Multiplayer enhancement [Brainstorm]

A secret forum for people who preorder Overgrowth!

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Re: Multiplayer enhancement [Brainstorm]

Post by Krabman318 » Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:39 am

Deathmatch, with different, but balanced sets of weapons and armours.
Like a sword and no armour, or a knife and leather/metal armour (with leather armour providing the same speed and maneuverability as no armour at all, but mediocre protection at best, and metal armor offering great protection, but making you slower and making flips, walljumps, -kicks impossible.)
It shouldn´t be possible to combinate armour with some weapons.
That way, you could choose weaponsets that fit your playstyle best, but don´t make you overpowered.

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Re: Multiplayer enhancement [Brainstorm]

Post by Nekros22 » Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:12 pm

Base Build: Two opposing teams have a predetermined amount of time to build their base using the editor. At the end of this time, players enter the game and try to defend their bases from attackers. The objective is the flag. The flag must be captured and held by the opposing team for a short amount of time, say, 4 or 5 minutes.

Assassination: Players are randomly placed in a maze with no weapons and no armor. One player, the assassin, has the ability to perform insta-kills if he can attack you from behind. The easiest way to avoid assassination is to stick to a group. The challenge is figuring out which players are "safe" and which one is the assassin.

Grand Prix: No holds barred, down and dirty long distance racing. Whoever crosses the finish line first wins. Players can fight and kill other players during this race. The map will have to be very large or procedurally generated because it will need to stretch on for a very long way. Checkpoints situated along the route will allow players to stock up on health and weapons, as well as lie in wait for oncoming racers.

The Temple: At the top of a very large temple lies an ancient relic of great power. The Temple has multiple levels, each one with a large scale puzzle that will need to be solved in order to move on to the next level. Teams of four players will be tasked with solving these puzzles; whoever reaches the top first wins. The puzzles will be very complex and will require the entire team to solve. This combined with other teams competing for glory will make this a vicious map.

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Re: Multiplayer enhancement [Brainstorm]

Post by arthuro12 » Thu Apr 07, 2011 2:11 pm

Predator mode

forrest map, night or day but deffinetly foggy.
1 predator on every 5 players (so 2 preds for 10)

the "predator" can run faster and jump higher then the normal players (dogs, rats w/e)

the normal players have to hunt the predator down before it gets them.

medium sized map with predator spawned in the middle and norm players at one end. their weapons
at basecamp and they have to search the forrest for the predator before it unleashes footcannon! :D

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Re: Multiplayer enhancement [Brainstorm]

Post by Krabman318 » Fri Apr 08, 2011 1:59 am

Not really a multiplayer mode, but I´d like to have perks for multiplayer.
Last edited by Krabman318 on Sun Sep 18, 2011 5:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Multiplayer enhancement [Brainstorm]

Post by Murd » Fri Apr 08, 2011 1:09 pm

Kiory wrote:16 Players is just a bit too much I reckon.
32 feels just about right xD

Has anyone thought about modding a gun game with cool explosives, maybe not so much of this call of duty stuff but still prone and diving was made before cod :D

How about gamemodes online for an action gunfire mod. I'd like to see Deathmatch, Capture The Flag, Rescue The Hosties, Disarm The Nuke, Infiltrate The Base, Assassinate The President.
Then of course restricted weapons mode, starting with snipers > hmg > lmg > autorifles > autos(inc smgs + shotties) > semiauto non-pistols > grenades + pistols > melee weapons > and the unrestrictable base playing system of awesome kung fu

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Re: Multiplayer enhancement [Brainstorm]

Post by LucarFox » Tue Apr 12, 2011 9:52 am

Keep- the Call of Duty- AWAY- From- Overgrowth
2 completely different game types, not meant to be together. we dun need it D:
although I can't stop people from talking about it xP

Overgrowth would however make a great MMO type of game.
Open world, killing random enemies you come across... maybe leveling up?
(lol, think WoW, different character customization and such... different abilities etc. Although some people may think "Rawr keep WoW away from overgrowth...". Overgrowth has the potential for being a great MMO)
It'd be sweet, but thinking about the whole "PVP" type thing, or 1v1 player battles might be a huge issue due to latency. But lag compensation may be able to make up for that.
However it's done, I'm sure the developers can accomplish it... after all, look at what they've done so far ;)

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Re: Multiplayer enhancement [Brainstorm]

Post by Krabman318 » Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:22 am

Keep- the WoW- AWAY- From- Overgrowth
:wink: just joking

But I was referring to perks.
ONLY perks.

