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About the sword ...

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 5:25 pm
by ablationer
We all know that the sword is pretty deadly , but actually (talking about my experience) when you use it you mostly get into some boring sword disarm fight ... even if you use the reverseal , when you stand up and retry , the enemy still revearse it for ever and ever (mostly with wolves) and you got like 1 chance on 10 to slash your opponent ... so I was wondering if there was a way to use it more efficiently ...

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 5:36 pm
by Jeff
Hold down the mouse to attack instead of clicking rapidly and you will have much better success. It will make you attack as soon as the guy is in range which means it is probably out of range of a reversal.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 6:12 pm
by Zantalos
Yeah I found that holding down the mouse button is great. It also helps when fighting a bunch of people. In fact, once I found out you could hold it down, I stopped clicking altogether. Now I just shift.

Oh and for very efficient fights, jump up and flip over the guys head. You'll either slash his back open, or you'll gut yourself into an easy 'backstabber' bonus.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 10:18 pm
by ablationer
Wow it works actually pretty well , thanks Jeff.

Thanks for the trick Zan , i'll try it.