Inventory System In OG

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RPG style inventory or in-the-engine swapping of weps?

RPG Inventory ftw
Equip Weapons like in real life!
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Re: Inventory System In OG

Post by Glabbit » Sat Nov 22, 2008 1:20 pm

Ltp0wer wrote:Deal with it.
Would people please quit being to terribly flat-out and rude? ;_;

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Re: Inventory System In OG

Post by Zantalos » Sat Nov 22, 2008 2:00 pm

Xerxes713 wrote:I never said I minded discussion. I just think the long, sarcastic posts are annoying. Sorry if it was worded poorly. But anyway, I'm being hypocritical now. Oh well, it's in my American blood.
I do enjoy more calm discussion because it's not as annoying to read and more people join in, but, well I think in Ltpower's view, good discussions use long sarcastic posts that call other people's opinions and ideas idiotic, retarded, stupid, whatever, it doesn't really matter as long as you don't say something too direct like, "hey now you don't have to be such a jerk about it," because that would be directly calling someone a jerk and that's a big no no. Feel free to say something like, "wow look at all these dumbass suggestions, here let me give you one that isn't completely idiotic..." that is totally fine.

So now you know, this is how we've been discussing, we are not meant to sound like we're flaming each other and having bitter arguments, this is just how we've been making ideas and suggestions, I think it's been going pretty well. I mean, it would probably make more sense to not be so rude at each other's ideas, but I think then some people might lose the passion!

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Re: Inventory System In OG

Post by Ltp0wer » Sat Nov 22, 2008 3:34 pm

Glabbit wrote:
Ltp0wer wrote:Deal with it.
Would people please quit being to terribly flat-out and rude? ;_;
As if Xerxes' post wasn't rude?
Xerxes713 wrote:So many heated, researched, passionate arguments... too bad I don't care. Let's not clutter up the thread with unnecessary arguments about how one system is better than another. I, personally, would prefer it if this thread was just the ideas and not the flames.
Coming into the thread and calling our arguments "clutter" and "unnecessary", also stating that he doesn't give a fuck (I'm paraphrasing) about our "heated" and "passionate" discussion. That is just plain rude. If you don't care, don't post. It just fuels the fire that he claims to not prefer.

I can't speak for everyone, but if you don't like the discussion, don't come in and tell me to change. I am not hurting anyone, nor am I directly insulting anyone(as far as I know :lol: ).
Zantalos wrote:...well I think in Ltpower's view, good discussions use long sarcastic posts that call other people's opinions and ideas idiotic, retarded, stupid, whatever, it doesn't really matter as long as you don't say something too direct like, "hey now you don't have to be such a jerk about it," because that would be directly calling someone a jerk and that's a big no no. Feel free to say something like, "wow look at all these dumbass suggestions, here let me give you one that isn't completely idiotic..." that is totally fine.

So now you know, this is how we've been discussing, we are not meant to sound like we're flaming each other and having bitter arguments, this is just how we've been making ideas and suggestions, I think it's been going pretty well. I mean, it would probably make more sense to not be so rude at each other's ideas, but I think then some people might lose the passion!

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Re: Inventory System In OG

Post by Dazzaa » Thu Dec 04, 2008 2:49 am

I like the system from Stalker, you have the rpg style inventory but you can equip a number of weapons at once eg pistol, assault rifle, machete, and grenades; which you can swap between with the number keys. You can acess your inventory during combat but this does'nt pause the game which makes it advisable not to.

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Re: Inventory System In OG

Post by GaGrin » Fri Dec 05, 2008 10:18 pm

For me this is something that should be designed AFTER deciding what elements we want the player to be able to carry about. Inventory is an interface and you shouldn't design an interface until you know what it's for.

Personally, I can't see a desperate need to carry more than a handful of items at any one time.

I'd love to see two-handed fighting styles, (like the rapier and main-gauche posted today - one for attack, the other for trapping/deflecting) so obviously that means I'd like the system to cope with that.

I also think some weapons should not be, for want of a better word, "slingable". Spears, Halberds/Billhooks, Staves etc. aren't things you can sheath without some serious effort so for the sake of simplicity I'd rather just say its in your hand or you don't have it.

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Re: Inventory System In OG

Post by Count Roland » Sat Dec 06, 2008 3:17 am

well they already kind of did that with staves so I think that will be done not in heaven though overgrowth I suspect will be like heavens r rated blood bathing brother.

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Re: Inventory System In OG

Post by Glabbit » Sat Dec 06, 2008 4:28 am

That sounded like an 'Amen' moment, but I'm not sure if I should...

