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Re: The crash-thread!

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 7:28 am
by Glabbit
Yep, Universal binary.
The one detail Wolfire FORGOT to mention.

Now that's real bad, actually.
I'm just lucky my dad has an intel I might be able to use, but yeah, I'm just one out of hundreds...

Re: The crash-thread!

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 7:30 am
by Mike_Cuzins

Re: The crash-thread!

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 7:41 am
by Jeff
Glabbit wrote:Yep, Universal binary.
The one detail Wolfire FORGOT to mention.

Now that's real bad, actually.
I'm just lucky my dad has an intel I might be able to use, but yeah, I'm just one out of hundreds...
Mail us your quad processor G5 and we'll see what we can do! But seriously, this is alpha 1 and we can't support all hardware configurations, among a ton of other things.

Re: The crash-thread!

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 8:09 am
by Mike_Cuzins
ok, I'm on my PC
I put in my auth code...
it waits.......
then <Not Responding> appears. I shed a tear. wait a moment, and come to yyou guys, naturally skipping any restarts.

my Specs are:
CPU: pentium 4 2.8GHz
GPU: Radeon 9700 PRO

Re: The crash-thread!

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 8:22 am
by Glabbit
Jeff wrote:
Glabbit wrote:Yep, Universal binary.
The one detail Wolfire FORGOT to mention.

Now that's real bad, actually.
I'm just lucky my dad has an intel I might be able to use, but yeah, I'm just one out of hundreds...
Mail us your quad processor G5 and we'll see what we can do! But seriously, this is alpha 1 and we can't support all hardware configurations, among a ton of other things.
So, does that mean it'll be powerpc as well, or will it remain simply universal binary?

Re: The crash-thread!

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 9:14 am
by xrodneyx
Athlon 64 3000+
1.5Gb DDR400
ATI Radeon 4870
Creative X-Fi XtremeMusic

and what do i get ... 101cq3.jpg

but at first a hint about closing SetPoint was useful

Re: The crash-thread!

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 9:51 am
by Chainsaw man
Ok... I got this Bad Boy installed, Once I tryed opening it, it came up with a Pop up saying

: OpenGL error

On line 1538 of model.cpp:
Invalid framebuffer operation

The only clickable thing is OK

When I click this It comes up with a diferent Didget in the same lane.
The Number 1608.

Clicking OK opens up another one of the last Windows.
The Phoenix Program how ever remains grey.

I am using Windows Vista Home Basic as an OS
Acording to the System specs given in the Device manager:
I am Using an INVIDIA GeForce 6150SE nForce 430
The Computer says it has two ADM Athlon 64 X2 Core Prossesor 3600+

Edit: When Closing all the stuff on the Mini bar, The Windows error sound plays, but hangs for a moment, it eventuly stops though.

Re: The crash-thread!

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 11:49 am
by folchinator
This is going to sound a little ridiculous, but how do we use the editor once we get in there?

Also, movement significantly slows down either after a set period of time OR when the program "gets distracted", ie pressing the tilde and returning from the code box or even messing with the controls a bit. I'm not sure what does this, as it seems to come at random. But yeah anyone who can tell me what exactly to do in the alpha in terms of the editor (like how to pull it up lol) so I can start reporting would be awesome.

MacBook Pro OSX 10.5.5
2.2 GHz Core 2 Duo
Realtec Audio

Editor controls

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 12:48 pm
by mphasis
Everyone really does need to look at the config.txt and you can find most of these in the config.txt in the OG directory, but:

Double left click: Selects/Deselects objects
W,S,A,D: Moves Camera up down left right
Left click and Hold: Looks around, can also move tool bar
Tab: Slows camera down
*Once you have something selected*
The ui menu works, and you can rotate, translate scale etc.
Arrow keys: Move Object UDLR

console commands:
Can someone please tell us what the console commands are?

