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Some random things

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 4:32 am
by sandwichpolice
I've thought up a weird thing for receiver.
What if...
we added a musket/muskets?
IT's really impractical and they probably wouldn't do much, but that'd be kind of cool. We could include flintlocks and caplocks. This was just a random thing that went through my head, and I'm just posting here for funnies.

Re: Some random things

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 9:44 am
by emugod
Adding firearms with multiple independent consumable parts (like the separate powder/bullet/cap of a caplock) would be interesting. Not sure how to handle powder, though, unless you also add a powderhorn item. For a more practical modern example this could allow something like a rifle-grenade attachment using blank cartridges.

Re: Some random things

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 1:32 pm
by Groenendael72
Yes, this would be fun, but your missing the point of reciever. It's supposed to be a (somewhat) normal person, not a american revolutionary war soldier. If you were walking around, would you take a musket or rifle grenade? probably not. I'm all for extra weapons, but I just don't think this is practical.

Re: Some random things

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 9:15 pm
by Constance
Groenendael72 wrote:Yes, this would be fun, but your missing the point of reciever. It's supposed to be a (somewhat) normal person, not a american revolutionary war soldier. If you were walking around, would you take a musket or rifle grenade? probably not. I'm all for extra weapons, but I just don't think this is practical.
But it sure as hell is fun, isn't it?

Re: Some random things

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 4:31 pm
by emugod
Groenendael72 wrote:It's supposed to be a (somewhat) normal person, not a american revolutionary war soldier.
oh man, that's it. that's the full-size receiver game; the history of small arms, starting with a rock, learning to throw it, moving onto bow and arrow, muzzle-loaders, etc. hidden secret super-weapons/powerups being the outlying extremes of advancement like chinese autoloading crossbows, girandoni air rifle, calico carbines, electrolaser weapon, etc.