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OGXML Tool (UPDATED: 20-09-2009)

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 8:59 am
by Dark
OGXML - Overgrowth XML Tool

Latest Release: v0.43.3 (20/09/2009)
Overgrowth XML Tool v0.43.3
(361.21 KiB) Downloaded 58 times
The OGXML tool will allow you to generate the xml files needed by OG for levels, objects and hotspots.

Feature list
  • - Generation of a minimal level xml file
    - Generation of a object xml file
    - Generation of a hotspot xml file
    - Loading and editing of these files
    - Validity checking on all fields with toggleable warning
    - Browse for files and open the selected files from within OGXML or the internal editor
    - Internal editor with syntax highlighting for javascript and xml, based of scintilla
Upcomming features:
- Validity checking on spawn table (as soon as i know max and min values)
- Image preview (buttons there but not functional yet)

- <ShaderPath> is not used, talked about it in IRC, its deprecated so its not needed

Known bugs
- The fields only start validating when text is changed
- When changing the syntax highlighting, the text does not change, there is a fix however:
At the first line, add a extra space to the end of the line (or make any change at all)
This is only needed when some parts or all text is not properly highlighted
- The P buttons don't work, they are on the form for layout, functionality will be added later
- Sometimes the form loses focus after opening a file trough the lists

Other bugs may be posted in this thread
If anyone feels like making an icon, go ahead :D

The "|Editor:" toolbar part only pops up when a editor window has focus
Example screen with some windows open (right click -> view image for full size):
v0.x.3 (planned)
- Previewing of image files (Buttons on forms, not yet functional)
- Fix tab order
- Image converter tool

- ADDED: Loading and updating of level, object and hotspot xml files
- ADDED: Command line arguments, -debug to skip the startup check
- ADDED: Icon :D
- CHANGED: Better explanation of spawn table
- CHANGED: Main form layout so all subforms fit on it on launch (mainform and scripteditor is resizable, the others are not)
- CHANGED: Changed opening of files:
List: Avaiable for Levels, hotspots and Scripts, choose from list
Dialog: Classic openfiledialog, can open any file (needed for objects)

- FIXED: Would only output absolute paths, now relative to OG root

v0.43.1 (See readme for new version numbering)
- ADDED: Name field changes color depending if the file allready exists as a preliminary warning
- CHANGED: Rewrote from scratch using MDI, See readme for more info
- CHANGED: File warnings are always on
- CHANGED: Internal editor when double clicked on script textfield
- CHANGED: Help boxes are now integrated in the label as linklabel
- CHANGED: Version numbers are now hardcoded again.
- REMOVED: Warnings when file is not saved, needless clutter in code and its quite obvious
- REMOVED: Options, was now redundant
- REMOVED: Default button for detail map removed

--- Old version numbering

v0.4a - Quick hotfix
- FIXED: Editor would not load correct lexer due to stupid if statement mix up
- FIXED: The textfield opening followed the OS/Internal rule
- FIXED: The readme was still from v0.2 >_> stupid me

v0.4 (06/09/2009) - Faster then i expected
- ADDED: Internal text editor
- ADDED: Option to choose how text files are opened: Internal editor or OS Default
- ADDED: Button to start OG (just for kicks)
- ADDED: Double clicking a script textfield will open the file in the internal editor (if option is enabled to do so instead of OS default)
- CHANGED: The buttons to open files now respect the rules for Internal/OS Default

v0.3 (06/09/2009)
- ADDED: Generates hotspot objects now
- ADDED: A warning can be displayed when saving a xml when fields are invalid
- ADDED: Option to toggle these warnings
- ADDED: When no name is entered, it will not save but give a warning, not toggle able (avoids nameless files)
- ADDED: Browse button for all input fields
- ADDED: Open button, opens the selected file with the OS set default
- CHANGED: Saved data is now included by default
- FIXED: The saved text in the options tab now properly disapears instead of staying for remainder of the session
- REMOVED: The title bar does not change according to the levelname anymore, not needed

