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Big community campaign

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 1:30 am
by zipil
Me and zam have had a big idea to make a big community project. its called a community project because guess what we need the community to help make it the best we can.
I've been mapping out an image of five rival houses, or nobles if you like. They're all pretty snooty, and they're not particularly well liked, but they don't really care because all these houses really spend their time doing is trying to get one over on the other houses. My story revolves around two of these houses, both very well known for their extreme characters (which have no names, at the moment, because I have no desire to attach corny fantasy names to them).

In some place, "the southern hills" whatever, lives a king who has become so paranoid about being attacked that he has had a fortress built in a most unimaginable place ever, on the side of a mountain overlooking a lake. His home was designed with security in mind, he's bizzarely worried about being assassinated, why? Nobody really knows, he's not a bad king, in fact he's not really important in any sense (because I use the term King as a title, he's not a royal in the classical feudal sense (and things like this need neatening up)). And so the story travels of this paranoid power, and it's pretty amusing.

A character I very much want to call Baccus hears about this, Baccus being the male head of a matriarchal society, or a village, and another member of one of the noble houses. Baccus is a drunkard and a womanizer, but is quite often publically humiliated for it by his wife who (is the queen?). He's not a serious man, and he's not really a nice man. Upon finding out that the king from the southern hills is so paranoid (possibly a direct paranoia relating to Baccus, because it would be nice if there was a pre-established relationship between the two) he finds the whole thing unbelievably hilarious and promptly spends most of his money hiring three assassins to scare the living shit out of the king from the southern hills.

The character you play as being one of these assassins, and preferably the most capable one too. It turns out Baccus does not want you to kill the king, but instead take one of his most prized possessions, an amulet which he wears round his neck at all times.

I should say now that I envision more gameplay then just the infiltration of the king from the southern hill's fortress, but that you will be returning to this one area three times, with each subsequent revisit having subtle changes in the layout, and massive changes in the security (getting harder each time, but with different ways of doing stuff).

I'd like the other two assassins to come into it at some point, too, possibly a face off involving them trying to simplify the job a bit after you've done it. This could even be quite formulaic, one at the end of each chapter.

Upon success, the king becomes more paranoid and boosts up his security, spreading rumors about the land. Baccus, being so pleased with your performance, wants you to do another job. Put the amulet back! As if it had never gone, making the king seem even crazier (super points being awarded if you can stealth it).

So the game is afoot once more, but this time I'd like to trick the players, get them trying the same tactic as they might have used the first time only to have it backfire. I think mapping and talking about what's possibly might formulate this a little more. Anyway, the story goes that you manage to get the amulet back.

Once again, Baccus is pleased, so he sets a THIRD challenge, this time? Bind and gag the kings wife, and take her back to Baccus... for... whatever. Yeah. Anyway, the money IS good, so why not eh? It'll be a laugh, or you could say no and end the campaign right there but that's totally not as fun.

You make your way to the kings room once again, through a remixed fort, only to be apprehended the moment you get in by Baccus himself, who boasted the week before to the king that he could do a better job of catching the thief who has been taking his amulet. So you were trapped by the pig, it'd be pretty good if he was actually a pig, too, and you're carted off.

Not sure how to end it in a way that is actually satisfying. I really want Baccus to be murdered by his own wife, who is just fed up with him being a complete dick and decides she's going to take a new husband (possibly the PC, but that's a bit obvious) and that can be included but there should be a more player centric way of escaping from captivity. Anyway, those are the thoughts on the FIRST story I had planned, I have another based on an old japanese fable, but you wouldn't want to swallow that down after a hefty lump like that.
so now we have our story made by uberbeard. We need to plan for the maps a loose out line would be to have one big map as the castle and other maps to surround it. Its just our luck that we have the amazing Hale helping (yep thats right HALE). so from now on (11/29/09) we will discuss maps and ideas of what they should look like. Happy thinking.
PS. feel free to talk to me about this on irc my nick is jesse.
Here is our "To Do" list.

