Plausible Scientific Explanation for Overgrowth

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Plausible Scientific Explanation for Overgrowth

Post by Eruditemoose » Wed May 20, 2009 2:13 pm

For no other reason than that I'm a nerd and I have far too much time on my hands, I felt inspired to contrive a possible scientific origin for all of these anthropomorphic species, and to show that the Lugaru/Overgrowth world could exist in the same time line that we do. I realize that many people like the fantasy explanation better, but I'm a Sci-Fi person and I just felt like tossing this up for the purposes of discussion.

At some point in the future, humans have genetically modified various animal species to resemble humans. A couple of reasons for people to do this could be wealthy people wanting exotic pets, or possibly the desire or need to create a race of servants without rights or effectively slaves. But, whatever the reason, lets assume for the sake of argument that these animal-human hybrids have been created and that they are not privy to human rights.

Lets then assume that at a later time, human beings are removed from the equation. Perhaps this occurs because of disease or perhaps the Earth was evacuated pending some type of unpreventable natural disaster but the animals survived. Whatever the reason (again not terribly important; any explanation will do), the humans have gone and the hybrids are left to fend for themselves. Being servants and slaves, they likely have rudimentary knowledge of how the technology in they interact with works but will have little notion of how to maintain it and absolutely no idea of how to replicate it.

Eventually as more human technology breaks down, the animals are left to fend for themselves and are forced to scavenge for food or in the cases of predatory hybrids, hunt. This causes the animals to abandon the cities and leaves them with a rudimentary level of technology. However, their technological abilities would be augmented by the fact that they at least have the conception of certain human technologies (i.e. blades, tools, farming, money) and may even have access to simple and portable human tools.

The hybrids would also have another advantage in that they understand the importance of cooperation and due to their experience in human society, would be capable of easily organizing a rudimentary society for themselves. Additionally, the animals in a specific area would also have a common language and this could help to further increase cooperation and trade between groups (This could also explain how Turner was able to understand the wolves).

All of these would allow for a rapid growth of post-human development and could see the animals approach a level of sophistication near to, and in some ways better than, stone-age humans in a few centuries. Over the next millennium, the animals would develop metal working abilities and improve other areas of their technology. As for humans, most traces of human civilization would have removed themselves form the landscape, except maybe for a few ruins, and humans would would have either been forgotten or passed into myth.

So, there it is. What do guys think? Plausible? BS? Let me know.
Last edited by Eruditemoose on Fri May 22, 2009 11:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Plausible Scientific Explanation for Overgrowth

Post by TheBigCheese » Wed May 20, 2009 8:42 pm

The only problem I see would be what happened to the residue of humans? Cities and technology don't just disappear and I can't imagine how they could be destroyed while the animals weren't. Even if they were slaves, they would have had experience with more advanced technology to some degree, most prominently firearms.

Not trying to put down everything in your post, just making sure everything is accurate.

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Re: Plausible Scientific Explanation for Overgrowth

Post by Xerxes713 » Wed May 20, 2009 11:48 pm

Nicely done, although I am completely against the sci-fi explanation. Impressive though.

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Re: Plausible Scientific Explanation for Overgrowth

Post by Richie Rabbit » Thu May 21, 2009 1:02 am

One night a guy name Richie was absolutely drunk after drinking 20 bottles of beer at a strip bar. Walking aimlessly & leaving random trails of urine he some how ended up at a pet shop.After randomly vomiting & releasing feces into a bag of meow mix he notices a young beautiful looking bimbo drinking from a bottle of water by licking its tip. This got Richie in a very naughty mood... " The next day " Richie wakes up with a bad hangover & completely nude, he rolls over & screams in horror after seeing a rabbit just laying beside him "uhh WTF did i do last night.." Richie said. The rabbit had a grin on its face as if it just won a jackpot,Richie then say's " I don't know how you got here but you are kinda cute id guess ill keep ya"."6 months later" Richie is rushing to a veterinary hospital with the rabbit, he asked the doctor " whats wrong with her?" the doctor reply's" WOW! shes fat what have you been feeding her?" Richie say's "Doritos,Junk mail,motor oil,that fungus that grows on my bathtub" the doctor then says "hmm.. well her diet seems normal.. she might have cancer...lets have a look with the x-ray" the doctor then yells " GREAT SCOTT! THAT'S NOT CANCER! SHE'S HAVING A BABY!". After giving the rabbit a c-section due to the massive size of the baby...the doctor then tells Richie that the mother has died in the baby's removal. After a brief emo moment of crying & thigh cutting Richie then ask about the baby the doctor then gives the baby to Richie & tells him that the baby is somewhat deformed Richie then says " Its okay ill keep it" Doctor say's well.. its a boy what do you want to name it? Richie tells him "Richie Rabbit". "30 years later" The human race has been wiped out from earth due to the rise of internet porn & free Vaseline & tissues samples, Richie Rabbit being the only survivor & emo after the death of his father he gets drunk & ends up in a zoo. To his surprise he notices 5 beautiful looking girls.2 was fighting over a dead goat,1 was gnawing on a wall,another was lazy laying on its back & purring randomly,& the last one was eating grass.Richie Rabbit then said "HEY LADIES HOW ABOUT WE MAKE SOME BABIES!" The 5 girls looked at Richie Rabbit with a confused look on their faces."The next day" Richie Rabbit wakes up in a pool of water, nude,at sea world then say's "Uhh..WTF did i do last night" he then looks down at the pool of water & see's a whale looking at him with a grin on its face as if it just won a jackpot. THUS BEGINS THE STORY OF Overgrowth!

