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Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 1:49 pm
by rudel_ic
I guess I really don't care :twisted:

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 9:26 pm
by Renegade_Turner
Zantalos baffles me.

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 2:31 am
by Zantalos
C'mon people GET EXCITED!

All that stuff Xiao Xiao was talking about, splitting people down the middle, at the waist, diagonally, neck line, can all be done with Lugaru 2's models. Not only that, but the programmer behind the G-man destruction demo (friggen play the demo people, play it!), Alec Rivers, is helping out David, meaning it could theoretically happen. Splitting people apart from any point, think about it.

And people! A new game David started like almost a week ago, an updated G-man demo!!!! Friggin four exclamation marks people, it's that awesome.
(you know the use of capitalisation is funner than I expected)


Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 9:13 am
by Sage
The GMAN demo was good. A new version? It would be so sweet seeing the Gman actually having rigid bones and stuff, instead of his legs bending like that so easily (you could make the head fall off as he's falling just by hloding the mous in one spot and moving it a bit towards him, causing his neck to foribly snap and his head fall off, which wouldn't happen if he actually had functional bones)

That system would work really well in L2, but you'd have to hit them pretty damn hard to actually cut someone in half like that unless you're using the Katana which was made from a different metal and method that made it sharper and harder (I think?), or heavy halberd swing. What would really be cool is bunny-kicking people into spikes on a wall or pungee pits and they get impaled on them :P. Would that be hard to implement/code?

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 12:02 pm
by Renegade_Turner
Zantalos wrote:(you know the use of capitalisation is funner than I expected)
Unless I'm mistaken, you're from USA and therefore should be using US English. When you get words like "capitalisation", you should be using "z" instead of the "s". US English spells it "capitalization".

Just thought I'd let you know because you may have been confused. If you want to use UK English, though, by all means do.

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 1:39 pm
by Zantalos
Renegade_Turner wrote:
Zantalos wrote:(you know the use of capitalisation is funner than I expected)
Unless I'm mistaken, you're from USA and therefore should be using US English. When you get words like "capitalisation", you should be using "z" instead of the "s". US English spells it "capitalization".

Just thought I'd let you know because you may have been confused. If you want to use UK English, though, by all means do.

damn gramps, 4 flames in 4 threads in like 12 minutes!

But okay, it's spelled with a z instead of an s (WTF?). I guess it's because I did a quick spell check on google, it gave me the UK version instead. I probably didn't really care because that was a pointless sentence for me to write in parenthesis. I figured "hmm, that looks funny... ahh what the hell this the internet any english goes."

Yeah, Rivers said that with more time, he'd have put in more internal structures, like a skeleton. Heh heh, without those joints Gman always splits his thighs when he falls... that gets kinda annoying (stop falling over damnit, I'm trying to cut you!).

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 3:03 pm
by Renegade_Turner
Renegade_Turner wrote:Just thought I'd let you know because you may have been confused.
I think it was clear I was just offering a bit of helpful advice, not "flaming" you. Spare me the idiocy, Sir.

And what the hell, do you keep an exact record of every single post I make?

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 3:24 pm
by zip
The forums are getting tense again.. quick, we need a blog post!

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 11:37 pm
by Sage
Zantalos wrote:Yeah, Rivers said that with more time, he'd have put in more internal structures, like a skeleton. Heh heh, without those joints Gman always splits his thighs when he falls... that gets kinda annoying (stop falling over damnit, I'm trying to cut you!).
My GMAN always splits his face open and his knees. His legs shouldn't be glued together, and his arms can't go up without his armpit busting open.

Update would be +500 INT

And we just recently got 2 blog posts.. so, well, we need the blogpost meter to refill before David or Jeff can cast it again.

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 2:21 pm
by Renegade_Turner
I appreciated that joke just now. Witty.

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 12:53 pm
by MacWiggy
whoa, whoa, back up the truck.

What is G-Man?
Why haven't I heard about it?
Where can I find it?
When was it made?
How was it made?

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 2:18 pm
by Zantalos
G-Man is a character from the half-life series. He is used in this tech demo to showcase soft body physics (the game has no name other than, "demo 3" of NAPS; New Approach to Physical Simulation). Soft body physics allow for more realistic interaction with objects. While normal physics can simulate basic character ragdoll movement and stackable crates, that's all they do, they can only be moved around. Soft body physics on the other hand, will bend, twist, snap off, rip, you can slice apart people from any angle, you can brake limbs and leave real bullet holes. Crates shatter and brake where they are hit (as apposed to shattering in 5 fixed levels).

The developers are independent, this project was made for the Game Design Initiative at Cornell university. Apparently, nobody picked it up after this (The new Indiana Jones game is using molecular physics for their destructable environment though.)

You can find it at their old website, here

You probably haven't heard of it because it's like 3 years old (Again I think, I'm not sure. Movies were taken from this at 03' so I assume it's the year they finished this).

It's made using their "Sopwith 3D" engine, created by Alec Rivers, who's supposedly helping out in Lugaru 2. Instead of treating every object as a whole, objects are made by atoms, which are bound together by links. Links are basically springs governed by Hookes law. The atoms themselves have very limited forces of movement, but bound together, more complex laws of Newtonian Physics emerge.

If you are actually curious to the 'hows' they wrote a pretty easy to understand readme.

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 6:15 pm
by MacWiggy
You could have told me before that they were only for PC. :evil:

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 12:52 pm
by pyros soul
I donno if anyoe has said this, but i think that exploding of the head and/or body shoud be call something like "hidden sniper" or "own3d!" (er somthing thats not "HEADSHOT"!)

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 3:32 pm
by MacWiggy
That would make sense, but there is a very obvious reason it's called "Headshot". Because it's a shot to the head! "Hidden Sniper" just sounds stupid, considering you don't have to be hidden to score a headshot, and you don't have to be a sniper. Also, you said "exploding of the head and/or body", but no game has ever said "Headshot!" after a bullet to the torso. Maybe if you'd stop playing Lemmings Paintball and got some real games, you'd know what I'm talking about.