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Modding in Blender 2.58

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:43 pm
by cooldude
Not sure if this has been asked but, can you do character modding in blender. I tried to import .solids into blender and it didn't work. Can you help?

P.S I am on a mac

Re: Modding in Blender 2.58

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 6:28 pm
by rudel_ic
Currently, the only way to import .solids into Blender 2.58 would be making a detour:
— Import .solid in 2.49
— Export from 2.49 in a format 2.58 understands (let's say COLLADA)
— Import that COLLADA in 2.58

This also works the other way around:
— Model stuff in 2.58, export as COLLADA
— Import COLLADA in 2.49
— Export .solid

Hopefully you're aware of the fact that modding character models involves two things:
— Building the mesh you want
— Tying the mesh's vertices to the skeleton
The latter step is currently only possible in 2.49!

I've said this somewhere before: I have this on my TODO list, but I'm not getting around to it at the moment. I'm sorry for that, I know it sucks.

Re: Modding in Blender 2.58

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:55 pm
by cooldude
Thank you so much :D

Sad that you need 2.49 though :( .

Where do I get Blender 2.49 for Mac from?


EDIT: What did they make the .solid files on in the first place and is there an easier alternative to blender. Must be available for mac

EDIT(2): Never mind what I just said, I got it working and am so happy!