Actually, if you have the skills to do so, you could mod OG into a quite different game
(at least I´m pretty sure you could)

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Re: Multiplayer enhancement [Brainstorm]

Post by LucarFox » Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:25 am

haha, just making sure that some people wanted overgrowth to turn into an fps xD
but yes, Perks would be really great!

Me and my buddy have been watching the game for a while, and we promised each other we would do something with the engine or just a mod for the game, but we're going to wait for the game to finish.
Trying to build mods off of unfinished games leads to a lot of issues and stressful, constant updating.
especially since the updates are weekly. cant go full-time off of free mods :P

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Re: Multiplayer enhancement [Brainstorm]

Post by doctordoomspvp » Thu Apr 14, 2011 2:58 pm

For the "Kage no Senshi" mode you mentioned, I'd like to propose an idea similar to assassin's creed brotherhood's multiplayer. There can be loads of neutral npc's walking around, so you cant tell who is npc and who is player, and team A can be trying to kill team B, team B to team C, team C to team D, and team D to team A. There could also be a pointer which points you in the general direction of your target team. This could be interesting because it combines sneaking and fighting with intelligence, as you are trying to notice someone out of the ordinary and some interesting scenarios could happen, like a fight breaking out and everyone is watching to see if they should break cover to join in the fight.

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Re: Multiplayer enhancement [Brainstorm]

Post by TonyTheSlayer » Fri Apr 15, 2011 7:13 pm

I really like where this is going, a lot of great ideas we have swimming around, but the only frown I ever had was when I had to see "COD" and "WoW", but I was glad one of them was an opinion of opposition. Perks at the most from COD, I'm all for that. :wink:

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Re: Multiplayer enhancement [Brainstorm]

Post by Krabman318 » Sun Apr 17, 2011 1:21 pm

12 Players, all rabbits.
3 of them are werewolves, they have increased health and can do stealthkills.
Players can attack anyone they want to.
Only the werewolves know the identity of a Player.
There´s one saboteur(normal rabbit, works with the werewolves.)

Rabbits: Kill the werewolves.
Werewolves: Kill the Rabbits(without being unmasked, of course.)
Saboteur:Same as Werewolves, but loses when dead.

You could have any other 3:1 rabbit/werewolve ratio too.(for example 6:2, 9:3, etc.)

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Re: Multiplayer enhancement [Brainstorm]

Post by [insertusernamehere] » Sun Apr 17, 2011 7:17 pm

This is my extremely long awesome detailed post.

For every gametype you are able to decide your own species. For example, some might have a preference as wolves while others like dogs or cats better. Here are my attributes for different species.

Rabbit: Can use hearing to see behind them; are slightly faster and can jump higher. However, rabbits have slightly less health than normal.

Wolf: Can use sense of smell to see everywhere through camouflage and stealth, cannot see through objects. It also has slightly higher health and damage. However, the wolf is severely slowed down and easily be outrun.The wolf has claws, which act as passive knives. The wolf cannot pick up weapons unless it disarms another player.

Dog: Can also smell things, however the range is limited. Has normal health and increased damage, and is slightly slowed down. Does not have claws.

Rat: The rat is much smaller and thus harder to see, and it also camouflages with bushes and other foliage- when it is close enough to rustle the bush, it is invisible to sight. It can still be smelled, however. The rat has decreased damage and drastically decreased health, but is invisible to rabbits and cats behind them by hearing, whether or not they are crouching. The rat has a bonus to attacking from behind or from out of camouflage and also can more easily perform stealthkills. The rat also has the ability to leave its scent behind, which leaves a strong, lasting smell that can trick smelling animals such as a dog, wolf, or cat into thinking a rat is there when there really is not. The fake scent is slightly discolored and lasts 60 seconds.

Cat: The cat has both hearing and smell. It has equal hearing as the rabbit, but a very faint sense of smell (better than that of humans, but not then that of a wolf or dog). Its smell is limited to the same range as the dog and is quite faint, only being able to sense a translucent player that is hard to see. The cat has retractable claws which are like sheath-able knives. The cat is slightly faster and can jump much higher, but has lowered health.