• Finalize the storyline.
• Fit the storyline to a series of levels.
• Prepare for map production. (Make any textures, models, or characters if needed)
• Actually make the maps
• String them together.
• Finalize everything.

Re: Big community campaign

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 2:43 am
by Count Roland
I'm assuming because you posted this in the SPF you meant for Overgrowth, but if you meant for lugaru it might be smart to move this to the Lugaru forum. sounds like a good idea might have to see what I can do though I don't have all that much free time.

Re: Big community campaign

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 2:50 am
by zipil
yer its for overgrowth

Re: Big community campaign

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 4:14 am
by Swordarm
sry but it's SSSSSOOOOOO too early for a project like this

Re: Big community campaign

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 5:19 am
by Endoperez
Current tools: maps, custom map objects

Current tools + working script engine: race maps against time, puzzles

Multiplayer: race maps against other humans,

Character models/rigging: custom character models + equipment

Animation tools: "dance" competitions or whatever, perhaps "cutscene"-style animations, perhaps characters picking up/"using" custom objects

rudimentary fighting system -> awesome fighting system: since the game will be all about fighting, this will need lots of work before fighting is fun. All mod development will probably slow down/halt for a while while people are having fun kicking the AI enemies.

Eventually, perhaps after the fighting system will be good enough, we might start to see the campaign maps and/or campaign tools. That's when you can start discussing this again.

Of course, if you start making maps now, when there are enough tools to start working on a big campaign you only need story people and perhaps a scripter.

Re: Big community campaign

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 6:33 am
by zamzx zik
now, this doesn't have to be quite that huge-ish. It's a community project- Let's try and get a modest (4-6 maps) linked by a basic story made, with a map and all that as sort of an experiement.

Regardless of technical fesibility, let's focus on step one. Storyline!

Re: Big community campaign

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 7:15 am
by m3nace
I think it's a good idea.
We might not have a finished game but we'll have everything ready by the time of release

Re: Big community campaign

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 10:13 am
by Renegade_Turner
Turner has an illegitimate lovechild with a rather promiscuous cat princess*, and in doing so causes uproar the likes of which has never been seen in the feline kingdom, cue hammy musical-style acting and voice overs from Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers. Also, at least 7 soliloquies from Turner and the cat princess stating their forbidden love for the other but saying that they can never be together, and their regret for bearing such a freak-child**.

* Note: may not be realistically feasible.

** I mean, c'mon a cabbit? A rabbat? A catrabbit? It's absurd. They should be hung.

Re: Big community campaign

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 1:39 pm
by Robbo
I'd be willing to help out with the coding side of this if I have time when you start this project.

Re: Big community campaign

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 1:54 pm
by Eruditemoose
I think we're missing a few too many features for this to be feasible right now. We have no animation editor, no physics editor, no way to spawn other entities besides rabbot, and really no way to directly interact with the world. It's a great idea, but the most we'd be able to accomplish right now would be a bunch of find the hot spot maps.

However, (so as not to completely shoot your idea down) we could at least draft a story and play with potential gameplay ideas until the game reaches a more complete state.

So, do you two have a story or at least a premise already, or are you gonna leave that up to the group? (If not, my vote's on Ren's story :D )

Re: Big community campaign

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 4:24 pm
by zipil
Ha well that's all in progress, I'm hoping to have some kind of brain storming session on irc. So if anybody wants to com and throw there ideas out there it would great. Also I'll keep you updated on this thread with everything.

Re: Big community campaign

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 6:14 am
by m3nace
tell us when the session is, we can think about it till then

Re: Big community campaign

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 6:57 am
by zamzx zik
The idea is to make-

A storyline
A clickable map like in lugaru
and then several levels.

Re: Big community campaign

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:57 pm
by kehaar
Cool idea! I'm up for some writing.

One worry is that if it's done on the forum, everybody will know the story before they play the campaign.

Maybe not a terrible problem for a 5 or 6 map campaign, but....

Too bad the PM system's gone.

(Excellent start for a story, Ren. :lol:)

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 1:24 am
by Zhukov
Do you want this campaign's storyline to take place in the exact same setting as Overgrowth?