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FIXES: Humble Bundle on Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 9:23 am
by Wilbefast


This - is - LINUX!

Euh... yeah... so, anyone mad enough to be running Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit will probably run into a few problems when trying to run the games, especially when it comes to sound. Here are the steps I went through to get all 5 games working. Let me know if you have any other problems - I may be able to help you as well.

By the way - my user name is "william", so everytime you see a "william" just replace it with your name m'kay?

edit: Everything seems to work out of the box for 10.02, which is freaky really :shock:

World of Goo
Installed with DEB file, works perfectly.

Lugaru HD
No sound. Run the game with "pasuspender" - replace the default command with:

Code: Select all

pasuspender "/home/william/lugaru/lugaru"
edit: This reflex comes from constant problems with sound in games because of Pulseaudio, a sort of interface used by default by 9.10, but not 9.04. Removing it isn't a good idea though, because some applications, like Skype, can't do without.

2 errors here.

First up the game wouldn't run because of a missing library "". This can be fixed by creating a symbolic linked to "" called "", which effectively redirects the requests to the correct library:

Code: Select all

sudo ln -s /usr/lib32/ /usr/lib32/
Secondly, there were problems with the sound - a buzzing at first and then nothing after a little while. Running with "pasuspender" directly causes the game to freeze when you try to exit.

Create a file called '.asoundrc' in your home folder, with this inside it:

Code: Select all

pcm.!default {
    @func refer
    name { @func concat
           strings [ "pcm."
                     { @func getenv
                       vars [ ALSA_DEFAULT_PCM ]
                       default "pulse"

pcm.pulse { type pulse }
ctl.pulse {
    type pulse
#   source "Monitor of HDA Intel"
Then run the game with the following script from the give folder, using the following command:

Code: Select all

pasuspender $(ALSA_DEFAULT_PCM=hw:0 ./gish)
Thanks to Spudd86 for this fix.

Edit: since I like having fancy little shortcuts with icons, I actually created a bash script to run Gish directly, called "":

Code: Select all


cd /home/william/gish153
pasuspender $(ALSA_DEFAULT_PCM=hw:0 ./gish)
Then you can modify the shortcut so that it points to:

Code: Select all

Finally, if you want a nice icon for your shortcut, go grab this one:


From the Linux Gamers Codex. As you've probably guessed, I took some advice from that page also, though it shouldn't be necessary to install the 32 bit compatibility layer (I didn't have to anyway) :wink:

Painful intermittent buzzing sound. Neither a direct "pasuspender" nor the above, nor changing the output using options > sound > output seems to fix the problem.

So we're going to have to go for the throat: since pulseaudio is the bane of Ubuntu gamers everywhere, we're going to create a bash script that deactivates it, runs the game and then reactivates it when the game is finished. Voilà:

Code: Select all


cd /home/william/PenumbraOverture
killall pulseaudio
pulseaudio -D
Unfortunately pulseaudio has a habit of not staying dead. To prevent it from starting itself back up again before we explicitly tell it to, we'll have to explicitly tell it not to turn itself back on until we say so.
First we create/edit the the pulseaudio configuration file:

Code: Select all

gedit /home/william/.pulse/client.conf
And add:

Code: Select all

autospawn = no
Thanks to frigginacky for this fix :)

Once again we can set the Penumbra shortcut to:

Code: Select all


Installs and runs fine out of the box.

Re: FIXES: Humble Bundle on Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 3:19 pm
by Blorx
Wolfire needs to post this on the blog or link it to the Bundle's page and make it blatantly obvious that it's there. There have been quite a few reports of issues with the Linux versions and this is awesome work, here. :mrgreen:

Re: FIXES: Humble Bundle on Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 4:40 am
by Wilbefast

Edit: Penumbra started playing up again, so I found another fix. Edited the first post 8)

Re: FIXES: Humble Bundle on Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 12:14 pm
by Blorx
Wilbefast wrote:Sticky?
I was going to, but oddly enough, it won't let me. :|

Re: FIXES: Humble Bundle on Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 10:36 pm
by iLag
An easier solution that works for all the games and then some:

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get purge pulseaudio
I did this long ago and I have yet to have a problem with any game. The only problem is that it broke the Gnome sound panel, but I think that's an acceptable loss.