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Re: Inventory System In OG

Post by Striker21 » Sat Dec 06, 2008 4:39 pm

I'm probably not following the flow of the conversation, as I don't feel like reading posts more than two paragraphs long. Anyway, with Jeff's idea of having between-level inventory management, I still think that you should still be able to access weapons within the bag as well.

Say you pick a sword to put in your holster before the level, that's fine. But If the enemy is using a spear or something, maybe you want to reach in and grab your bow to attack him. This leads to my idea. How about the amount of time it takes to bring something out of your bag is dependent on its placement within it? If your medicine is at the top of the stack in your bag, then it's a quick grab and use, but if it's buried under weapons and so forth, then it takes X seconds to use it.

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Re: Inventory System In OG

Post by Rorschach » Fri Dec 12, 2008 2:39 am

I think its better if they keep it realistic. But then again I don't know how varied the selection of weapons will be. I mean if you had big swords with greater damage potential and smaller swords or even basic guns then it might be best for some RPG Inventory. I know it would make the game quite easier though if you could have a vast number of slots for swords and knives.

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Re: Inventory System In OG

Post by Skofo » Fri Dec 12, 2008 8:10 pm

I think that every weapon should be available to players in real-time. After picking them from a Final Fantasy-esque inventory, a UFO soars past and beams down the weapon of your choice in front of you.

This is the best solution.

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Re: Inventory System In OG

Post by Count Roland » Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:22 pm

Skofo wrote:This is the best solution.
So persuasive I just gave up my religion and every previous belief after you told me this.

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Re: Inventory System In OG

Post by XerxesQ » Mon Dec 15, 2008 2:06 pm

Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down...

Is Overgrowth going to be a semi-linear action game like Lugaru? Or is it going to be an epic RPG?

If the focus of the game is action, there's no point in having inventory management, especially since the tone of the game is about fighting with makeshift weapons and armor in a decaying society. There should be a slot for something knife-sized, and one or two sword-sized ones. Anything that heals you would have its own little button (like Tab) for its use, and you could have a maximum of however many playtesting shows to be fair. If you start having less fun because there aren't as many AWESOME!!!! weapons you can carry around at once, you're missing the point of the game. Or Wolfire failed at making a small amount of really good weapons, WHICH THEY WILL NOT, RIGHT?!?!?!

If the focus of the game is on character development and more than just Crouching Bunny, Hidden Wolf combat, then perhaps there should be a more complicated inventory system to match. Something like Oblivion or Fallout would work nicely, with a full-blown inventory screen and 9 quickslots that you can map to whatever weapon or item you like.

Granted, since we (and maybe Wolfire) still aren't clear regarding exactly what sort of gameplay Overgrowth is going to have, it's hard to make an informed decision about this. Personally, I'm predicting Overgrowth will turn out to be more action than RPG, which is preferable to a gigantic RPG in this case since we have a tiny team trying to get the thing finished by the summer. I'd much prefer a ridiculously fun linear action game to a rushed and patchy epic RPG with little personality and the same bland characters appearing over and over again with the same voice actors, Bethesda.

But Wolfire probably knows what they're doing, and if they don't, we'll scream at them until they do. But there's no indication that the gameplay is going to be bad, whatever it is.

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Re: Inventory System In OG

Post by Jendraz » Mon Dec 15, 2008 9:03 pm

Although I love rpg's, I agree with the arguments here against an inventory system. It would change the fast-paced action-style that Lugaru had, and I really think that that game has a lot of potential that should be expanded upon.

Anyway, I'm not too worried. I have zero doubt that David and the Wolfire team will make an incredible game, because they understand what a quality game is.

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Re: Inventory System In OG

Post by rollercoaster » Tue Dec 16, 2008 11:37 am

im sorry to say i havnt read all the posts, but iv read enough and my comment is that the ideas should be tested ingame, when the game is closer to completion, it could be like 5 different mods with the exact same game, only difference is the weapon handling

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Re: Inventory System In OG

Post by Johannes » Thu Dec 18, 2008 8:44 am

Jeff wrote:I'm the only one who likes the magic backpack like in MGS IV where you can equip any weapon you want at any time? :cry:
It's just too convenient, being able to pull out any weapon at any time, not to mention unrealistic, and not in line with what was established in the original Lugaru. Also it would go against the 'no visible UI elements' theory that Lugaru has followed so far.

I think that each weapon needs to have pros and cons as opposed to other weapons, and so there should not simply be one weapon you use all the time, but you have to make a conscious choice about. It should depend on the playing style of the player, not how fast you can one shot the nearest npc.

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