How serious are you guys about the campaign?

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How serious are you guys about the campaign?

Post by DeadTomGC » Tue Sep 17, 2013 10:19 pm

I don't know if they'll read this, but I'd like them to.

For one, I would like the majority of the work on this game to go to the campaign. I know some people want online multiplayer, but I (as one) think software engineers know better than consumers sometimes. :D

Anyway, I'm curious how seriously you are taking the campaign as far as crafting a world and not just having a series of challenges. Also, I think you should keep in mind that large battles are a real possibility here.

Basically, my concern is that you guys don't have the man power to put together a really complete and compelling campaign. The thing that really got me thinking was when I heard the horrible moan when I pressed the V key.

At this stage, it may or may not actually make sense to be developing the campaign now, but I just doubt that 5 people can really make a complete campaign.

So, ya, I'm just wondering if you guys have a plan.

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Re: How serious are you guys about the campaign?

Post by kibaoo » Wed Sep 18, 2013 12:20 am

Well, dont expect a game like skyrim.

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Re: How serious are you guys about the campaign?

Post by iDubbbz » Wed Sep 18, 2013 4:01 am

My expectations of the campaign/story are set pretty low. It seems like people have grandiose ideas for how many cool features could be in this game. I think that is just a testament to how well things work in their current stage, because everything has been so meticulously implemented.

Having said that. I'd like to see more than I did in Lugaru for the story/campaign. 8)

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Re: How serious are you guys about the campaign?

Post by drako125 » Wed Sep 18, 2013 6:17 am

iDubbbz wrote:My expectations of the campaign/story are set pretty low. It seems like people have grandiose ideas for how many cool features could be in this game. I think that is just a testament to how well things work in their current stage, because everything has been so meticulously implemented.

Having said that. I'd like to see more than I did in Lugaru for the story/campaign. 8)
Oh hey iddubz

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Re: How serious are you guys about the campaign?

Post by gramoobi » Wed Sep 18, 2013 12:38 pm

Something that i would love to see in this game is an open world. It seems they've already been optimizing this game for large maps and it probably is the direction theyre going in. An open world with like free roaming raiders and random things like that would also be perfect for developement by a small team, because its the kind of thing you can setup then keep expanding on as you continue. Plus Imaging the multiplayer as an overgrowth version of red dead redemtion.

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Re: How serious are you guys about the campaign?

Post by AmorphousGamer » Wed Sep 18, 2013 1:58 pm

gramoobi wrote:Something that i would love to see in this game is an open world. It seems they've already been optimizing this game for large maps and it probably is the direction theyre going in. An open world with like free roaming raiders and random things like that would also be perfect for developement by a small team, because its the kind of thing you can setup then keep expanding on as you continue. Plus Imaging the multiplayer as an overgrowth version of red dead redemtion.
People generally think that the game will be level-based and that you will get from level to level with a sort of overworld map. Similar to Lugaru. The maps are large, but not open-world large.

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Re: How serious are you guys about the campaign?

Post by Barkbiten » Wed Sep 18, 2013 2:15 pm

kibaoo wrote:Well, dont expect a game like skyrim.
Well the story and gameplay in skyrim didn't impress me that much actually so I do expect more from overgrowth :P

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Re: How serious are you guys about the campaign?

Post by EPR89 » Wed Sep 18, 2013 2:26 pm

Barkbiten wrote:
kibaoo wrote:Well, dont expect a game like skyrim.
Well the story and gameplay in skyrim didn't impress me that much actually so I do expect more from overgrowth :P
Skyrim isn't a story driven game. It's a roleplaying game.
In order to have fun in a game like that you need to build a story around your character and develop it over the course of the game. A role playing game like Skyrim requires you to do the motivational work. This is what sets the Elder Scrolls games apart from for example Gothic. Your character is not only a nobody, he is a nothing. You can do with him whatever you want. If you don't develop a structure to what you are going to do you will just run from quest to quest and fight to fight like a machine. This is bound to get boring really quickly.

Not trying to say that the surrounding plot in Skyrim was particularly great, but when you approach it as a true roleplaying game it gets a lot more entertaining. And there are many mods that can help you to fine tune gameplay elements for the role you want to take.

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Re: How serious are you guys about the campaign?

Post by Endoperez » Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:44 am

EPR89 wrote:Skyrim isn't a story driven game. It's a roleplaying game.
It's funny how a single term can mean so many things. To me, RPGs are first and foremost story driven games. XD
I agree with your explanation well.

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Re: How serious are you guys about the campaign?

Post by Pengwertle » Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:06 pm

If your definition of a role playing game is any game in which you can do character creation and free roam, then we have different definitions. To me, it's not an RPG if your dialogue choices have zero effect on game play, you can do every single questline and not have the other questlines affected, and the world is incredibly devoid of life and character.

