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Kalexon's Fiction Repository

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 12:43 am
by Kalexon
Yeah, Hi. No I'm not new, I've lurked around here for a long time, I just haven't stuck my face in the spotlight in a while.

So as the name implies this is a repository for fiction. More specifically, fan fiction. I'm going to be doing an ongoing story set on the island Lugaru (hopefully) as well as some stand alone side projects.

Now that I have that explained I'm going to answer some questions you may be asking. First off: "Why the hell is this in the Pre-Order Super-Secret Batcave?!"

Answer: I don't have to answer that. Okay, okay. I wanted this here in case I use certain elements in the stories that are released to pre-orderers only. Just being overly-cautious here folks. If it turns out I don't use them secrets, and this is wildly successful I'll copy paste to a public section of the forums to be assaulted by even more critics.

Second: "I've skipped all this banter to the bottom of the post and there's no story or even a prelude. What the HELL!?!"

I don't have it written up yet. Then why post this? Because I'm hoping the expectation will motivate my ass. Therefore I promise that I'll have something up within four or five days. Which I know means nothing to you because your just wondering "What is this jerk-off even doing?"

In closing.. I don't know. 'Night

Re: Kalexon's Fiction Repository

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 12:50 am
by turbochop
Who was that guy?

Re: Kalexon's Fiction Repository

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 1:56 am
by tomascokis
hmm, I wait expectantly

Re: Kalexon's Fiction Repository

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 5:59 am
by idbeu
As you already probably know, the criteria for writing fan fiction in this forum is to just do it. Don't try to make it good.

Re: Kalexon's Fiction Repository

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 9:08 am
by invertin

-Uh... Good luck!

Re: Kalexon's Fiction Repository

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 9:17 am
by Renegade_Turner
turbochop wrote:Who was that guy?
Not sure. I think he said something about rectal suppositories.

Re: Kalexon's Fiction Repository

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 11:55 pm
by Count Roland

Re: Kalexon's Fiction Repository

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 12:04 am
by Jeff
Sup Kalexon

Re: Kalexon's Fiction Repository

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 9:56 pm
by Kestril
You can't write well if you don't start. I can't vouch for everyone, but I can tell you what helps ME when I write.

(a) Don't critique yourself upon first draft. It's a first draft. There is going to be room for improvement no matter what you do.

(b) Listen to music or something. I find calming myself down just helps words form out of the keyboard. If there not the right ones, that's what the delete button is for.

(c) Write something short and totally unrelated to a lengthy project. Basically, a warm up.
For example, before diving into my Fanfic, I wrote this:
“You know what’s hard to believe” The static crackled over the radio, making the voice vague, “ God.”

The hiss of the Phantom’s engine filled the silence between the wingman’s soft reply, “ Depends on the way you look at it; just look at that sunset.”

“The sunset bleeds red with the blood of people we bombed today.” The leader spat, “ Mankind can end lives with the squeeze of a trigger, kill thousands with a press of a button, and blow an entire content of the face of the earth by broadcasting a signal. We’re too powerful for our own means.”

“Sunset ‘s still beautiful.” The wingman quietly replied, “ was back then too. Always will be.”

So what it's heavy-handed and about fighter pilots when I'm going to write about lighthearted ninja-bunnies? It helps me get started.
(d) Don't compare yourself to unreasonable standards, and don't mind the chatty spam on this forum.

I look forward to seeing some work from you, and I would be really impressed if you could get something coherent up in five days when it takes me a few weeks.
Best of luck,

Re: Kalexon's Fiction Repository

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 7:47 pm
by Kalexon

Unfortunately some family drama came up so right now I have nothing to show. So I guess the deadline has become "when it's done." Oh god this is Duke Nukem Forever all over again!

Re: Kalexon's Fiction Repository

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 8:02 pm
by Sandurz
So, we'll expect it in a few decades then?

Re: Kalexon's Fiction Repository

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 1:12 am
by Untadaike
Sandurz wrote:So, we'll expect it in a few decades then?
Come now, brothers, let us have hope for the future. Turn not to the shadows, from whence we came, but instead cast your gaze on this place of light, and relish, for all is good. :P

Re: Kalexon's Fiction Repository

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 2:23 am
by turbochop
Untadaike wrote:
Sandurz wrote:So, we'll expect it in a few decades then?
Come now, brothers, let us have hope for the future. Turn not to the shadows, from whence we came, but instead cast your gaze on this place of light, and relish, for all is good. :P
Who was THAT guy? Is he related to Kalexon??? :?

(Oh, and welcome to the SPF!)

Re: Kalexon's Fiction Repository

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 10:07 am
by Untadaike
Ha ha! I am called, and I smocked at thee, the noob, for thickness does not rain well upon our shelter that we call his. Lol. I thank thee for the fine welcome. Bless yee, o yee, who has only be cursed upon in the past. I hope this cambiance of fortune brings yee good faith in the true darkness!

Re: Kalexon's Fiction Repository

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 2:00 am
by turbochop
The middle ages called, they want their dialect back.