combat impact system is based on damage meters. You don't see them because there is no HUD, but they are there. When you take hits you lose health, just like in any other game. Damage from punches and kicks do temporary damage, while hits from weapons do permanent damage. If your health reaches zero after a kick to the feet, then yes you are incapacitated, but not dead. Here's how to tell the difference: When your character goes into active ragdoll they are incapacitated. When your character goes into a more floppy passive ragdoll they are dead.

3) Heaps of games have either this problem or other environmental glitches in alphas, betas and even sometimes the final builds. *cough* HALO *cough* The game is still in alpha so that glitch is expected.

1 again) There is already that mode. It may not be very extensive right now, but it is there and people have already made some mind-blowing maps with it. And that mode isn't called "sandbox mode" it's called a creation kit.

2 again) I suspect that even if the developers didn't include it then the fan community would probably make it themselves. These people are some dedicated mfers, let me tell you.

Oh, and since this is your first post: Welcome to Wolfire!

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Re: Suggestions

Post by zzwerty » Sat Oct 06, 2012 11:57 pm

I can guarantee that number 3 will be fixed.
There already is a quite deep sandbox mode with which many people have made their own levels with. Just press escape in game to reach it.

The Dragging of bodies is slow because it is realistic. It is supposed to be like that. I suppose the player could move faster, but that's about it.
I do agree that it doesn't make sense to be knocked out by getting kicked in the feet. I could understand getting knocked out from the following fall, but not the kick itself as it is now.

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Re: Suggestions

Post by yoyo1337 » Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:11 am

Okay, starting to get annoyed about this:

When I asked if there was going to be a sandbox I was asking if they're going to remove it and make it all campaign or keep the sandbox.

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Re: Suggestions

Post by Endoperez » Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:47 am

Yes, the editor will stay.

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Re: Suggestions

Post by Anton » Tue Oct 23, 2012 1:52 pm

Coincidence wrote:When you take hits you lose health, just like in any other game. Damage from punches and kicks do temporary damage, while hits from weapons do permanent damage.
One minor correction to this: Sharp weapon damage has it's own health bar, which does not have temporary health, and is the same as permanent damage.

However blunt damage (most melee combat, or the back of a knife) inflicts both temporary and permanent damage every successful attack. The temporary health can only be refilled to level of the permanent health, so you take more temporary damage than permanent damage per hit.

The result is still as described, when temporary health reaches 0 you are unconscious and when permanent health reaches 0 you die. The important thing to understand is that every time you are hurt, you do take permanent damage. This means that you can actually slowly lower your permanent health low enough that it is possible to die from a melee attack.

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Re: Suggestions

Post by Coincidence » Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:07 am

Aaaaaaah! Clever, Anton. Give a pat on the back to whomever thought up that system for me, willya?

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Re: Suggestions

Post by Kung_Fu_Sheep » Thu Oct 25, 2012 1:50 am

Anton wrote:
Coincidence wrote:When you take hits you lose health, just like in any other game. Damage from punches and kicks do temporary damage, while hits from weapons do permanent damage.
One minor correction to this: Sharp weapon damage has it's own health bar, which does not have temporary health, and is the same as permanent damage.

However blunt damage (most melee combat, or the back of a knife) inflicts both temporary and permanent damage every successful attack. The temporary health can only be refilled to level of the permanent health, so you take more temporary damage than permanent damage per hit.

The result is still as described, when temporary health reaches 0 you are unconscious and when permanent health reaches 0 you die. The important thing to understand is that every time you are hurt, you do take permanent damage. This means that you can actually slowly lower your permanent health low enough that it is possible to die from a melee attack.
I was just wondering how the "skeletal structure" thingy works and fits in to all of this. I heard, which was one of many things that made me buy the game, that your health/damage is based on your skeleton and how intact it is... or is not.

Oh, and I suggest adding a new (better) cat to the game. Overgrowth manages to make rabbits looks badass and cool but the cat just falls flat. Something about his face or his tail, I can't pinpoint it, but I never use him. Maybe a re-texture is all that's needed.

