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the Seven Tasks - a mini campaign

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 3:28 pm
by skraeling
This is a small campaign I made with the Lugaru map editor. I finally finished this after wrestling invisible demons in the map editor. It has maybe 10 fighting levels, 7 dialogue levels, and one bonus fighting level.

I had intended to add a mystery solving element to all the tasks, to make up for the short length, but cut much of it because of difficulties with the editor. The main character is similar to a hired assassin and so I set up clues for the player to figure out who hired him and why.
For those still interested in sleuthing here are the areas where you can still solve the mystery. They are organized from easiest to hardest to solve (in my opinion, anyway):
Desert Village
Mountain City
Theatre (maybe)
Desert sandstorm (probably not but maybe. hint: it's not the obvious answer)

I personally have always liked "the Making of..." docs about games, because I love seeing what creative process drove their design. So, I figured others might like that as well. The read me file contains a long "making of the seven tasks" for those interested in reading what my thought process was in making these maps (as well as spoilers for the mystery solving.)

Once you've unzipped the files place everything named "task#" into the maps folder. Place the "main.txt" in the campaigns folder, but don't forget to backup the original "main.txt" that's already there:

The "read me" can go anywhere.

Hope you enjoy: <-- direct link (-jeff)

**Note:** This mod (campaign, maps and custom textures) is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike license, version 4.0 International (CC-BY-SA 4.0,
Attributions can be made to "Philtron R.".

Want more? I made 14 challenge maps that you can also play: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=5564#p91876
It's not a campaign, but it's still fun, especially the last three arena maps.

Re: the Seven Tasks - a mini campaign

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 6:28 pm
by Sandurz
Wow man! That was really great! The desert level was a bit difficult and long, but overall it was good.

Re: the Seven Tasks - a mini campaign

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:31 am
by Lotus Wolf
this is a terrifically satisfying campaign! i love this, it should be stickied! i might have made the end a bit different, but this is brilliant, i loved the desert level, following those signs is a nice turn on the gameplay, and that statue you made! it was wonderful! great job!

Re: the Seven Tasks - a mini campaign

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:01 pm
by ggtr1138
I can't download the ZIP on the "Will Host For Food!" website. :( Doesn't work for me. skraeling, can you host the file elsewhere? Maybe as an attachment to a post in this forum? Thanks!

Re: the Seven Tasks - a mini campaign

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:15 pm
by Sandurz
ggtr1138 wrote:I can't download the ZIP on the "Will Host For Food!" website. :( Doesn't work for me. skraeling, can you host the file elsewhere? Maybe as an attachment to a post in this forum? Thanks!
Edit: Lotus got it.

Re: the Seven Tasks - a mini campaign

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:19 pm
by Lotus Wolf
I'll attach it, i've also got a funny i made up...
Nom Om Nom.jpg (28.68 KiB) Viewed 92752 times

Re: the Seven Tasks - a mini campaign

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:53 pm
by skraeling
Thanks for the compliments Sandurz and Lotus Wolf, I'm really glad you enjoyed it. And thank you, Lotus Wolf, for posting the file as an attachment, although I'm not sure I entirely understand the joke (is it an internet meme?).

Re: the Seven Tasks - a mini campaign

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 6:06 pm
by Lotus Wolf
no problem.

i changed the dialogue from "Mendicants" to "Nom om Nom" in a hex editor, i'm on windows, so thats the only way to edit dialogues. but anyway, i just did it randomly, thought it would be funny to insert noms randomly throughout the campaign. (i kept the original maps of course, its a great mod, thanks a ton for the fun!)

Re: the Seven Tasks - a mini campaign

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 6:24 pm
by Sandurz
skraeling wrote:is it an internet meme?
Yea, search omnomnom on google images. You'll get it soon enough. I liked your readme btw. It was really in depth.

Re: the Seven Tasks - a mini campaign

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:26 pm
by Lotus Wolf
indeed it was. :)

Re: the Seven Tasks - a mini campaign

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 8:18 pm
by Darwinian
would you kill someone for bothering you? of course Yew would lololol

though it may be mini in comparison to the other campaigns its very well done, all the activity in the castle was awesome.. everything was awesome

Re: the Seven Tasks - a mini campaign

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 8:41 pm
by Lotus Wolf
that it was, this should be stickied, this deserves a place at the top.

Re: the Seven Tasks - a mini campaign

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:28 pm
by Jeff
Oh man, this is hot. Going to play right now!!

Re: the Seven Tasks - a mini campaign

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:47 am
by invertin
Aw damnit.

*searches for his reg key*

Re: the Seven Tasks - a mini campaign

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 6:10 pm
by Untadaike
Wow, really nice campaign! Just a few comments: despite what others said, the Sandstorm level I thought was awesome! The general, however, I thought had WAY too much health. I was leg-kicking him into walls over and over and round-housing him and slashing with the sword but he wouldn't let up. Also, the one with all the wolves in the big trees (I forget what it's called) was super tricky too. Maybe a bit too tricky. Or maybe I just suck. :lol: Don't let this c.R.a.P. get to you. Awesome stuff, again!! :D