"But Pengwertle," you say, "Skyrim has random spawns and stuff! And the books and also like 2 quests or something are original!" If that's your definition of character and life, then you've never played a real RPG.

Sorry for the rant, I just get frustrated with the people who only play call of duty, and then play Skyrim for an hour and say, "OMG U GAIS THIS IS A IMERSIV IN DEPF ARPEEGEE!!!!! FAV GAM BEST GAM EVR GOTY!!!!!!"

It makes me sad that TES is one of the only mainstream RPGs.

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Re: How serious are you guys about the campaign?

Post by AmorphousGamer » Fri Sep 20, 2013 6:22 am

Pengwertle wrote:If your definition of a role playing game is any game in which you can do character creation and free roam, then we have different definitions. To me, it's not an RPG if your dialogue choices have zero effect on game play, you can do every single questline and not have the other questlines affected, and the world is incredibly devoid of life and character.

"But Pengwertle," you say, "Skyrim has random spawns and stuff! And the books and also like 2 quests or something are original!" If that's your definition of character and life, then you've never played a real RPG.

Sorry for the rant, I just get frustrated with the people who only play call of duty, and then play Skyrim for an hour and say, "OMG U GAIS THIS IS A IMERSIV IN DEPF ARPEEGEE!!!!! FAV GAM BEST GAM EVR GOTY!!!!!!"

It makes me sad that TES is one of the only mainstream RPGs.
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Re: How serious are you guys about the campaign?

Post by Endoperez » Fri Sep 20, 2013 7:26 am

Pengwertle wrote:If your definition of a role playing game is any game in which you can do character creation and free roam, then we have different definitions. To me, it's not an RPG if your dialogue choices have zero effect on game play, you can do every single questline and not have the other questlines affected, and the world is incredibly devoid of life and character.
I don't like MineCraft, because it has no plot and no goal an no ending. I won't deny that it's a game. It's very different from most other games, it doesn't fulfill all the definitions of the game, but numerous people who play games play it and call it a game. I don't claim to be important enough to tell them they're wrong.

See where I'm going? World's quality is subjective. Dialogue is often only used for flavour, not to affect the plot. Character creation, free roam and quest lines are totally optional. Skyrim has many faults, but the things it omits aren't what defines an RPG.

Let's look at Grandia, one of my favourite RPGs.
You can't create your character. Like many other JRPGs, the game is about a pre-written plot.
There's no free roam, and pretty much all your dialogue is written for you. You don't get to choose what you say. Oh, and all the big quests are compulsory, and you can complete all the side quests in a single playthrough
The world did feel alive - when I was 13. My opinion on this game could be very different today. I'm sure Grandia is still an amazing and fantastic game with a great feel, and I'd still think that way even if you said you the game was so full of anime clichès that the spiky hair poked you in the eye and left you blind.

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Re: How serious are you guys about the campaign?

Post by EPR89 » Fri Sep 20, 2013 11:34 am

Endoperez wrote:
EPR89 wrote:Skyrim isn't a story driven game. It's a roleplaying game.
It's funny how a single term can mean so many things. To me, RPGs are first and foremost story driven games. XD
I agree with your explanation well.
I guess I should clarify this.
To me there are two extremes when it comes to RPGs:
Story driven ones, where most of the things that define the character are given. The player takes a role that the game offers him.
And something that you could probably call free RPGs, where the player himself is responsible for creating his role. The player creates the role he wants to take, within the limitations of the game.

These so to say are not two types of RPGs, but rather two extremes within the continuum of what RPGs can be. So there are many games that are in between those extremes. Some games have a very pre-defined story, but the player can actively influence it in meaningful way due to choices related to his role. And, coming back to Gothic, some games are almost entirely linear, but the character is not defined very thoroughly, leaving the player room for his own creation.
RPGs are one of the most interesting games to me, because they are so difficult to categorise. Every really good RPG manages to succeed at some of the basics that enable you to take a role, but how they do it is different from game to game. And some people like certain ways better than others. Nothing wrong with. Embrace the freedom of choice.
To me, Gothic I is still one of the best games of all time, but Skyrim showed me how much fun creating your own role can be when you stick to it. It's more difficult to get into it and some of Skyrim's limitations really do pose obstacles, which is why mods were absolutely essential to me when I played Skyrim, but it was a really fascinating experience to develop my ex-bandit archer-illusion mage, who - shocked at he his companions did to a caravan - sought to change his ways and went to the college to learn how to deal with problems in a non-violent way and help people. I managed to play almost the entire campaign without killing anyone. Until I stumbled across my old friends in that hideout...

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