A More Professional OGRP

A secret forum for people who preorder Overgrowth!
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Re: A More Professional OGRP

Post by AmorphousGamer » Thu Feb 13, 2014 11:40 pm

Christ on a bike wrote:Character sheet
I will get around to going through this when we're ready to start this RP back up again. I'm not sure when that will be, but hopefully it will be soon.
Coyote wrote:Hi, I don't know if I should be asking these questions here as it is a roleplay thread and I expect it to be mostly IC and OOC comments, however I didn't know where else to put this. If multiplayer is added to the game, do you think you will host an RP server (If private hive server hosting files are released). I love RP with a passion and was thinking it would be more than a dream to play and RP if a chat system is put into the possible multiplayer. Anyway, I do really love RP and will be submitting a character later when I have thought about him more.
I don't think I personally would be hosting an RP server, but that does sound like it could be fun.
Have you considered playing D&D, or another similar RPG?

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Re: A More Professional OGRP

Post by Coyote » Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:36 am

I have another question, can I make multiple characters for this? I was planning to do so and put their names above the RP entry so that people know who's perspective it is from as I will be writing from the characters perspective.

Christ on a bike
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Joined: Sun Feb 09, 2014 4:11 pm

Re: A More Professional OGRP

Post by Christ on a bike » Tue Feb 18, 2014 10:58 am

OOC Notice: This is just to get my character of the sidelines, and introduce him to the world!

Felang emerged from his den at the crack of dawn, giving a prolonged whine as he came to his senses from the long night`s slumber.. He stepped on to the rocky out-crop outside of his den and looked down. A slight wave of nausea hit him as he saw the immense drop ending in the green blur of the alpine forests on the lower slopes, but it passed as he saw the City of Valeden far below him. The small orange specks of hearth fires gleaming in the gloomy morning light stood out like gems in a rock. He turned away from the outcrop towards the open mountain-side. He raised his nose to the air, and began to sniff vigorously. Mountain lily. Earth. GOAT. His ears pricked up instantly, his mouth began to water and he emitted a low rumbling growl, in anticipation of the meal to come. He loped away from his den into the snow covered upper slopes. He leaped over a small chasm, grabbed the opposite ledge, pulled himself up with ease and kept up the slow steady jog, towards the source of the scent...

Felang came to a halt as he saw a blob of grey trot on to a snowy ledge half-a-league in front of him, tainting the pure white of the upper peaks. Felang entered a stooped position and crept towards his quarry silently. The goat was oblivious of it`s impending doom and just stood there, munching on a tuft of Spider-grass that was sticking out of the snow like the mast of a sinking ship. The wind was blowing towards Felang, meaning the goats sense of smell was negated. He crept closer, moving from behind a boulder, his eyes narrowing as he came nearer, nearer and NEARER. He could almost taste its sweet, sweet flesh, it`s blood dribbling from it`s chin in little crimson rivulets and the-- WHAT! The Goat had began the canter away, the wind had changed in his fervour of a fresh meal! Felang howled with frustration and gave chase, Sprinting after his prey. He pounced and missed, his arm smacking off the cold hard stone. Yelping he sprinted on gaining ground on his erstwhile meal.

Felang grabbed the goats hind leg hoisting it into the air like a cub`s rattle, smashing it off the rock beside him once, twice, THREE times! The Goat`s horns were shattered, its face a broken mess. Felang tucked in, his face covered in scarlet, delicious blood. This was the first good meal he had eaten in a month. He buried his snout into the carcass, tearing away hunks of meat with his claws and mouth, greedily stuffing it down his gullet. And so there Felang the wolf sat, alone, feasting on a Mountain goat. The events seemed normal, mediocre even. But soon... soon things would change... forever.

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