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Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 11:00 am
by Viper I
Cows are steak? But ive heard theyre pig for like.............ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!! CORPARATE TELEVISION LIED TO ME!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 11:12 am
by Colicedus
invertin wrote: Sausages and bacon = pig
That should clear up the meat thing.
Well most sausages are made from Cereal or bread with very little meat in them, and they are in a bag of edible plastic.

I don't know wether to put Jam or sauce on my sausages anymore.
But heres one thing I will say. Dipping chocolate (the stuff that you use for the strawberries at parties) Is good on sausages.

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 11:28 am
by invertin
Some sausages are meat. I tried making my own sausage with mince meat and stuff.

Didn't turn out as planned..

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 11:37 am
by Colicedus
What happened to them? and Did you use Intestines for the bag?

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 12:21 pm
by invertin
I stuffed as many meats as I could into a pigs intestines and cooked it...

I have no idea how sausages are made.. And I'm not trying that again. Worse, I can't cook very well.

I would provide a picture, but my sister dared me to eat it...

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 12:33 pm
by Colicedus
Did it taste good?

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 5:19 pm
by NightDevil
SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 12:52 am
by invertin

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 4:01 am
by Colicedus
Hey Jeff!
Put NightDevil on your ban list for stupidity, randomness, or Spam!

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 5:16 am
by BunnyWithStick
You'll have to put Monty Python on the ban list too if you do that, though…

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 5:54 am
by Crill3
Dear NightDevil



Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 3:27 am
by RhinoG
I'll get to work on making turner all cybar bunnyish. :D

On a seperate note, can we include ravenous werecows and space monkeys in this mod :P

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 1:01 am
by Killyerquick
Sorry to add something on topic :)
For me, the boss fight of this pac was a little to easy, I'm not a very skilled lugaru player, and on insane, I owned it. ... 0&warned=y

I got 8 second cleared screen time, before the seconds subtracted for the actual high score list, all I did was reverse his first attack and I got a reversal KO, I haven't tried the fight again to see if I just got lucky, but after I post this I'll try.(For some reason image dump doesn't like [img] tags, so I just left it as a url.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 1:41 am
by BunnyWithStick
Just to add something off topic, you mean?

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 5:56 pm
by invertin
new weapon! Not exactly, but I have an idea.
Death claws: Gloves worn by some wolves that create energy and are alot more powerful than ordinary fighting. In other words this is a texture that acts as a wolf glove and wolves wearing the glove I will raise their power.