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Hiding after being seen?

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 3:01 am
by WastedTimeYT
It seems to me like you can't hide after being seen by an npc, is it possible? If not I'd think that would be pretty good to add.

Re: Hiding after being seen?

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 7:22 am
by halzoid
you can "hide" but the Ai's really smart.
Once breaking the line of sight of an Ai they will assume where you've gone based on what movements you were performing when last seen and what the new location looks like. You'll have very limited time to get to somewhere they won't look. The Ai currently never become un-alerted and will continue searching for you, meaning the most you'll get is about one lucky hit if you manage to get right next to them, but they'll be much more aware of footsteps and will constantly be looking around themselves.

This ain't Skyrim where they imagine you were a ghost and the arrow in their neck must be imaginary

I do think it's a bit difficult and It's kiiinda annoying the only thing you can do when seen is to fight if you want to escape, but it's cool to see smart Ai in games

Re: Hiding after being seen?

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 12:26 am
by WastedTimeYT
Makes sense, thanks for the help!