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Re: Receiver: Wow. I love it!

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 7:56 pm
by Teh_Bucket
I think most of the ease of outsmarting turrets is fixed to their predictability. Their modules should take half damage sometimes, causing a camera that may flicker, motors may reverse, etc.

Re: Receiver: Wow. I love it!

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 3:06 am
by FlyingShisno
Teh_Bucket wrote:I think most of the ease of outsmarting turrets is fixed to their predictability. Their modules should take half damage sometimes, causing a camera that may flicker, motors may reverse, etc.
This is a great idea. Once you get a firm hold on the controls, the only time a turret is actually dangerous is when you're being chased by a drone and have to run past them. Or out of ammo, but even then you can run past them easily depending on their position.

I remember they had some concept art, which showed a turret on tank wheels instead of a tripod. That would be kinda cool if they added that. And make them go "toot toot" occasionally. I'd be squealing like there's no tomorrow if they added that.

Re: Receiver: Wow. I love it!

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 12:28 am
by castiglione
I've been playing Receiver a lot recently and I've been having a lot of fun.

My only gripes are:

1) The falling through the floor bug. Is this really a bug or are these supposed to be trap doors? If they are, am I missing something when it comes to detecting them?

2) I know the game is short but it'd be nice to have some sort of save game feature. I wouldn't mind a save game feature that is "roguelike", i.e. "Dead is dead" or when you load a saved game, it gets erased.

Re: Receiver: Wow. I love it!

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:27 am
by Anton
castiglione wrote:I've been playing Receiver a lot recently and I've been having a lot of fun.

My only gripes are:

1) The falling through the floor bug. Is this really a bug or are these supposed to be trap doors? If they are, am I missing something when it comes to detecting them?

2) I know the game is short but it'd be nice to have some sort of save game feature. I wouldn't mind a save game feature that is "roguelike", i.e. "Dead is dead" or when you load a saved game, it gets erased.
The falling through the floor bug has been fixed for a long time. Make sure you update to the newest release (which I believe is build 5).

Re: Receiver: Wow. I love it!

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 9:39 am
by EricLewis
OK, now after four weeks of playing Receiver, I realize that

FLYING TURRETS are the hardest "difficulty setting" I have ever seen. They have path-finding A.I. and less than 10 percent of their surface can be damaged. They move faster than the player at full sprint and can see around corners.

Meanwhile, the player can barely aim. The iron sight is a huge brick and the turning rate is too spotty.

As a result, in the entire time I have been playing (obsessively, admittedly) I have only been able to get 10 tapes. And when I did this "MIRACLE RUN" I was insanely lucky to have very few flying turrets.

The ending of Receiver had better be AWESOME. Sometimes I fantasize that it ends with a million burning Flying Turrets screaming in PAIN. :evil:


Re: Receiver: Wow. I love it!

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 12:49 pm
by Teh_Bucket
I had a younger brother once...

He beat Receiver, then suddenly disappeared in a flash of white light. We've never seen him since.

Re: Receiver: Wow. I love it!

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 12:37 pm
by EricLewis
Could you fine folks at Wolfire
It kills me so often and so unnecessarily...
(although it is funny when I run from an enemy, hit doorway lag, it snaps back to real-time and I am flying in the air.)
please please please :cry:

Re: Receiver: Wow. I love it!

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 1:26 pm
by Korban3
Teh_Bucket wrote:I had a younger brother once...

He beat Receiver, then suddenly disappeared in a flash of white light. We've never seen him since.
I believe his end was not nearly as heroic as he believed it was.
Cults aren't exactly glorious, viewed outside-in :wink:

Re: Receiver: Wow. I love it!

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:50 pm
by ivankio
"Wow" - My thoughts, exactly.

In addition to all compliments above, I'll add that I loved the default weapon aim not centered on the screen. It's weird at first because of ages playing quake 1 skins, but you brought back the feeling of having my arms not glued to my head. I bet it was a tough decision thinking if the public would find it broken.

And I really, really, really enjoyed the running mechanic. WASD was a great invention, but it was time someone revisited it. Constant biped speed by the pressed state of a button is nothing analog.

These 2 mechanics allowed a much more immersible experience in role playing. So refreshing.
I wish Wolfire the best and I hope a lot of players do not try to find in Receiver just another clone of what is often understood as "FPS".


I've pre-purchased Overgrowth yesterday after seeing the video of Receiver. Truth be told, I'm very happy with the $29,95 Receiver (and I'm not a shooter fan). The bonus (Overgrowth alpha) I've been watching for months, and I wonder if any game/level design will eventually be made with justice to the nice movement mechanics. I like the art enough, I just don't feel the level design is being sketched in the same mindset of the programmer(s).

Re: Receiver: Wow. I love it!

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:12 pm
by comander evil
i do like receiver but i cant play it because when i try to launch it it says:that the archive is unknown or damaged and i really want to play it so can someone please help me i need it a lot! Thanks!

Re: Receiver: Wow. I love it!

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 8:18 pm
by jim2point0
I like the game and I hate it.
The good:
* Weapon handling is a very unique feature. I really like it.
* Scavenging is great. I love the rewarding feeling I get when I find a new tape or a ton of bullets.
* It's challenging.
* The open areas are a blast to run around and fight in.

The bad:
* Weapon handling can be a bit cumbersome in stressful situations.
* The enemies are very unforgiving. Many times I can unload an entire clip into the flying drones without hitting their weak spot.
* Some of the darker corridor levels seem poorly designed and aren't really fun to play in.
* Very hard to run and jump

It would be interesting if there were even more items to scavenge. It's my favorite part of the game actually. Just exploring and getting super happy when I find a ton of ammo or new tapes. Would be cool if you could find gun upgrades. Or... maybe a way to take more than 1 hit. I love the game but it's almost a little too unforgiving.

Anyways, I'll probably keep playing it until I friggin beat it. If that ever happens...

Re: Receiver: Wow. I love it!

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 8:23 pm
by Sir Crocodile
What is this game even about?

I downloaded and tried it a bit but there's just a floating gun, stuff that can't be picked up lies randomly around and the poor textures from 1990 that surround me made me wonder if I'm in a game or if this was just a testing simulation for a game.

Re: Receiver: Wow. I love it!

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 8:41 pm
by Dusty926
Sir Crocodile wrote:What is this game even about?

I downloaded and tried it a bit but there's just a floating gun, stuff that can't be picked up lies randomly around and the poor textures from 1990 that surround me made me wonder if I'm in a game or if this was just a testing simulation for a game.
Call of Duty has tinted gamers for the worst...

Re: Receiver: Wow. I love it!

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 8:42 pm
by Anton
Sir Crocodile wrote:What is this game even about?

I downloaded and tried it a bit but there's just a floating gun, stuff that can't be picked up lies randomly around and the poor textures from 1990 that surround me made me wonder if I'm in a game or if this was just a testing simulation for a game.

Here is what I suggest reading about the game:

The announcement of the game, made for 7dfps (the whole game was made in 9 days)
The Story of the game.
The Art from the game

if you're interested: the Music from the game.

Re: Receiver: Wow. I love it!

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 3:14 pm
by Isaak
I am so happy with Receiver, and I truly hope that it continues to be developed it as a full game.

Wolfire. . . you really have something here, I understand your focusing on Overgrowth, but please don't let such am amazing opportunity as Receiver slip through your fingers.

Receiver really does need it's own sub-forum at this point. . . pretty please?