[Questions] A problem and some questions

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[Questions] A problem and some questions

Post by The1hobby » Sun Sep 10, 2017 9:16 am

For starters I'm making a map (More like a short campaign) and I want it to be almost pitch black, and you mostly rely on the light I give you to navigate the level. But i'm not exactly sure how to make my map that dark and its annoying me, I've achieved what I want a couple times but when I reload the world sometimes it stays dark and sometimes it becomes light again. Any suggestions?

What I have tried doing
1. I have of course tried messing with the sun in-game I can get it pretty dark that way but the sun
shines through the terrain for some reason, and editing the size of the sun but then I get kinda
like a moonlight effect but still not pitch black.

2.I have also taken dark levels and copied their light settings into my level witch has gotten me
the farthest but its still not what I want.

Questions I would love advice on...
1. Is it possible to make your character hurt so they are bloody and have the idle hurt animation at the start of a map?

2. Can I make custom death hints on a level or no? (using the new death hints stuff in beta 5)

3. Can I give the effect that your drowsiness by increasing the amount of motion blur so that very small movements cause a lot of it?

4. Could I play a video I make before the game begins? (Kinda like a cut scene before the game begins) I haven't really experimented with this yet but no sense not asking.

If anyone knows how to fix my lighting issue or answers any of my questions please leave a reply to this post! (Thanks in advance)
Last edited by The1hobby on Mon Sep 11, 2017 8:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Questions] A problem and some questions

Post by merlyn » Sun Sep 10, 2017 11:47 pm

All of the abbove is possible, but some of them might be harder than others. They all sound like mods to core behavior/scripts/shaders to me though, which you can do by copying the core files to Data/Mods/your_mod/SamePathAsFile/samefilename.ext - Maybe someone can help you figure out how to do some of it without overriding core files, though, since that makes it so you have to update your mods every new version.

One thing that might help you get more consistent lighting is creating a global reflection capture, then putting it inside of some box of objects, under the terrain or otherwise outside where the player can go. We have done this to tweak lighting in a few levels in the new campaign, in particular the lava levels. If you put it inside a pitch black box, that will make shadows/secondary lighting completely black.

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Re: [Questions] A problem and some questions

Post by Silverfish » Mon Sep 11, 2017 3:58 am

I know how to make a totally black level, here's a video showing that: https://youtu.be/ym7toQnWots

Make sure to save the level a second time if the previous time you saved created a new level file. Otherwise the reflection capture is not saved. This is a known bug that we'll fix at some point.

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