Re: FIXES: Humble Bundle on Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 6:30 am
by Wilbefast
iLag wrote:An easier solution that works for all the games and then some:

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get purge pulseaudio
I did this long ago and I have yet to have a problem with any game. The only problem is that it broke the Gnome sound panel, but I think that's an acceptable loss.
Bad idea: some applications can't do without pulseaudio, for example Skype. It's better to temporarily deactivate it than it is to remove it, even if the latter is a lot simpler (and more satisfying).

Re: FIXES: Humble Bundle on Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 11:12 pm
by jonathanbruder
I'm getting MD5 checksum errors from the Penumbra installer .sh file. I've tried re-downloading to no avail.

I'm using firefox 3.6.3 (canonical 1.0) for ubuntu on lucid (10.04). Other games in the bundle download and install normally.

Re: FIXES: Humble Bundle on Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 3:58 am
by Wilbefast
Strange... It seems to work for me on 10.04 - installing at least :|

Ask John!

Re: FIXES: Humble Bundle on Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 2:35 pm
by gcr
Wahoo, hey thanks!

Has anyone else noticed that lugaru, aquaria, and possibly gish are all in mono sound (no stereo, just one channel)?

I'm running Arch... maybe it's that.

Re: FIXES: Humble Bundle on Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 1:26 am
by Wilbefast
gcr wrote:Has anyone else noticed that lugaru, aquaria, and possibly gish are all in mono sound (no stereo, just one channel)?
I hadn't noticed, no - how can you tell?

Re: FIXES: Humble Bundle on Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 2:06 am
by ghetss261
wow great..
thank you for that post..
seems to me that's very informative.. :)


-- Identified as a Spambot.
-- Post locked from further editing.
-- User & IP Banned.

// Freshbite

Re: FIXES: Humble Bundle on Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 11:42 am
by Freshbite
Finally. I was starting to wonder when it would dare to show up again.

Re: FIXES: Humble Bundle on Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 4:28 am
by Endless_Nameless
Hello all!!

I have to say the Humble Indie Bundle was really really great. I already had World of Goo, but had never even heard of the other games. They are all great in eachs own segment. Lugaru is probably one of the best fighting games that I have ever played (it is fast, it is fun, and the fight mechanincs is great. Besides, I still can't kill a wolf!)

But I have some problems with Gish and Aquaria. I tried to post in their forums, but they seem to be a little... empty.

I am in Ubuntu 10.10 32 bits, and both Aquaria and Gish had the same problem. The character constantly moves to the left. Non-stop. If I press other keys they work (even mouse), but any movement key works only dimly, and is again overwhelmed by this movement to the left. I tried to change the assigned keys, but it did not matter. This happens only in game, not in selection screens.

I think it can be some lib problem. Or some bitin the code. If anyone can direct me to the right direction, I could find what to change in the source code (Or I will install another Linux distro just for these games :P ).

I searched for a topic with this subject but could find none, but was afraid to star a new topic in first post!

Thank you for any help. What a great forum!

Re: FIXES: Humble Bundle on Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 7:18 am
by Wilbefast
I sw
Endless_Nameless wrote:I am in Ubuntu 10.10 32 bits, and both Aquaria and Gish had the same problem. The character constantly moves to the left. Non-stop. If I press other keys they work (even mouse), but any movement key works only dimly, and is again overwhelmed by this movement to the left. I tried to change the assigned keys, but it did not matter. This happens only in game, not in selection screens.

I think it can be some lib problem. Or some bitin the code. If anyone can direct me to the right direction, I could find what to change in the source code (Or I will install another Linux distro just for these games :P ).
I swear I replied to this :? my connection really does suck here...

So now I have to write my whole post again :cry:
Okay, so: I'm afraid I'm not running 10.10 or 32 bit, so I can't really help. Generally I don't get the new version because they're buggy as hell, and 10.10 may well have been rushed a bit in order to make its 10/10/10 release date. Also, most of my problems have been with sound, not controls.
That said, if the problem is only with Gish and Aquaria it must be software, so maybe some sort of compatibility issue with SDL.

I can't find any similar problems in any of the usual channels, so it may be some kind of architecture-specific bug :| the only thing I can suggest is to try tapping the left button to see if you can get the LEFT_RELEASED signal across. This isn't really a fix but may make the games playable. Otherwise head over to the ubuntu forums.

Re: FIXES: Humble Bundle on Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 3:37 pm
by tommis
I´m running 10.10, and i got a small problem. When i run gish from the command line it runs fine, but when i try to make shortcut for it to the gnome menu, it only displays slightly different shades of gray. Screenshot is from the menu. Any help?