897 suggestions for overgrowth

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Re: 897 suggestions for overgrowth

Post by Glabbit » Tue Feb 17, 2009 10:08 am

Ralok wrote:listen son you dont want to get in a fight with me

and dont tell me that you said nothing to get my panties in a twist
You just lost yourself any respect I might've had for you.
Don't call anyone 'son'. Especially when you are so obviously inferior to them.
Also, if you want to sound impressive, it might be an idea to fix up your grammar.

Capital letters, Commas, Paragraphs, Punctuation.
And long words.

Those five attributes plus wisdom and guile are the key to winning the internets.

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Re: 897 suggestions for overgrowth

Post by Renegade_Turner » Tue Feb 17, 2009 10:39 am

Ralok wrote:listen son you dont want to get in a fight with me
Why, what are you going to do? Bitch at me some more? Oh no, my life is over.
Glabbit wrote:Especially when you are so obviously inferior to them.
That's kind of a silly thing to say, unless it was meant as ironic or something. You do know that when I'm usually claiming superiority I'm taking the piss?

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Re: 897 suggestions for overgrowth

Post by Viking Zippy » Tue Feb 17, 2009 12:29 pm

Ralok wrote:listen son you dont want to get in a fight with me
Threatening over forums is weak. What you see are mere pixels representing someone on the other end of the spectrum, for better or for worse, and being offended by said mere pixels is a waste of time and energy. If you take this kind of offense at something as trivial as a joke over the internet, then you're in for a world of hurt. You need to learn to go with the flow, roll with the punches, and take it all in stride, to beat a few clichés to death :P

Ralok wrote:perhaps
the joke itself was funny, but maybe what i didnt like about it was the fact that
it served no pupose other than to anger people.
Unless you know for sure that you are indeed speaking for others, it's never a good idea to speak for everyone under any circumstance, especially when you've been here for such a short period of time and probably haven't had the chance to get to know everyone.
Ralok wrote:... but maybe what i didnt like about it was the fact that
it served no pupose other than to anger people.
Sounds as though the "people" you speak of here would be "you", seeing as how one other person has yet to speak up and show offense towards what R_T has said. Of course, they could be holding back, but people here tend to be civil, and, as mentioned, roll with the punches, so I doubt many others (if any) took serious offense.

Speaking for others aside, here's a rule of thumb: never take anything R_T says offhand seriously.
Ralok wrote:wow im glad i got that off my chest.
This is a community, not your personal place to vent your problems in life. There's a time and a place for everything, and this is not the time nor place for rants such as that.

Ideally, you will in time learn to not take offense to things as trivial as a joke on the internet. Otherwise, to reiterate, you will be in for a world of hurt.
Count Roland wrote:if everyone hates you find a different everyone.
Roland speaks wisdom :)
Glabbit wrote:Also, if you want to sound impressive, it might be an idea to fix up your grammar.

Capital letters, Commas, Paragraphs, Punctuation.
And long words.

Those five attributes plus wisdom and guile are the key to winning the internets.
"Winning the internets", that's a good one :D

But yeah, speaking in a grammatically correct manner (and not to mention spelling!) puts you in a better light.

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Re: 897 suggestions for overgrowth

Post by nutcracker » Tue Feb 17, 2009 12:41 pm

Ralok, you don't want to fight renegade trough forum, even if he goes double asshole. You can't win, he is too clever and annoing, also, this is the internetZ.

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Re: 897 suggestions for overgrowth

Post by Glabbit » Tue Feb 17, 2009 1:38 pm

Renegade_Turner wrote:
Glabbit wrote:Especially when you are so obviously inferior to them.
That's kind of a silly thing to say, unless it was meant as ironic or something. You do know that when I'm usually claiming superiority I'm taking the piss?
Yes, it's a silly thing to say, I know, but I had to make the point. Also, it's not you claiming your superiority, it's me, so I thought that'd work. =p

Oh, and psst, nutcracker: learn it!

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Re: 897 suggestions for overgrowth

Post by Ralok » Tue Feb 17, 2009 1:56 pm

i dont remember claiming to be superior to anyone.


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Re: 897 suggestions for overgrowth

Post by Glabbit » Tue Feb 17, 2009 2:15 pm

That's correct. You didn't.
What's your point?

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Re: 897 suggestions for overgrowth

Post by Kestril » Tue Feb 17, 2009 4:24 pm

Ralok wrote:people are to damn stupid to understand anything

this is over go back to your pathetic lives (note that i am not claiming that my life is any better)
Uh-huh. Sounds like someone is getting a little butthurt over the internet. Really, It's a good idea for a thread, and it's no reason to close it because you feel bad.

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Re: 897 suggestions for overgrowth

Post by Ralok » Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:03 pm

it was a great idea for a thread i expected it to be friendly

but somebody decided to be a dicksniff
i didnt tell anybody to take a shit on the thread

but thats what people decided to do
