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Re: Tutorial system

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 3:07 am
by tomascokis
I also really liked lugaru's tutorial, it was simple, had a awesome ghost enemy, and served its purpose very well.


Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 4:12 am
by Endoperez
I didn't like the Lugaru tutorial. Here are two major reasons:

1) All-or nothing; play through all of it at once
2) Once-its-done-its-done; no way to repeat a section of practice, or even the tutorial text

I wanted to practice blocking with a sword more. To get to practice that, I had to play through most of the tutorial, and then that part was quickly over before I got the hang of it. I never quite got that part of the game.

There are also things the tutorial didn't teach well, that could have been very interesting:

- sneaking, including hiding from sound, vision and smell
- combo attacks; I still have no idea why some things count as combos
- how to use jump-kicks in actual combat
- how to direct opponents towards obstacles like walls, trees and boulders

The tutorial did teach the basics, but it could have been done much, much better.

Re: Tutorial system

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:25 pm
by Swordarm
David actually talked about the flaws regarding the tutorial and the help for the new player in Lugaru some time ago, both in the ModDB interview and the GameDesign Walkthroughs.

Hey David, why not do another one?

Zeno Clash? :D


Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 4:39 pm
by invertin
Glabbit wrote:Most often I have the idea these guys don't listen to their own words anymore...
Untadaike wrote:I like how defensive and stubborn everyone is on these forums. I really do.
invertin wrote:Oh this is nothing.

Re: Re:

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 7:32 pm
by Wilbefast
PandaEaring wrote:I didn't like the Lugaru tutorial. Here are two major reasons:
1) All-or nothing; play through all of it at once
2) Once-its-done-its-done; no way to repeat a section of practice, or even the tutorial text
Good point, perhaps the whole challenge based tutorial system is better - it's true that sections need to be independently accessible, as well as skippable and justified (? Intervin).
ZooKeeper wrote:
BillBeVast wrote:When I said "meaningful" I meant that it makes sense within the bounds of the game universe.
Ah, well... in that case I fully agree.
InterWine wrote:I like seperated tutorials, I think they're alot simpler, but at the same time I don't like an unjustified tutorial.
It seems we're all in agreeance (hehehe "agreeance"). Methinks it's time for me to go over to that other thread and see what I can gleam from that...

If anyone else disagree with me, I'll beat them to death with Armsword!
UntiedDyke wrote:I like how defensive and stubborn everyone is on these forums. I really do.
Too true, you have us there: we'd never concede defeat. NEVER!

  • - You make a very good point
    - Oops - my bad
    - perhaps we do not disagree as much as I first thought
    - You're right of course
    - Yes... you're probably right
    - I'll yield to that
    - Too true, you have us there

Of course, by the very act of rising to that I'm effectively proving you right :?
ZooKeeper wrote:So far as I can tell, this has been an amicable and civilized exchange of opinions.
Really?! Then we'll have to put a stop to it immediately!
DrabBrit wrote:Most often I have the idea these guys don't listen to their own words anymore...
Do you now what "yield" means? I just wrote it and I have, like, totally no idea man :shock:

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 10:06 pm
by Zhukov
Wilbefast wrote:
ZooKeeper wrote:So far as I can tell, this has been an amicable and civilized exchange of opinions.
Really?! Then we'll have to put a stop to it immediately!

I hereby undertake to make unlikely allegations regarding your ancestry, your birth, and your sexual preferences. Take that!

Re: Tutorial system

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 2:20 am
by tomascokis
I actually don't want it to make sense within the games universe. To me, that just seems weird, its sortof turning into its own stereotype.

Thats why personally, I want more ghost enemies.

Re: Tutorial system

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 7:13 am
by Swordarm
tomascokis wrote:I actually don't want it to make sense within the games universe. To me, that just seems weird, its sortof turning into its own stereotype.
And too me, it's how to do it. Integrating it into the story is key! Stop, I am repeating myself :?

Re: Tutorial system

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 12:01 am
by TheBigCheese
I prefer having it in-story, maybe with a basic sepia and slightly diminished edges.

Also, it doesn't have to be:
"Press WASD to move"

It could be a bit comedic as some games do:
"The ancient scrolls mention something about using W,A,S, and D keys to move. Whatever that means..."

Re: Tutorial system

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 2:44 am
by Swordarm
only if it fits the general tone. For Tim Schaeffer's Brutal Legend for example, that would be perfect. :D

It can even be as primitive as for example the main character saying at the start of level 1:
"Lets move!" and and a small window on the left side (Half-Life 2 like) informs you that WASD move the character :)

A tutorial doesn't necessarily need an extra story (-> dojo), I just needs to be PART of the story.

Re: Tutorial system

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 1:26 am
by Wilbefast
Swordarm wrote:A tutorial doesn't necessarily need an extra story (-> dojo), I just needs to be PART of the story.
I think you mean "part of the setting" - still, we understand what you're getting at. Never liked how in Spyro that characters actually told you to press X or whatever - it's always better to have subtitles I reckon.
Zhukov wrote:I hereby undertake to make unlikely allegations regarding your ancestry, your birth, and your sexual preferences. Take that!
No, you're the bastard, androgenous son of transexual gibbon pickle thief :evil:

My mother would never steal pickles!

Re: Tutorial system

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 12:11 pm
by Untadaike
Actually, Mr. Pickles can testify that your mom did indeed try to steal him, despite him looking all gay-like. (please excuse my discriminating speech.)


Re: Tutorial system

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 8:10 pm
by Zaphon
(Click thumbnail)

...yeah, I dunno.