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Inventory System In OG

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:09 pm
by Dudeman
So, I was just talking to john, and he seemed unsure if they were going to make an RPG style inventory, or an in the engine thing like with Lugaru. So I proposed the idea of being able to buy more holsters for weapons in the form of weapon frogs, and have you be able to have five at once. That way you can carry around five of your favorite weapons without the annoying PAUSE EVERYTHING, THE PLAYER IS CHANGING HIS WEAPON!!! menus that we see in most RPGs nowadays. So I made this poll to see how many of you like the idea. Feel free to improve it.

Re: Inventory System In OG

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:38 pm
by Hal1989
I didn't really liked the usual inventory system that make you carry an impossible amount of equipment and drink like several potions in a fraction of a second (lol XD).

I like having an "limited inventory", which reflect the capacity of carrying equipment in a "realistic" way, which force you to manage your inventory strategically, thus giving more challenge. I also like to change weapons live instead of using a menu.

Re: Inventory System In OG

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 6:36 pm
by Nigmos
That was actually one of many things I liked about Lugaru; that you have to use strategy to equip a knife early, so you can't really do it in the middle of a fight (of course it's possible, but unneccessary)

Re: Inventory System In OG

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:16 pm
by Derakon
On the one hand, I like the strategy in weapon equipping in Lugaru, but on the other hand, it did sometimes interfere with the flow of combat. And rightfully so, but it might be more fun if swapping weapons was faster (e.g. if you could "holster" a bo staff).

I definitely think that the RPG-style approach would be way too slow. On the other extreme would be something like Devil May Cry 3, where you could swap instantly between your equipped weapons, no matter what you're doing.

Re: Inventory System In OG

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:15 pm
by Alorwin
I think.... you should be able to carry weapons on you, like in luguru... but rather than have it be limited, make each weapon/sheath a physical object that can collide with the others, and allow you to position the weapons as desired. So you can carry as many weapons as you can organize. :D That make sense?

Re: Inventory System In OG

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:23 pm
by Viking Zippy
Definitely not the inventory system, it's far too cumbersome. Being able to hold only two weapons makes for much more interesting strategies, and it eliminates the need for more than a couple of keys: far too many games have 8 or 9 weapons that must be assigned to a key, which can get complicated if someone wants to use 1, 2, or 3 for something other than weapon selection.

Besides, it's ridiculous to be able to run over multiple weapons and instantly pick up every one of them; the thought of such a thing in a game like Lugaru is absurd.

Re: Inventory System In OG

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 9:32 pm
by marmorek
Realistic weapon slots:

- A sword and a knife or two on the belt (plus throwing knives)
- Two short swords / bow and quiver on the back
- Staff / spear / chainsaw in hand only
- Hand / foot spikes (as seen in that older concept art — if only wolverines were in the game!)
- Possibly a backpack with room for a few smaller weapons and other items (but keep it realistic)
- Pockets for throwing knives or shuriken

One thing was just wondering, would flexible weapons (nunchaku, chains, flails) be possible with ragdoll-esque physics? That's be incredible.

Re: Inventory System In OG

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 9:46 pm
by Count Roland
poor inventory system, outnumbered fourteen to 0 I voted against it without even looking.

Re: Inventory System In OG

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 10:08 pm
by Hal1989
Viking Zippy wrote:Definitely not the inventory system, it's far too cumbersome. Being able to hold only two weapons makes for much more interesting strategies, and it eliminates the need for more than a couple of keys: far too many games have 8 or 9 weapons that must be assigned to a key, which can get complicated if someone wants to use 1, 2, or 3 for something other than weapon selection.
Indeed. I was always wondering how the hell the guy from Doom was able to carry that much weapon in the same time, which include a pistol, chainsaw, shotgun, supershotgun, machine gun, rocket launcher, plasma rifle and finally a BFG, rofl XD.

What I liked in some games is when you was being able to carry only 2 weapons, which was the main and the side (or secondary) weapons.

Re: Inventory System In OG

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 11:16 pm
by Skofo
Hahah, oh wow. 18 to 0.

Why not both? I think it'd be pretty nice to be able to attach weapons to your seathes and be able to quick-equip em with number keys/mouse scroll, up to the number of seathes you have. A backpack or sack where you could carry around things and take em out with an RPG inventory system would be nice, too. Probably would be more practical for strong animals that can lift big loads without taking too big of a hit to their ability or agility, like bears or rhinos or sharks, perhaps.

Re: Inventory System In OG

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 12:45 am
by Xerxes713
This is hard for me. On the one hand, I hate the unrealism of carrying a million billion potions in an RPG system. On the other hand, I hate only having two weapon slots when the character can clearly hold more. As an example, I was playing Mercenaries 2 today, and I wondered why the main character only used one of the two rifle holsters on his back (Yes, there are two, he puts the one he's holding away before he takes out the other one). Then later I got a pistol and an uzi, which went into holsters on either leg. I could only carry two weapons, but there were clearly four holsters on his body.

Then later I was carrying like 20 grenades, which was about the part where I started saying "What the ****?!"

In any case, I like the idea of having all the realistic places on the body, but instead of being bound to only specific weapons, it would make more sense if it was a broader category of weapon. For example, instead of two short sword holders on the back, go with two general sword/staff/spear/axe holsters, and maybe have the throwing weapon pockets double as extra knife holders. Another issue raised with throwing weapons, even though this is a little off-topic, is if David will program in melee capability (if they're in the game at all). I liked the system in Lugaru of having a normal knife that I could also throw.

Back on the subject, I think that at the very least they should let you holster staves. I prefer using them as emergency backup weapons, mostly because of their breakability.

Re: Inventory System In OG

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 2:13 am
by Derakon
How would you holster a staff, though? Any possible way I can think of to attach it to your body would cause unacceptable interference in your mobility. The things are simply too long.

Re: Inventory System In OG

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 9:12 am
by Striker21
Derakon wrote:How would you holster a staff, though? Any possible way I can think of to attach it to your body would cause unacceptable interference in your mobility. The things are simply too long.
4th Dimensional Pockets.

Seriously though, how about physically "stuffing stuff" into a bag? You could literally have a 3D backpack and make the user try to position stuff inside it. Maybe give the bag elsaticity and use the mouse to shove your knives and swords into it.

Some people might be thinking: "But Striker, with all of your wisdom, you seem to have forgotten to consider the flow of combat."

Well, I agree that it might be weird pausing to open up your backpack while in the middle of a battle, but realistically, you'd never do that ANYWAY. At most you'll pick up a weapon and either use it immediately or holster it temporarily while fighting. In which case this isn't a problem because pockets and holsters can operate automatically.

Re: Inventory System In OG

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 7:43 pm
by Chainsaw man
Well, i supose everyone should watch the Cliff sceen in Bad taste if they want to see an idiot that forgot to equipt his weapons from his bag when up against Sledge hammer weilding aliens.
Look it up on youtube.

Re: Inventory System In OG

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 2:36 am
by Jeff
I'm the only one who likes the magic backpack like in MGS IV where you can equip any weapon you want at any time? :cry: