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how do you activate the footprints in alpha 104?

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 9:31 pm
by reojoe
how do you activate the footprint script that was added in alpha 104 (not in beta, i know -- i'm just asking how to activate the script.
an answer would be apreciated

Re: how do you activate the footprints in alpha 104?

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 12:54 am
by merlyn
Sorry for such a late reply, lol. Finally looked into it myself.

Open Data/Scripts/, find all instances of MaterialDecalAtBone, and uncomment them (remove the // at the beginning of those lines). There should be 4 of them.

Some of those four might work better than others. I haven't tried them all out and figured out what they each do. I did notice that when I comment out all four that my running footprints look fine, but when I am scooting around that I leave weird multi-skid marks on the ground. You might want to experiment with only uncommenting some of them.

Alternately, you could try uncommenting the AddDecalAtBone lines (one is commented with // at the beginning of the line, the other surrounded with /* */ style comments). That will make nice squishy red bloody meat footprints. You can also uncomment the PlaySoundGroup("Data/Sounds/footstep_mud.xml" if you want to hear squishy sounds.