vO.2 (04/09/2009)
- ADDED: Generates object
- ADDED: Checks if the path is correct on all fields
- ADDED: Options tab, allows to change between xml versions only for the moment
- ADDED: Saves settings in Data\ogxml.dat
- CHANGED: Tabbed interface
- CHANGED: Slightly revised interface to accommodate the tabs
- CHANGED: Level xml now complies to the xml version set in the options
- CHANGED: Version numbers start now at 0.1, will change when OG goes out of alpha
- FIXED: Some default entries pointed to incorrect files, now they do
- FIXED: UI was resizable when it didn't need to be, now its a set size
- MISC: Various code changes, not very noticeable to end user

v0.1 Initial Release (03/09/2009)
- Generates a barebones level xml file with customizable settings

Re: OGXML Tool

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 1:53 pm
by Zaphon
This is very cool! Great work, man!

Re: OGXML Tool

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:31 am
by Dark
new version uploaded :D
added a bunch of stuff :3 even some things that i tought would be in like 4 versions or so (turned out to be quicker coded then i tought lol)

Re: OGXML Tool

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 9:47 pm
by tomascokis
I love it how at an independent game forum, even before a major game is realized we get independent programmers making utilities for it. Isn't the world lovely?

Re: OGXML Tool

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 3:20 am
by Dark
i was bored anyway :p
besides, now i can steadily add features (next is the hotspots) whereas it could be a "race" when its allready released xP
i can allso keep up with the changes now :3

Re: OGXML Tool (UPDATED: v0.4a (06/09/2009) AGAIN!)

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:37 am
by Silverfish
Dude, this is amazing, very well done!

Re: OGXML Tool (UPDATED: v0.4a (06/09/2009) AGAIN!)

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 5:21 pm
by Dark
yay :D people like it :3
i'm trying to get image previewing to work, but the TGA, PNG and DDS images are giving me some problems >_> but i have to celebrate my exams are done :p so il look into it tomorow or so :D

Re: OGXML Tool (UPDATED: 20-09-2009)

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 7:30 am
by Hale
Gee dude, this is the pure definition of awesome. A lot of time I have to use Textedit (Which sucks) or Dreamweaver (Which doesn't suck, but it isn't preferable for me) to edit my .xml files. This tool you made looks like it'd make things a bit more easier to comprehend and all. Keep up the good work chum!

Then again.... I use a Mac... >.<

Re: OGXML Tool (UPDATED: 20-09-2009)

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:55 am
by TheBigCheese
What language did you make this in? Or did you use some other type of tool?

Re: OGXML Tool (UPDATED: 20-09-2009)

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 3:30 pm
by Dark
C# :) coded everything myself in visual studio 2008
well except the gui code, was generated by visual studio but that doesn't matter :p alot of controlls, positioning by trial and error is not my thing xP
Hale wrote:Gee dude, this is the pure definition of awesome. A lot of time I have to use Textedit (Which sucks) or Dreamweaver (Which doesn't suck, but it isn't preferable for me) to edit my .xml files. This tool you made looks like it'd make things a bit more easier to comprehend and all. Keep up the good work chum!

Then again.... I use a Mac... >.<
aww D: i don't have mac :'(
i was planning on making it in java first, but the amount of controlls putted me off (as stated above)

Re: OGXML Tool (UPDATED: 20-09-2009)

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 3:53 pm
by TheBigCheese
Ok, that's what I thought. I've been trying to get GUI controls worked out in my VSC++ express, but it's a total pain, so I was seeing if you did it C++. C# is good too, though not my language of choice.

Re: OGXML Tool (UPDATED: 20-09-2009)

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 7:53 am
by Dark
TheBigCheese wrote:Ok, that's what I thought. I've been trying to get GUI controls worked out in my VSC++ express, but it's a total pain, so I was seeing if you did it C++. C# is good too, though not my language of choice.
everybody has their favorite :D altough i am planning on continue learning C++ tho :p