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Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 10:36 am
by zip
michael_logie wrote:or.... humans invade the island... and the wolves and rabbits are forced to team up against them... but their alliance is unstable..
wow, thats good.
I don't think humans exist in the Lugaru mythos.. do they?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 1:22 pm
by Renegade_Turner
No. David wouldn't include humans in his game, because he thinks it is too violent. He thinks that rabbits and wolves are sufficiently far enough from being human while still having similar enough characteristics.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 1:15 am
by michael_logie
well, i know its probablly not going to happen but, you know...
like an enemy from over the sea that fucks everyone up...
maybe wolves aswell, i dont know... but something that makes them better than the ones that exist on the island, like bears ... yea, giant bears!

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 4:05 am
by Crill3
Viking bears comes with boats and invades the island.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 6:51 am
by Cannon Ball
Here's my idea, (set just after Lugaru) be gentle :)


Turner, after slaying the alpha-wolf becomes sick to his stomach at the idea of war, and fighting. It made him want to leave the rabbits and wolves behind. He sets off over seas into a new land and resides on the coast. He is happy and lives there for roughly 3 years.

Then all hell breaks loose; Turner (a tad older, not quite as fit after 3 years of not fighting) is woken by laughter. There are three wolves standing at the end of his bunk. two brown and one white. The Alpha-wolf has returned (he has a huge scar across his chest and one on his face). Turner can't believe what he's seeing and get's captured quickly by the two brown wolves.

Turner gets taken across the sea for weeks until they finally hit their destination: (must... think... of... NAME!!). Turner was beaten and weak from the constant torture from the alpha-wolf (payback oh noes), and being constantly thrown in the brig of the ship they sailed in didn't help either

At "No-name" the wolves have set up quite a large base, thriving with wolves. Rabbit meat is being sold everywhere. Turner is sickened by the sight of possible old friends being strung up by their paws and turned inside-out for sale to their worst enemy.

Turner is then subjected to torture day and night as payback for what he did to the alpha-wolf and the rest of the wolves. He hangs in just barely, each day...

Days later, a small group of rabbits have gone out hunting, it so happens that they've lost their map and they turn up about 100 metres from the wolf base. the oldest of the group (looks like turner with grey beard and lighter fur) can see into the castle window from the hill they're on. He sees turner being whipped and anger rises inside him. He then takes his small group into the base to get turner back.

They fail miserably with two of the five of them end up dying. They scramble back to the hill and set up and camp, waiting to try again and again until they free turner and get revenge on the wolves.


The gameplay would have team based real time combat (say 3 rabbits vs 2 wolves, although th wolves may be stronger) you could give orders to your team (simple ones) and day would come to night realistically.

At night you would re group with your team and get out of the city (or stay in if you find a good hiding spot) and back to your camp. At night you can either hunt for food, or sleep. Both regain health, but both have their drawbacks:


-gains health the fastest
-can take food back to camp for later (or smaller portions to be kept in backpack for attack runs)
-explore the environment (possibly finding better camp sites or other ways into the wolf base or even weapons)

-leaves the camp unattended (which can be destroyed by wolves, then you'd have to build a new one which takes a whole day)
-wolves might also be out for the hunt and they'd follow you back to camp.


-can change sleep cycles with other rabbits (have two of them sleep while one watches for wolves, or other cycles)
-makes rabbits more physically fit (faster and hit harder for the following day)

-you are weaker as soon as you wake up, so if a wolf attacks your patrol rabbit and comes for the sleeping ones you have no chance.
-you don't get to explore and find new things

Well, that's pretty much it.

Hope you liked it.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 11:48 am
by zip
I think there might already be a plot framework for L2, but some of the gameplay ideas are pretty good, and you never know, might see some of your ideas end up in the game.

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 12:38 pm
by Renegade_Turner
It was a nice effort. Story seems a bit clichéd.

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 2:08 am
by michael_logie

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 6:53 am
by Crill3
Bears, birds, snakes, mutated hedgehogs, DINOSAURS, ants, angry butterflies, BALLOON-FLYING ...


I know!
Rabbits and wolves!

Aliens! From Xen! Headcrabs!
Gordon Freem...not humans....

