Wounds and broken bones?

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Wounds and broken bones?

Post by Gameovergames » Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:04 pm

When I first heard of the game I thougt that there would be things like when a sword hits you in the arm; your arm would move slower or if you are hit in your leg that you will move harder/slower, and broken bones; like if you fall (not high enough to kill you) you would also get broken bones and like you are only possible to crawl then and when the final game releases that it would be more like an open world game so there are diffrent villages where you can het healed or you can badage it by yourself.

Well my point is: It would be cool if you could have theese things like broken bones and wounds that slow you down in combat and stuff.

I hope you guys like this idea and support me with it :)

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Re: Wounds and broken bones?

Post by nemo77 » Sun Jul 29, 2012 5:27 pm

i support you and i like your ideas. especially broken bones, crawling to tne next village, heal and bandages yourself lol.

now i want open world too, with the necessity to food, drink, rest, start a fire, make objects or rude weapons by combining basic materials. all the aspects of surviving in this hostile universe.

I don't know if dev will stop to combat and parkour gameplay but keep the hope wih me that once the game will be released, a mod team will bring us our RPG sandbox game

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Re: Wounds and broken bones?

Post by MattMellander » Mon Jul 30, 2012 12:57 am

Just remember, the game is still in development.

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Re: Wounds and broken bones?

Post by Endoperez » Mon Jul 30, 2012 12:59 am

The problem with broken bones in an open world game is that you can't get food for a month if your leg is badly broken and you die.

The problem with broken bones that are magically fixed once you have crawled into a village is that it's boring to crawl into a village. In an action game, you usually want to quickly move from one place of action to a second place of action.

Open world is problematic unless map loading becomes much faster than it currently is, and even then it won't be anywhere as good as in an engine meant for it.

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Re: Wounds and broken bones?

Post by Constance » Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:37 am

I was thinking it would be cool if when you were beat up, then you'd have bruises, and your nose would be bleeding and things like that.

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Re: Wounds and broken bones?

Post by Gameovergames » Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:08 am

Endoperez wrote:The problem with broken bones in an open world game is that you can't get food for a month if your leg is badly broken and you die.

The problem with broken bones that are magically fixed once you have crawled into a village is that it's boring to crawl into a village. In an action game, you usually want to quickly move from one place of action to a second place of action.

Open world is problematic unless map loading becomes much faster than it currently is, and even then it won't be anywhere as good as in an engine meant for it.
What you say about the broken bones and food problem, maybe let traiders go around the world, randomly walking in the free world.

The second problem of you; It's not like magicly fixed and maybe other rabbits form friendly villages could help you with the walking and if you bandage yourself you will walk faster, And maybe this would be another gamemode like you have a gamemode like the previous game (Fergot the name) and this gamemode :D

The loading problem can be fixed by making it like fable TLC, like passages form map to map so it only will load one area at once.

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Re: Wounds and broken bones?

Post by Gameovergames » Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:15 am

nemo77 wrote:i support you and i like your ideas. especially broken bones, crawling to tne next village, heal and bandages yourself lol.

now i want open world too, with the necessity to food, drink, rest, start a fire, make objects or rude weapons by combining basic materials. all the aspects of surviving in this hostile universe.

I don't know if dev will stop to combat and parkour gameplay but keep the hope wih me that once the game will be released, a mod team will bring us our RPG sandbox game
First thank you for suporting me, it gives me a feeling that I am not the only one that likes this kind of gameplay :D

What you mention with food and need to dring and just survive from other wild animals maybe, I dont know how good your computer is but if you have a good computer; try to play Arma 2 demo and if it runs good try to get DayZ its an mod for (I think) arma 2 OA, its very survivaly and fun to play, now I cant play it myself but i played it at an friend of my so if this game dosent make this kind of gameplay; I would reccomend you to go play that game (AND STILL PLAY OVERGROWTH ;P)

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Re: Wounds and broken bones?

Post by Endoperez » Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:06 am

Gameovergames wrote:What you say about the broken bones and food problem, maybe let traiders go around the world, randomly walking in the free world.

