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eye textures.

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 8:25 pm
by Killerkitty
I was looking at the cat model in blender, and decided to apply the texture. I then noticed that the eyes were just mini versions of the whole texture. I looked inside the head, and noticed that the correct textures for the eyes are shown in the head. So the eyes are pretty much inside out. Anyone know how i can fix this?

*i have also noticed that the eyes are not spheres. The eyes are like these flat panes. Mind telling me how to move them...or do the eyes use morph targets?*

-Thank you!

Re: eye textures.

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 11:05 am
by Markuss
I looked at the model, they aren't inside out, the flat plane eyes cover another set of eyes that are part of the main mesh:

(here I've moved them out)

Dunno why the flat plane eyes appear to have the whole texture mapped to them, I'm not familiar with blender, I expect its some weird error since they only occupy a small area in the UVs.

Re: eye textures.

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 10:24 am
by Killerkitty
I'm guessing that the front detachable pair of eyes are the set that moves right?
*and if it's separate wouldn't that mean I would have to go back, and separately apply the texture to the front pair of eyes?*

Re: eye textures.

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 3:08 pm
by Silverfish
The game offsets the eyes texture coordinates to make them look in different directions. So the eyes themselves don't move, it's just the eye image that moves. I'm not exactly sure if they have a separate texture or how the eyes work other than that though as I haven't looked into it myself.

Re: eye textures.

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 11:18 am
by Markuss
Its the same texture for both the front eyes and the main mesh, I think it's just an error in blender, if you want to know more check out "UV mapping".