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 10:21 pm
by Nazgul11
Cannon Ball, good creativity there. I like the idea that the alpha-wolf is alive, it would bring something back from the first game. Although, so would other characters like Skipper, etc. Anyway, on the note of Lugaru 2 ideas, I've been thinking. Aside from the campaign and other modes such as challenges, where you start and play as Turner, (assuming you start with Turner ;)) a mode that is never ending/free for all would be awesome. Where you, the rabbit that you yourself made, named, picked the clothing, customized the strengths and weaknesses, ect., would start in a certain area of the island and begin your own rabbit family, or quest, or...really anything you want. You would make money or whatever currency that the Lugaru universe uses, and buy/sell stuff, like weapons, usefull items, and so on. (possibly stuff you made) There would be day/night cycles, sleeping, a whole island to explore (of course in different map sections ;)) with lots of special/secret places every once and a while. There would of course be enough fighting to please the player who decides to go with the more aggresive character. and all the great combat features that the game comes with. The mode would have features such as missions, rewards for beating missions, also other various objective type things. It would also be awesome if there was a sort of diplomacy, where you could make agreements with wolves or even side with them. This would also work with any race. What would be interesting is if it was an mmorpg. (But I kinda doubt it :()

These are just some of my Lugaru 2 ideas that have been floating around my head.

EDIT: It would be a good idea if when you go to sleep, after a few seconds you wake up in the next day. Obviusly that would be for good reasons. ;)

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 1:04 pm
by Renegade_Turner
I hope that not many people would want it to be turned into a mmorpg. That would be horrendous.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 1:38 pm
by rudel_ic
Renegade_Turner wrote:I hope that not many people would want it to be turned into a mmorpg. That would be horrendous.
I wouldn't care if I'd still be able to play it as singleplayer and in local networks. If it would only be an mmorpg, I'd puke.
I'd love a coop mode and duels and [team] deathmatch. But RPG elements as implemented nowadays in mmorpg's would irritate me. Buffing, collecting items, crafting, levelling, all that would make me think twice whether I'd spend my money on it.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 2:44 pm
by Nazgul11
Renegade_Turner wrote:I hope that not many people would want it to be turned into a mmorpg. That would be horrendous.
Now that I think of it, turning it into an mmorpg would ruin the game. If it was to be good, it would have to be done to perfection. Then imo it might be good, and I would check it out. I guess that if a mode like that was implemented into the game it would be better if it was singleplayer. But as rudel_ic said...
I'd love a coop mode and duels and [team] deathmatch.
I think that speaks for most of us here.

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 1:13 am
by michael_logie
yea, im serious eh... bears have to be in there... that would be so cool...
that balloning idea is pretty cool... that would mean that the map area would have to be huge... does that mean it is way more difficult to make?

like, if it were sort of like gta... except not...

if youve got balloning youve got hang glidering...
im not down with the mutated stuff, the dinos or the aliens... but i know youre just taking the piss out of my humans idea...
, it was just blabber...
but the bears..., woooo ...
i love the idea of alliances

so, is there actually already a storyline planned for the new one?

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 2:20 am
by Razor7
The real challenge is finding a good easy medium between speed of the game and enough variety to please everyone.

I really, REALLY liked Cannon Ball's idea. It not only keeps it really nice and allows you to explore, but gives you the chance to do what you want. That's the one thing i really wanted in L1, the ability to explore the map. It seemed so extensive, yet you never get to explore it. I did take hours just running around and checking out the land scape (just like in SOS) but because David only created structures and trees in the area you played in, it gets really, really dull.

Still though, i like what you mean Cannon Ball. I would love to see the gameplay techniques added in. Though, i must admit, the story while captivating and does give you a plot, also kind of makes it too gruesome. Notice how little blood work was done in L1? That's because David wanted it to be safe and usuable by as large a crowd as he could. If you could blow off rabbits heads (normally, without dev keys) then it would instantly bump the rating up. Hence, watching a movie where he keeps being beaten might not be acceptable.

Now, what I would like to see added is ACTUAL game time. The game, when started, checks with the computer's clock and actually set's the gametime to that time. In GTA i really wanted it to be this way just because then i would have the ability to play at night and have it feel like night, same in the day.

That and for sure have the ability to find secret places so that you can find hidden things.

Oh! and i think if we did something like your idea and showed turner but older, that we would need to give background as to how he is doing now a days.