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Introducing Overgrowth

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 10:14 pm
by Jeff
Overgrowth is the new Lugaru 2. Just finished the website! Aubrey made all of the art. Hope you guys like it!

Re: Introducing Overgrowth

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 11:14 pm
by BunnyWithStick
Awesome. Awesome sauce. Awesome sauce with MAYONNAISE!

This is very awesome.

Re: Introducing Overgrowth

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 1:15 am
by wormguy
Very interesting. Nice choice of title, and that website design is just plain sexy.

Re: Introducing Overgrowth

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 1:50 am
by Mike_Cuzins
beautiful, is it flash or something? i know nothing about websites...

Re: Introducing Overgrowth

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 10:53 am
by Zantalos
Wow that site looks so awesome, I love the scrolling background. Oh my gosh the art is so amazing, Turner looks so awesome in that pic with his belt leg shorts, talon claw feet, his rope shirt, the way his hair looks.. Ahhhh! It's so amazing! This looks totally different than the original concept art.

Can you guys put some of these images in picture form? I think it would look totally sick as my new wallpaper.

And I remember before when Jeff talked about being set in the way distant future and Turner may find a piece of ancient rhubarb for example and make an awesome weapon out of it. It totally makes sense now. I love the mountains and old concrete slabs covered in vegetation. And that new title is absolutely amazing. It's like as awesome and unique as the original title Lugaru, how did you think of it? It's so simple and yet perfect and, wow I love it!

Well, wow, I'm totally reinvigorated with excitment now. Overgrowth as looking so awesome this far, and it's only been less than a month since everyone got settled together. That turn around time was amazing how much they got done so fast.

Re: Introducing Overgrowth

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 11:06 am
by Ozymandias
The new website just knocked my socks off, it's amazing! Aubrey did an excellent job on the artwork and the way the scene scrolls when you click sort of make you feel like you're actually there rather than at a website XD

Also, wait, are those rats in the concept art? That will be interesting to see in the game.
Zantalos wrote:a piece of ancient rhubarb for example and make an awesome weapon out of it.
That sounds humorous and deadly =) a secret weapon perhaps?

Jeff wrote:Overgrowth is the new Lugaru 2.
Does this mean that we should refer to it as such from now on?

Re: Introducing Overgrowth

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 12:54 pm
by Viking Zippy
Wow, that is very awesome indeed, the scrolling is amazing — that wolf actually startled me a bit :D

Excellent attention to detail as well, when I signed up for the email list, the box fades away and into a 'Thanks', very nice touch.

My only complaint is that the background is a teensy bit too narrow; I'm on a large monitor, and there's just about 180 pixels of dead space ... but that's a miniscule detail, and definitely only applies to a small minority. Big kudos to making it beautifully adjustable in the first place, though; far too many websites have a fixed size, which is horrible on larger monitors.

Also, is that Vimeo I see? Good call, I'm brimming with anticipation to see the HD videos :)

Re: Introducing Overgrowth

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 1:56 pm
by Ozymandias
Viking Zippy wrote:My only complaint is that the background is a teensy bit too narrow; I'm on a large monitor, and there's just about 180 pixels of dead space ... but that's a miniscule detail, and definitely only applies to a small minority. Big kudos to making it beautifully adjustable in the first place, though; far too many websites have a fixed size, which is horrible on larger monitors.
Are you referring to the top and bottom on the screen? I don't know... it sort of looks like a letterbox effect.. like a movie. Also, if that space wasn't there there wouldn't be much else to see probably... maybe just more sky or more ground, hehe.

By the way... what the...? If you click "mystery" at the bottom next to "copyright wolfire games" then the background changes completely... amazing... insanely awesome! XD

I'm going to stick with the darker theme because... it's so pretty... mmm... now I sort of want to see more sky and more ground.

Re: Introducing Overgrowth

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 2:28 pm
by Viking Zippy
Ozymandias wrote:
Viking Zippy wrote:My only complaint is that the background is a teensy bit too narrow; I'm on a large monitor, and there's just about 180 pixels of dead space ... but that's a miniscule detail, and definitely only applies to a small minority. Big kudos to making it beautifully adjustable in the first place, though; far too many websites have a fixed size, which is horrible on larger monitors.
Are you referring to the top and bottom on the screen? I don't know... it sort of looks like a letterbox effect.. like a movie. Also, if that space wasn't there there wouldn't be much else to see probably... maybe just more sky or more ground, hehe.
Ah, I should have been more specific; there's dead space on the left and right.

Re: Introducing Overgrowth

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 2:42 pm
by Glabbit
That menu is indeed the awesomesauce.
Now to wait for the fries.

Re: Introducing Overgrowth

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 3:20 pm
by Nitsua
Cool, especially the changing background.

Re: Introducing Overgrowth

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 5:17 pm
by Silb
This is awesome work. The art is top-notch.

I guess David is putting his vegetal growth algorithm to good use. :)

Maybe the blurb should mention that the game comes out on all three PC platforms?

Re: Introducing Overgrowth

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 5:50 pm
by Jeff
Good call, Silb. /overgrowth v1.01 is up. :)

Glad you guys like it, and noticed the mystery button!

The website is not flash, it's just web standards (although pretty much pushed to the limits). If I didn't have to worry about IE6, it would way cooler looking. :) For the best experience, use Safari on OS X, because it uses CSS animation instead of javascript for the transitions, so it's actually hardware accelerated.

It is a pretty beefy website, but I am glad it is working well for you guys!

Re: Introducing Overgrowth

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 6:02 pm
by Ozymandias
It's working fine on the old Firefox, and the "mystery" button could, perhaps, be more obvious. It would be nice if when I came back to the site it kept the theme I had... I can't stop looking at it, hehe. I would also suggest to make the scrolling from one 'page' to the next a bit faster, but that's just me...

Re: Introducing Overgrowth

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 6:54 pm
by BunnyWithStick
The mystery button could be a little less obvious if you ask me. When I saw "…and noticed the mystery button!" (but not "By the way... what the...? If you click "mystery"…" which I hadn't read yet) I noticed it very quickly. I was actually expecting an invisible button to the side of the button bar at the top or something.