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General Gameplay Feedback (mostly related to a227)

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 1:29 pm
by Rakshal
I honestly am not sure where to put long feedback pieces like this so please let me know if this is not where to do it.

With the release of a227, I've started playing Overgrowth a bit more, so I figured I would give feedback.


Wolves' Sturdiness

Wolves as of the latest update in my opinion are not fun to fight at all. My strategy for fighting them is always the same. I throw a sword into their back, twist it out and then leg cannon them to death. I understand why it was changed to make them invulnerable to normal attacks, they are meant to be menacing, but it feels drastic.

I feel like wolves should instead just have higher than normal health or damage resistance and a resistance to knockdowns, making them more like bosses or mini-bosses.

Wolves' Attack Speed

In my personal opinion, the attack speed for wolves is way too fast. They feel like they are unable to be dodged most of the time. This makes fighting them on the ground 1 on 1 with a sword or something not an option as they will smack you down and cause you to loose your weapon before you can get a strike off. The combination of speed, damage and ragdoll is a bit too much.

The wolves should have their attack speed toned down to make it possible to dodge and get strikes off.

One of these changes might be enough to tone the wolves down rather than both.

Leg Cannon

Tying into wolves... kinda, the leg cannon feels overpowered. Obviously it was toned down slightly with changes to AI so that you can't just jump strait up and leg cannon, but it still feels like it is too strong.

I don't think a damage reduction would address the problem, it would either become too weak or remain too strong. Rather I think leg cannons should be overhauled with a more skillful replacement. Rather than having the current leg cannon I would love to see a wall run kick that does the same damage and ragdoll as the leg cannon. This would allow you to have a powerful move but in limited situations that would be maybe harder to pull off.

Damage Vignette

I do like the damage vignette, but I personally feel like it is a bit too subtle. Though I imagine some people like the way it is so to not force people into having a very intense effect, I would love an intensity slider for the effect.