[Suggestion] Changing ALL controls in-game

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[Suggestion] Changing ALL controls in-game

Post by Sprinkle070 » Sun Feb 02, 2014 1:24 pm

I just discovered that "b" is a spin move, this might be useful for dodging, the problem is that "b" is WAY to far away to be at all useful in a combat situation.

I want to switch "f" (for FIRE MAH LAZAR) and "b", but there does not seem to be anyway to do that. I want to honestly remove the "F"IRE MAH LAZAR because it's too tempting and I need to nerf myself =^_^=

Not to mention that the controls should be completely customizable for people who have different styles of play, not just the "necessary" controls for fighting.

Also I'm having WAAAAY too much fun fighting low level enemies in the Areana.

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Re: [Suggestion] Changing ALL controls in-game

Post by Anton » Sun Feb 02, 2014 2:06 pm

Sprinkle070 wrote:I just discovered that "b" is a spin move, this might be useful for dodging, the problem is that "b" is WAY to far away to be at all useful in a combat situation.

I want to switch "f" (for FIRE MAH LAZAR) and "b", but there does not seem to be anyway to do that. I want to honestly remove the "F"IRE MAH LAZAR because it's too tempting and I need to nerf myself =^_^=

Not to mention that the controls should be completely customizable for people who have different styles of play, not just the "necessary" controls for fighting.

Also I'm having WAAAAY too much fun fighting low level enemies in the Areana.

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Aaand another miss
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you're bad at this aren't you?

"b" is one of david's favorite test buttons, and changes what it does all the time. It has been about 30 different animations, switching hands for weapons, speech, and even camera movements at given times.
"f" is a script test, to show modders how to attach scripts to buttons. It can be changed in the aschar.as file, but is not considered a "game play" key.

I think you can edit more keys through SUMLauncher currently than you can through the in game menu, so if you really want to change things, I would suggest checking there.

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Re: [Suggestion] Changing ALL controls in-game

Post by last » Sun Feb 02, 2014 4:15 pm

Yes, you can edit aschar.as with notepad and swich b key functions with f key. just search "f" with quote marks and change "f" into "b". Now do the same with "b" and it should be good.
Also make shure to back up aschar.as before you change it.

Useful hint: Run your game in windowed mode, load a level. open aschar.as and start editing. when you save this file then the game automatically updates itself or throws you an error message when something is not right in the script.

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