The second problem of you; It's not like magicly fixed and maybe other rabbits form friendly villages could help you with the walking and if you bandage yourself you will walk faster, And maybe this would be another gamemode like you have a gamemode like the previous game (Fergot the name) and this gamemode :D

The loading problem can be fixed by making it like fable TLC, like passages form map to map so it only will load one area at once.

If you have to add in new changes to the game JUST so that you can add changes to the game, things will get too complicated very fast. The more time is spent here, the less time is spent on the fighting. And this game is about fighting first.

If there are random traders, the player wants to buy from them. Then we need currency. Then players want to sell stuff. If there are friendly villages, there have to be several villages, some of which are more friendly than others.

At the moment, there are NO NPCs at all! No dialogue, no villages, no one to talk with.

The bandages have a similar problem. There's no inventory, no usable items, no stats that would let you walk faster or slower! Before bandages could be added, the game would need at least half a dozen subsystems.

Would you ask for "friendly villages" in Street Fighter or Super Mario?

Would you ask for all of that just so that your idea of broken bones could be done?

Once the game is further along, and we know if there will be an inventory, or villages, or NPCs you can talk with, then we can see if broken bones are feasible. However, if Overgrowth stays as a combat game with separate levels, like Lugaru, long-time injuries won't fit.

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Re: Wounds and broken bones?

Post by Gameovergames » Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:46 am

Endoperez wrote:
Gameovergames wrote:What you say about the broken bones and food problem, maybe let traiders go around the world, randomly walking in the free world.

The second problem of you; It's not like magicly fixed and maybe other rabbits form friendly villages could help you with the walking and if you bandage yourself you will walk faster, And maybe this would be another gamemode like you have a gamemode like the previous game (Fergot the name) and this gamemode :D

The loading problem can be fixed by making it like fable TLC, like passages form map to map so it only will load one area at once.

If you have to add in new changes to the game JUST so that you can add changes to the game, things will get too complicated very fast. The more time is spent here, the less time is spent on the fighting. And this game is about fighting first.

If there are random traders, the player wants to buy from them. Then we need currency. Then players want to sell stuff. If there are friendly villages, there have to be several villages, some of which are more friendly than others.

At the moment, there are NO NPCs at all! No dialogue, no villages, no one to talk with.

The bandages have a similar problem. There's no inventory, no usable items, no stats that would let you walk faster or slower! Before bandages could be added, the game would need at least half a dozen subsystems.

Would you ask for "friendly villages" in Street Fighter or Super Mario?

Would you ask for all of that just so that your idea of broken bones could be done?

Once the game is further along, and we know if there will be an inventory, or villages, or NPCs you can talk with, then we can see if broken bones are feasible. However, if Overgrowth stays as a combat game with separate levels, like Lugaru, long-time injuries won't fit.
Okay, after reading this I truned my thoughts of the broken bones (Still would be awesome) and the traidors and stuff BUT the wounds like I said of slowing you down; They could at least try it and you dont have to bandage them, like now you just kill all the hostile persons and then win or you can die and loose so why wouldn't that be a good idea? (I dont say you say my wound system is a bad idea :D)

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Re: Wounds and broken bones?

Post by Coincidence » Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:34 pm

I love it that after you destroy a character with the ridiculously large Dog Sword their corpse looks good and dead. I also absolutely love listening to those teethgrind-inducing sound effects as characters' spines snap on impacts.

I only wish that characters looked a little more beat up as they take damage. It is incredibly silly to see a character be sent flying fifty feet tumbling from a high kick, bounce off a wall and stand up and brush it off like it was nothing (like a boss), however collapsing and dying after a light punch to the face immediately afterwards.

It is also infuriating to see characters get completely sliced up by the Dog Knife and keep standing, yet fall after a jab to the hand from the Cat Rapier.

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Re: Wounds and broken bones?

Post by BotheredMe » Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:59 am

Coincidence wrote:
It is also infuriating to see characters get completely sliced up by the Dog Knife and keep standing, yet fall after a jab to the hand from the Cat Rapier.
Remember, they have yet to balance any of this out yet. Everything that is currently in OG is subject to change.

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Re: Wounds and broken bones?

Post by Noz » Tue Jul 31, 2012 2:44 pm

Gameovergames wrote:when the final game releases that it would be more like an open world game so there are diffrent villages where you can het healed or you can badage it by yourself.
Not happenin'. I'm pretty sure the open-world horse has been well tenderized. The game is going to run like Lugaru mostly with a similar map navigating system. The levels have too much data to jump around from one to the other frequently and they are also too small to have a full open-world game.

But, on your main point, I think crawling due to bone breakage would be a little silly. I mean, how many objectives could you complete without the full use of both your legs? Plus, it would just prolong your inevitable anticlimactic death. Having to slowly crawl towards an enemy just to get a sword shoved down your throat is a chore and a waste of man hours. Letting the game kill you off to start over again is a real time saver. If this were in place, the alternative to limping around like a horse on his way to the glue factory would be to find the first tall object and take a hobbling leap off the edge. The game should never want to make you kill off your character. I'm pretty sure your character will be slowed and weakened following a boot to the head or any other serious injury, but it wouldn't be practical to get too carried away with it. Although, I could see where this could be cool, limping my way around a level to find a hole to hide in could get old after a while.

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Re: Wounds and broken bones?

Post by Coincidence » Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:14 pm

Noz wrote:But, on your main point, I think crawling due to bone breakage would be a little silly. I mean, how many objectives could you complete without the full use of both your legs? Plus, it would just prolong your inevitable anticlimactic death. Having to slowly crawl towards an enemy just to get a sword shoved down your throat is a chore and a waste of man hours. Letting the game kill you off to start over again is a real time saver.
I had this idea where instead of insta-dying from lack of health (aka health bars) or running and hiding behind cover (aka rechargeable health), how about a system where if a limb gets damaged you lose partial use of that limb; blows to the arms reduce your attack power, blows to the legs reduce your running speed and jump distance, etc. (not necessarily leaving you crawling to your next objective, but you get the idea). But say when the player defeats all the enemies they get some functionality back, not full functionality as some penalty needs to be taken for getting hit in the first place, but enough so that the player can still move about the level with ease and still has a good chance of victory in the next fight they encounter.

I can't remember which game had a system similar to this. But I think that the system provides for some great gameplay opportunities.

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Re: Wounds and broken bones?

Post by Gameovergames » Wed Aug 01, 2012 2:59 am

Coincidence wrote:
Noz wrote:But, on your main point, I think crawling due to bone breakage would be a little silly. I mean, how many objectives could you complete without the full use of both your legs? Plus, it would just prolong your inevitable anticlimactic death. Having to slowly crawl towards an enemy just to get a sword shoved down your throat is a chore and a waste of man hours. Letting the game kill you off to start over again is a real time saver.
I had this idea where instead of insta-dying from lack of health (aka health bars) or running and hiding behind cover (aka rechargeable health), how about a system where if a limb gets damaged you lose partial use of that limb; blows to the arms reduce your attack power, blows to the legs reduce your running speed and jump distance, etc. (not necessarily leaving you crawling to your next objective, but you get the idea). But say when the player defeats all the enemies they get some functionality back, not full functionality as some penalty needs to be taken for getting hit in the first place, but enough so that the player can still move about the level with ease and still has a good chance of victory in the next fight they encounter.

I can't remember which game had a system similar to this. But I think that the system provides for some great gameplay opportunities.
This idea is kinda like my wounds idea so I like it :D
And I dont know witch game had this but I played one with it, maybe if there was a LARP game xD

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Re: Wounds and broken bones?

Post by Endoperez » Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:54 am

You do realize that in Overgrowth, when you have been hit, your blocks are weaker and you fall over more easily. Also, when you've been hit with a weapon, you clutch the part that's been hurt.

Much of what you are requesting could be done with variations on existing tech. For example, if there's a way to tell that a leg has been hurt, replace the clutching animation with limping animation.

Some sort of Arena game mode has been mentioned a few times. I don't know if that's official or not, but I could see some wounds carrying over, if it's more like a Survival mode and less like a Story Mode (I'm thinking of Tekken 3 here, many fighting game probably use similar system).

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