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Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:02 pm
by Hale
Well, during the process of making Shale Guard I strayed off for a few days and begun what I am about to show you people. In fact, I've been working on this project for pretty much 2 weeks straight. So finally, I give you...


-Over centuries of economic decline we are finally left with the city called "Foothold". It was constructed by a rather large eastern pack of dogs for the use of a fortified trading colony. They constructed the entire city on an incredibly large slab of carved stone. When they designed the city however, the main factors of leadership housing, trading sections, and the garrison were all placed on the right side of the city. The main housing district for the lower class was placed on the left.

Over centuries of growing into a rather impressive city, some strain finally hit this city. The imbalance of the authoritative power verses the lower class led to some troublesome disputes. The tribunal of the city then made the decision to construct a citadel at the back of the city. This citadel was made so that each half was shared equally for both sides, and it was open to all Dogs. Though the thought and construction of the citadel maintained stability for quite some time, before it was even finished, Foothold felt the affects of the moving wolf territory.

How exactly did the city feel the affects of this shift of territory? The wolves drove many races farther away from the north, including rabbits. This lead to (like Shale Guard) the acceptance of many refugees, which pretty much overflowed the housing district with a surplus of people. Now the housing district was even worse off because they had more to feed, and less room to spare.

Secondly, the fall of the ever elusive Raider faction of rabbits lead to some disastrous effects on Foodhold. A remaining group of Raiders assaulted the city where it was weakest; the housing district. The Raiders made a all or nothing attempt with some stolen equipment from surrounding outposts. (The siege machines) While they successfully entered the city, they failed to subdue it's administration they eventually were killed.

This attack on Foothold lay most of the higher end of the housing district to ruins, but because the district had little to no trading recourses, they were forced to remake the houses with cheaper materials. So now in it's current day and age. The city itself is split in two, one side in poverty, one side in considerable wealth. It's history eventually lead the poor side to suffer greatly. The citadel, while serving as a symbol of hope, still remains unfinished and unused. The tribunal lives in an undisclosed location in the privileged side of the city.

So there you have some back history explaining some stuff about the city. In total, this project has over 3200 objects sprawled all over the place. While it's outer architecture may or may not seem impressive, please note that MANY of the buildings can be entered and a great deal of effort went into some rather interesting features placed in this map. So yeah, this is generally considered "finished", however I will be making a second version with some more detailing. (Mainly with the citadel). All in all, I think it's about time I stop talking and give you the map already...

Oh yeah, one last thing, this map is also included in the newest addition of the weekly alpha, savvy? More screenshots will be given at a later time, until then, you'll just have to download and see for yourself...

Thanks to -
Zam for being my inspiration and thought manager.
Jo-Shadow for being so insanely awesome.
Nimai for motivating me (And others) to actually start working on maps.

Re: Foothold

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:12 pm
by Johannes
Wow... this is incredible.
Just downloaded it and am walking around inside now. this is epic.
Once again hale, you are pushing the boundaries of what I thought possible this early in the alpha.

Sadly this does show the need to optimize the culling and such more though, framerate is sucking hard with all those objects.

Aubrey, you seeing this? You've got some serious competition here :lol:

Re: Foothold

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:36 pm
by Jeff
This is unbelievable. This deserves like 4 blog posts.

It is so detailed, it's like a Where's Waldo book. You can zoom in on any part of the city, and there is new stuff to see.

This has seriously set the bar extraordinarily high for modding.

It definitely sets the standard for the most complicated map to date and it will be really useful for helping us optimize the engine.

Re: Foothold

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:45 pm
by kehaar
I believe Neo said it best when he said, "Whoa...".


And I can't even see the map since I have 10.4-- that's just for the back-story write up. :lol:

Re: Foothold

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:52 pm
by Nimai
Holy Crap! this is AWESOME!!
Amazing job Hale!

Re: Foothold

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:01 pm
by Phillip
Truly insane. I love all the details. The broken walls, the scale model at the lookout point, the crossbows and catapults. It's so fun to fly around and take it all in. I'd gladly defend this town from the onslaught of raiders and wolves.

Re: Foothold

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 1:32 am
by tomascokis

Re: Foothold

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 1:46 am
by Ac30
This is almost as good as cornflakes.

EDIT: how do you actually select the map to play it?

Re: Foothold

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 3:19 am
by Johannes
Ac30 wrote:This is almost as good as cornflakes.

EDIT: how do you actually select the map to play it?
Put it into Data/Levels. If you are using a mac, you can access the Levels folder by right clicking the Application, choosing 'Show Package contents', then going here:
Picture 28.png
Picture 28.png (10.24 KiB) Viewed 4538 times
Once the xml file is in the right spot, Start OG, click 'Click here to load custom levels' and type in

Code: Select all

and press 'Go!'. That should do it.

Re: Foothold

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 3:38 am
by Endoperez
This is huge. Also, the crossbow is huge. In fact, it's so huge that the main street of the city is part of its stock!

It's impressive work. Congrats on the hard work, it's certainly paid off.

Re: Foothold

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 8:00 am
by Glabbit
kehaar wrote:I believe Neo said it best when he said, "Whoa...".

Re: Foothold

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 8:30 am
by nutcracker
Godlike, not godly, just like

Re: Foothold

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 9:16 am
by Renegade_Turner
That's like something out of Assassin's Creed.

The verdict is out.

Hale is a Beast.

Re: Foothold

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 9:57 am
by Mykei
That is pretty damn awesome. Will look 1000 times better when we have some pretty lighting and shading effects.

Re: Foothold

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:33 am
by Viking Zippy
That looks amazing, Hale, absolutely amazing.

Tragically, though, I can't play it: the only Mac with Intel in the house is one of the earlier MacBooks which gets 1-4 FPS with shaders on, and with no shaders, all objects are invisible and the ground is multicolor :(

So, any chance you or someone could post some high-res screenshots? Seeing just one is torture ...