For sneaking/visibility, it should depend on the species. For rabbits, you can see behind you, but only when they are standing up. Crouching creatures not in your line of vision are invisible. Everywhere you can see, you can see. Everywhere else is darkened, so that players cannot take advantage of the third-person view (unless they are a wolf, in which the sense of smell can detect enemies everywhere).

Warning! Emoticon Overload Ahead! Warning!

Basically, I think there should be these modes, with different settings.
Settings Key:
:twisted: = Increased Damage
:oops: = Lowered health
:!: = No weapons
:arrow: = Increased movement speed
:o = decreased movement speed
:?: = Custom weapons
:evil: = Tons of weapons
:shock: = Decreased visibility, ie: fog, trees, etc.
:D = Respawns
:cry: = No respawns
:| = Decreased damage
8) = raised health
:) = 2 players
:mrgreen: = 4 - 16 player
:roll: = custom arena

1v1 Fight to the Death
Pretty self-explanatory, a fight to the death in a specially made arena for this gametype only. It can be customized to have any of the following attributes
:!: :?: :evil: :twisted: :oops: :| 8)
Must have: :cry: :roll:

Any amount of players from 4-16, every man for himself. The last man standing wins.
Can have:
:twisted: :evil: :!: :arrow:
Must have:

There is one predator and the rest are regular. The rest are trying to kill the predator and vice versa.
The predator has: 8) :twisted: :arrow:
The rest have: :oops:
Can have:
:!: :?: :evil:
Must have:
:shock: :cry:

Zombies, werewolves, vampires, whatever. The infection must spread. The healthy must survive and kill the zombies, but the zombies want to infect the healthy. If you are killed by a zombie, you are infected and respawn. However, once you are a zombie you cannot respawn.
The zombies have: 8) :o :twisted: :cry:
The healthy have: :oops: :D as zombie
Can have:
:!: :?: :evil:
Must have:

Team Deathmatch
Same as Deathmatch but with two teams, each with a different fur color- white vs. black?

Capture the Flag
You must run across the large arena and grab the flag, then run back and touch your own flag with it, all without getting killed. There is a center divider- one team can kill the opponents, but only when they are on their side- the only way to defend yourself on the other side is to run. If both teams all die, it is a draw.
Can have: :!: :?: :evil: :shock: 8) :| :twisted: :oops:
Must have: :cry: :roll:

Rescue the Hostages
One team holds hostages, while the other tries to rescue them. The hostages CAN run away. However, the captors can threaten to kill the hostages. If you kill a hostage, both teams suffer losses of points, however, the captors suffer an even larger loss of points if they rescue a hostage. If the captors do not kill hostages or lose hostages, they gain points- this way they will only threaten to kill them if they need to.
The hostages have: :oops: :| :o :cry:
The captors and rescuers are normal.
Can have: :!: :?: :evil: :shock:
Must have: :D for all but hostages

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Re: Multiplayer enhancement [Brainstorm]

Post by Shlimmy » Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:27 pm

Personally, I think that game modes that work with this game's awesome movement and jumping would be really fun, as the game isn't just about raw combat, but also positioning and strategy. For these reasons I would like to see a capture the flag and obstacle race game mode.

However on a side note, I think the best thing that could be done is put it in to the player's hands. We have this great base game and engine, and an already decent and dynamic map editor coming together, look how successful games like Warcraft 3 were when they allowed the users to take advantage of the awesome game they created and make things that together were almost more of a success than the game itself.

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Re: Multiplayer enhancement [Brainstorm]

Post by kappagino89 » Tue Apr 19, 2011 10:35 pm

I don't want to shit on ideas

but TDM and DM is very uninspired(Although, it should still be implemented in the game, I'm just sick of games with much more potential sticking with basic multiplayer modes)

My number one thing I want is survival Co-op

Have an online scoreboard, 4 players(or more?) fend off waves of enemies... and gets harder and harder... well you know.

Also add a race mode...maybe up to 8... have obstacles in the way ect... ect.. something fun :P

I think capture the flag would be way to annoying...

and yes.. COOP, COOP and COOP!.. :P I'd love to see a coop campaign that requires all players...or even give a side story for a coop campaign.... outside of jack's thing

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Re: Multiplayer enhancement [Brainstorm]

Post by Count Roland » Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:03 am

well their main idea for multiplayer was coop, and maybe some vs. if they had time, but they wanted to do Co-op cause that way the lag wouldn't be as annoying as it would when fighting another player.

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