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HELP! Multiple Controllers During Splitscreen

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 12:55 am
by Duckington
I just picked this game up on steam and love it.

I really badly want to get splitscreen working but can't seem to get my Xbox controllers working. Xbox controller works perfectly fine in any single player mode without fail.

In the editor, with two controllers connected, I can successfully add a second player and make them playable, but neither is controllable with either controller.

Am I doing something wrong? I want both players controlled by a controller. Can this be done?

Please help if you can!

Re: HELP! Multiple Controllers During Splitscreen

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 10:48 pm
by Duckington

I decided to further tinker to see if I could fix this issue as it is driving me nuts not being able to play splitscreen.

Turns out, adding three playable characters (via Ctrl C, Ctrl V, Ctrl+Shift P) will allow one character to move via keyboard, one by xbox controller (and the other won't move).

Adding four playable characters will allow 2 of the characters to be controlled by an xbox controller and 1 by a keyboard/mouse.

So the core problem is that player 2 cannot be controller by a controller.
I should also mention that in the Versus mode, neither person will work via controller. Only player 1 by keyboard/mouse.

Does anyone know how to fix this? I feel like its a simple fix.

Re: HELP! Multiple Controllers During Splitscreen

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 6:03 am
by Silverfish
It seems to be working for me on internal_testing on Steam. Have you tried it on internal_testing?

To switch to internal_testing, right click the game in Steam, click "preferences", go to the "betas" tab and select "internal_testing" from the drop down menu. Close the window, let the game update and then start it.

Keep in mind that the internal_testing branch gets updated very often, so there might be things in there that are not in a change log yet, and it also might be very unstable.