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Re: Suggestions

Post by Anton » Thu Oct 25, 2012 2:13 am

Kung_Fu_Sheep wrote:I was just wondering how the "skeletal structure" thingy works and fits in to all of this. I heard, which was one of many things that made me buy the game, that your health/damage is based on your skeleton and how intact it is... or is not.
Unfortunately, this does not actually exist, and was kinda "invented" by a fairly successful Overgrowth video. I love everything about that particular video, except this misconception. The damage is however context sensitive, so if you hit a rock, it does more damage than hitting snow. if you land on your head, you take more damage than landing on your back, or on your feet. The health bar mod (which is in the blood mod) can actually give you a pretty good idea of what's going on.

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Re: Suggestions

Post by Coincidence » Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:11 am

Where do I find this mod?

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Re: Suggestions

Post by Anton » Thu Oct 25, 2012 11:43 am

Coincidence wrote:Where do I find this mod?
Last's blood mod can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=12064

Once installed, you open up the in game menu, (press escape twice from game mode) and there will be new options to that menu, and you should find the health bar mod pretty easily. (Last is good about giving you backups, but remember to back up all the files that mods replace!)

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Re: Suggestions

Post by Kung_Fu_Sheep » Wed Oct 31, 2012 4:52 am

Anton wrote:
Kung_Fu_Sheep wrote:I was just wondering how the "skeletal structure" thingy works and fits in to all of this. I heard, which was one of many things that made me buy the game, that your health/damage is based on your skeleton and how intact it is... or is not.
Unfortunately, this does not actually exist, and was kinda "invented" by a fairly successful Overgrowth video. I love everything about that particular video, except this misconception. The damage is however context sensitive, so if you hit a rock, it does more damage than hitting snow. if you land on your head, you take more damage than landing on your back, or on your feet. The health bar mod (which is in the blood mod) can actually give you a pretty good idea of what's going on.

Ahh, I see. Oh well, makes little difference as the damage system is still amazing and very realistic. Overgrowth definitely has the best hand-to-hand combat in any video game I've ever played.
I like the game even more that I got a new pc (we messaged on YouTube) and can actually see the fights as they happen. Before, I had a little of trouble with blocks and reversals because they're all about timing and my frame rate was... poor. Now, however, on many maps my frame rate is over 100 (once it was over 400 O:) but other maps still don't run well. They are usually (but not always) the ones with trees and grass/flowers and not just maps from the mod. Could this still be an optimization issue or could upgrading my ATI Radeon 5770 to a 7850 solve this problem?
It will probably happen anyway so don't feel responsible for my money spending, I'm just curious. Thanks for all the support, by the way. The Wolfire community is very helpful and I'm glad to be a part of it.
P.S. A black cat, maybe? or a sheep? Sheepman!!

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Re: Suggestions

Post by Endoperez » Wed Oct 31, 2012 7:44 am

The game is still unoptimized, and many things will make even a powerful computer slow down. Don't worry about that.

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Re: Suggestions

Post by Kung_Fu_Sheep » Fri Nov 02, 2012 2:12 pm

Ahh I see, oh well, I think I'll still get the new card but could someone explain to me, in lamens terms, what IS optimization? I get the basic idea but what does it imply? Like, between now and finished game, what is done to make it run faster?

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Re: Suggestions

Post by Black_Stormy » Fri Nov 02, 2012 3:49 pm

Heaps of things, variables are given proper data types to minimize typecasting, loops are shortened and simplified, functions are unified, commented code is removed, objects (namespaces?) are clipped, the rendering system is tidied up - for instance shaders can be reworked to provide simpler code - the engine would have lots of loose ends right now that David has created to test features that will either be properly organized or removed. Optimization is mostly about making the computer have to think as little as possible while running a program, and the engine as it is now has lots of stuff to think about that it won't need to when the game is done.

Also, in response to the OP, [insert facepalm image here]

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