An attempt at Lugaru fanfiction.

The place to discuss all things Lugaru.

Is it any good? Do any of you want to see more of Angreifer? Or perhaps a prequel, explaining how he ended up in this situation?

Good. More!
Prequel! Prequel!
Total votes: 9

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Miyamoto Usagi
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Post by Miyamoto Usagi » Tue Feb 27, 2007 10:55 am

invertin wrote:
Miyamoto Usagi wrote:un-heard-of idea of the Wolves being the victims.
Invertin is a wolfy victim, just you wait. But enough about me, this story is only at part 2 and already I love it. I can't wait for part 3.
The major difference here being that the Wolves, as opposed to any single wolf, are the victims. :D

Bunny slaughter!

The way I see it, Wolves definitely have a physical upper-hand, but rabbits would have numbers, agility, and possibly even technology (not as in guns and computers, but definitely armor- and weapon-forging-techniques-wise) on their side, so a Rabbit-induced Wolf-genocide isn't completely off-the-wall, especially if something (say, Verteidiger) were to unify the Rabbits.

Edit: And as I sidenote, I love the extremely-relevant picture, as well as the supposed Turner quote, Usagi. x3

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Post by wormguy » Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:52 pm

I would highly approve of Usagi Yojimbo appearing in L2. Hell, I'd probably mod it myself if he wasn't in it.

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Miyamoto Usagi
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Post by Miyamoto Usagi » Tue Feb 27, 2007 9:54 pm

wormguy wrote:I would highly approve of Usagi Yojimbo appearing in L2. Hell, I'd probably mod it myself if he wasn't in it.
1) When did Usagi Yojimbo ever come up in this conversation?

2) Please don't attempt to hijack the thread. This is something that's rather important to me.

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Post by Miyamoto Usagi » Wed Feb 28, 2007 7:09 am

Part Three - Guide

"I see... I'm sorry, Angrei, I never meant to hand you such a burden..."

"Do not apologize, Bronislav... Despite all I've left behind, even dear Mareike... Let alone my children... I don't think I'd have deserved any of it if I couldn't do this... They need to see that someone must always stand to protect the weak..."


"... I know, old friend, that's not what I was implying."

A chuckle passed between them. Having left the Desert behind for a different kind of ruin, the two now stood in the midst of an ancient temple of some sort.

Between them, gathered on the stone floor, a pile of wood was burning strongly.

"I'm going to go gather some food. Maybe there's a river nearby I can fish from." Disappearing from the decayed blockwork of stone and earth, Angreifer, in only a pair of white pants, headed into the surrounding forest, which was slowly growing colder as winter began to approach.

The very instant he arrived at the river, though, he heard a strange, fairly lilting, high-pitched voice behind himself.

"White... The color of death... You not only wear it, but it permeates your very fur, and even your eyes... Expecting something, child...?"

He stayed still throughout the speech, but when it was done he turned his gaze back. It was a fox. Strange creatures, they were, and commonly either untrustworthy or just plain unpredictable.

It was a female... Standing there, completely in the nude. Her fur was the color of fire, marred only by the white of her belly and the black the covered the majority of her extremities, tail excluded. She was a lovely one, too... Not that he had time to go spending his time fantasizing.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

"Oh. Not one for pleasantries, I see. The elder was right about you... So I'll get right to the point... My name... Is Yumi... And I am simply here to tell you what you need to hear so that you can give balance back to this land... But one thing I have learned throughout the centuries is that often, it takes far more than simple words to pass along a message... So off you go!"

With that, before Angreifer was able to get back on his guard, the vulpine simply swept below and knocked him off his feet with her own, and then, with a powerful blow to the chest, while he was still falling, she sent him careening into the river.

The river had a stronger current than it had first appeared to! It carried Angrei away as simply as if he had been the petal of a flower.

- End Part Three.

:D As I've stated before, feedback is always welcome!

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Post by Miyamoto Usagi » Wed Feb 28, 2007 12:36 pm

Are there any comments or feedback before I move on to Part 4?

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Post by Usagi » Wed Feb 28, 2007 12:38 pm

Got some, but no time to write right now.

Go ahead to 4 and I'll catch up.

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Post by Miyamoto Usagi » Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:34 am

Sorry it's been a while. It was a tough call, whether or not to switch focus to Bronislav or follow through with Angreifer where he's being taken off to. Here's the answer, though:

Part Four - Sensei

"So you're finally awake..." That lilting, feminine voice again. Yumi.

How Angreifer wanted to pound her face in.

He quickly sat up, only to groan and fall right back down again, nursing a bit of a headache. "What the...?"

"You were out for a while," she whispered to him. "Give it some time..." This response somehow irked him to no end... But he followed her advice, waiting for a moment, and then very slowly sitting up... And then, with no warning, throwing a punch at the fox.

A punch that was soon reversed into an arm-twisting lock, followed up by a very powerful toss.

Groaning a bit, the white-furred rabbit slid down a tree's base, the tree itself now having quite a few cracks and being bent at an odd angle.

"Let me guess," started the feminine fox, watching Angrei with a playful glint in her eye. "You were trying to think of how to defeat him, and failed each time..."

It took him a while to respond... But once he'd regained enough composure to sit up straight, he simply nodded to her.

"Verteidiger is a master of defensive combat... And with what you just showed me, it's no wonder you failed... It's clear your strength comes from being the aggressor... But until you can understand defensive tactics, you will never be able to overcome them."

"So what are you proposing?" He asked with a groan of pain as he stood.

"... Come at me again."


"Where the hell is that rabbit?" Groaned Bronislav, slowly standing up next to the campfire... With a shake of the head he moved into the forest to find him... But he caught a whiff of something. Something too familiar.

He heard a slow, metallic whine, a blade being unsheathed.

"... So. Come to finish the job, Vertei?"

"That I have..."

More to come. In the meantime, please, criticize! :D

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Post by Miyamoto Usagi » Thu Mar 08, 2007 11:15 am

Awh, is everyone sick of me already?

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Post by invertin » Thu Mar 08, 2007 11:38 am

I'm not, I'm very impressed actually. This is some good story writing.

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Post by Xegrot » Sat Mar 10, 2007 11:56 pm

I'm lovin' it! (NOT in the tune of McDonalds! :P)

The description is awesome and the way you portrayed everything was good, too. I especially liked the battle. Excellent work, keep going!

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Post by invertin » Sun Mar 11, 2007 3:13 pm

Xegrot wrote:I'm lovin' it! (NOT in the tune of McDonalds! :P)
Garg, now I'm hungry.

Wait, garg?

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Post by BunnyWithStick » Sun Mar 11, 2007 10:46 pm

Shouldn't it be:

Mmmm, now I'm hungry…

Garg, now I'm not hungry! :P

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Post by Miyamoto Usagi » Tue May 01, 2007 4:08 am

As I mentioned in my thread "FFS I'm back," I apologize for letting this thread go into disrepair. I had to replace my hard-drive and was out of comission for a while.

Look forward to seeing more tales of Angrei, Vertei, Broni, and Yumi fairly soon.

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