Enemy ragdoll collide

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Enemy ragdoll collide

Post by krewneck » Sat Dec 29, 2012 9:52 am

I was thinking about Lugaru, when you hit and enemy so that he flies away, he can collide with an other enemy and knock him down. Sorry about my english, hope you understand what I'm referring to?

But anyway, it would be really cool if that would be the case in Overgrowth, that the enemies can bump in to each other when the player kicks him away or something.
Just an idea/thought I had.

Bless :mrgreen:

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Re: Enemy ragdoll collide

Post by krewneck » Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:34 am

And another awsome feature would be if you could kick the enemy corpses away like in Lugara. It's really cool that you can drag bodies away but would be even cooler if you could kick them away aswell :D

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Re: Enemy ragdoll collide

Post by EPR89 » Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:17 pm

krewneck wrote:Hey!
I was thinking about Lugaru, when you hit and enemy so that he flies away, he can collide with an other enemy and knock him down. Sorry about my english, hope you understand what I'm referring to?
This mod features just that. It's under the AATweaks settings. You need to activate the AATweaks mod and the Ragdoll Collision in the mod menu and from then on ragdolls will collide with characters and characters will even collide with each other. What this means is that you will be able to crash into characters if you are fast enough and you both will enter an active ragdoll state. It's basically like a tackling.

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