-load never works, even when you try to load the .xml file provided
-"/" Should speed the camera up but doesn't?
-You can scale until the rock is a line, then looking around it crashes the game, it also messes up the rock's shader(Rock goes entirely black).
-Lots of people are getting black on the hills instead of fog.
-Double clicking on the ui window crashes the game.
-I don't know the specifications of your .tga (and possibly .obj files?), it seems importing my own also crashes the game as I guess they are encoded wrong(done via the gimp which uses RLE and starts from the bottom right as default)?
-The add button doesn't do anything apart from make you loose control of the camera for a while.
-I've had to authenticate twice already, despite the localcode.txt already being in the directory the second time.
-Console related problems are abundant, but I hear those will soon be fixed, so I won't go over them
-If you run the game in full screen, make it loose focus then go back into the game, I somehow managed to turn the entire screen tinted green and cover it with random black static artifacts?
-When you left click and hold the UI box and move it, the camera goes along with it :( (And that is not a feature :p)
-Some people have the aforementioned frame buffer error when they use post-effects(I don't personally, I just get cool motion-blur(Which also blurs the fps counter?)).
Chainsaw man wrote: On line 1538 of model.cpp:
Invalid framebuffer operation
It'd be nice to be able to turn off the fog shaders without loosing the cool looking rock shaders too.

My specs are:
Windows Xp Pro
2.0ghz Core 2 duo
3gig ram
Nvidia 8400m(And yes, my hills have the black fog problem)
Averaging about 45 fps on all the standard settings
(Not all these bugs were discovered by me, but that should cover most of them?)

Re: The crash-thread!

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 12:51 pm
by Glabbit
Add the fact that the mac version doesn't seem to have a toolbar at all, maybe?

Re: The crash-thread!

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 1:14 pm
by zamzx zik
Jeff wrote:No matter what, Overgrowth should not crash or do anything weird. In the absolute worst case scenario, it should say "Sorry, your computer is not compatible - please upgrade component XYZ."


It crashes when you manipulate objects until they get too small. It doesn't move objects very smoothly; it's very stop and go. You can't move objects while moving the camera... Again, \ doesn't speed things up.

1.5ghz intel core solo (mac mini)
2gb ram

Re: The crash-thread!

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 1:20 pm
by Derakon
If the program runs into a problem while trying to load a .obj file, it will silently crash. Or sometimes it'll pop up an empty dialogue box that you can't clear because your mouse can't interact with it. Looks like a memory problem from the crash logs, which would explain the irregular behavior. You can easily replicate this by not giving an object texture coordinates (e.g. instead of "f 1/1/1" have "f 1//1" in the .obj file).

People with Macs: I recommend running (in /Applications/Utilities) while you're using the alpha. It will output a bunch of information, and when there's a crash, it'll say something like "crash report written to: /Users/yourusername/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/lugaru2.crash.log". If you open that file up, you can find the most recent crash log at the bottom of the file (search for "*****" as it's the delimiter between crashes) which should provide more information about the crash.

I've also experienced the problem with the console not accepting input. I'm not certain what causes it. If I had to guess, the console is "losing focus" and there's no way to regain it since it doesn't have any field elements to click on.

Re: Editor controls

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 1:59 pm
by Nuky
mphasis wrote: -Lots of people are getting black on the hills instead of fog.
-Some people have the aforementioned frame buffer error when they use post-effects(I don't personally, I just get cool motion-blur(Which also blurs the fps counter?)).
Chainsaw man wrote: On line 1538 of model.cpp:
Invalid framebuffer operation
Fog? We have fog?
Also, yes, turning on the post-effects does crash OG here. *confirmed*

Re: The crash-thread!

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 2:00 pm
by Nuky
Derakon wrote:I've also experienced the problem with the console not accepting input. I'm not certain what causes it. If I had to guess, the console is "losing focus" and there's no way to regain it since it doesn't have any field elements to click on.
I found that clicking "Add" did that here. Clicking "Add" again re-enables you to type. Possibly.

Re: The crash-thread!

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 2:04 pm
by Derakon
I'm on a Mac, so no Add button.