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Re: Plausible Scientific Explanation for Overgrowth

Post by Dudeman » Thu May 21, 2009 1:22 am


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Re: Plausible Scientific Explanation for Overgrowth

Post by tomascokis » Thu May 21, 2009 5:16 am

rofl, just rofl

Like the actual explanation though; thought I would have a shot at explaining the sudden disappearance of humans.

The Atmospheric level of earth was due to reach a toxic level of CO2 in just 35 years, something that was certain to happen unless human carbon emissions where reduced by 98.73%. Although the technology to negate effects of global warming and reduce&convert industry emissions had been successfully devised - and implemented - the sheer level of CO2 was making the environment uninhabitable. The decision was therefor made to begin reallocating the population of earth to a new planet. In 3 years time, complex astrological adjustments would be made to the planet to move it into a more earth like orbit, in another 2 years the 87% of the planned infrastructure for New Earth would be built, in another 3 there would be 16 000 000 000 people on the planet, paid to oversee the construction of the millions of cities that would soon be littered along its surface. Finally, in 3045 A.D. 97.43% of the population of earth had taken up residence in the new planet, leaving only a small amount of people remaining when the massive, specifically designed spaceships - ranging kilometers in diameter - literally scooped up cities, crushing them into materials that could later be used for newer constructions. The mechanism they used was incredibly accurate, it collecting only 3 meters of the earths soil, leaving almost nothing left of the massive cityscapes behind. Upon there activation though a flaw was discovered, on the underbelly of the ships hull the engineering had not sufficiently allowed for the weight that the behemoths would be carrying, plus the added stress of having multiple engine thrusters running constantly in its acceleration. This caused part of the surface to crack open, and some of the debris contained within to fall out and crash to the surface below. It was not a serious issue though, the rips where only around 10 meters in length and they tended only to occur in a few key stress areas. Once successfully in space the ships where patched up, given a gravamitronic lock and punched into deep space. In any case whatever did fall out from the holes tended to do so while the ship was exiting the atmosphere - in which case it would generally disintegrate as it fell to the surface.

Thus explaines the lack of humans and the ruins left behind!

In addition to this, I think the whole anamorphic thing would be better explained as an experiment that was abandoned upon the reallocation process, the creatures left to explore the island where it was located, and develop the culture they have in overgrowth.

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Re: Plausible Scientific Explanation for Overgrowth

Post by Eruditemoose » Thu May 21, 2009 12:06 pm

TheBigCheese wrote:The only problem I see would be what happened to the residue of humans? Cities and technology don't just disappear and I can't imagine how they could be destroyed while the animals weren't. Even if they were slaves, they would have had experience with more advanced technology to some degree, most prominently firearms.

Not trying to put down everything in your post, just making sure everything is accurate.
Human stuff doesn't last very long, at least not anymore. Most skyscrapers have a lifespan of only 100 years, maybe 150 if they're well maintained, but without maintenance the weather would beat on them and slowly destroy them. Most if not all human structures would collapse after a century and after a millennium of decay, there wouldn't be much left, certainly nothing recognizable.

As for the animals, I don't think most slaves would be given access to or training for firearms; might start a rebellion. Then again, even if they could gain access to firearms, what happens when all the ammo runs out?
Richie Rabbit wrote:... Awesomeness...
I like your theory better. :lol:
tomascokis wrote:...Awesome theory...
Certainly plausible, but if you should know one thing about aeronautics, its that if any part of the hull fractures it's likely the whole vehicle will fail.

As for your explanation of the origins of the animals: go for it! It'd be great if everyone submitted their own theory, as it would certainly spice things up bit and open up some huge debate.
Last edited by Eruditemoose on Thu May 21, 2009 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Plausible Scientific Explanation for Overgrowth

Post by Sandurz » Thu May 21, 2009 5:05 pm

Richie, that was pure ecstasy. I just creamed my pants.

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Re: Plausible Scientific Explanation for Overgrowth

Post by TheBigCheese » Thu May 21, 2009 5:48 pm

Eruditemoose wrote:Human stuff doesn't last very long, at least not anymore. Most skyscrapers have a lifespan of only 100 years, maybe 150 if they're well maintained, but without maintenance the weather would beat on them and slowly destroy them. Most if not all human structures would collapse after a century and after a millennium of decay, there wouldn't be much left, certainly nothing recognizable.
True, it doesn't last long, but steel girders and the general debris would take many, many, many years to decay. Though if your suggestion is set 1 million years in the future I can see it being possible, assuming that the animals started in a very dumb state, and by the time they evolved the brain capacity for self-awareness and survival, the human remains had mostly disappeared.

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Re: Plausible Scientific Explanation for Overgrowth

Post by Ac30 » Thu May 21, 2009 7:30 pm

Time to put forward my theory of unevolution.

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Re: Plausible Scientific Explanation for Overgrowth

Post by Eruditemoose » Fri May 22, 2009 12:12 pm

TheBigCheese wrote: True, it doesn't last long, but steel girders and the general debris would take many, many, many years to decay. Though if your suggestion is set 1 million years in the future I can see it being possible, assuming that the animals started in a very dumb state, and by the time they evolved the brain capacity for self-awareness and survival, the human remains had mostly disappeared.
Check these out. They're from a History program called "Life After People".

While the timescale is speculative, it does estimate that most steel structures would be gone by 300 years and almost every concrete structure would be long gone by 1000 years. However, many of the human monuments like the Pyramids, and most interestingly Mount Rushmore, could survive for hundreds of thousands of years. So I guess humans wouldn't be completely gone, but you would have to look for us.

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Re: Plausible Scientific Explanation for Overgrowth

Post by TheBigCheese » Fri May 22, 2009 5:41 pm

Lol. I could have sworn I had already watched those. No matter. I'm surprised concrete doesn't last very long. It's basically stone.

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