Fan Art

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Post by Aspen » Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:51 pm

15 minutes using Paint.NET.
Congratulations! You just won the Wolfire Badge and 15 points!
Congratulations! You just won the Wolfire Badge and 15 points!
The Wolfire Badge.PNG (9.66 KiB) Viewed 14821 times

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Re: Fan Art

Post by Freshbite » Fri Mar 05, 2010 3:12 pm

That's actually kind of cool :lol:

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Post by Assaultman67 » Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:43 am

Aspen wrote:15 minutes using Paint.NET.
Why does that kinda look like a kongregate badge? ...

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Re: Re:

Post by Armored Wolf » Wed Mar 10, 2010 4:10 pm

Assaultman67 wrote:
Aspen wrote:15 minutes using Paint.NET.
Why does that kinda look like a kongregate badge? ...

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Re: Re:

Post by m3nace » Thu Mar 11, 2010 8:11 am

Armored Wolf wrote:
Assaultman67 wrote:
Aspen wrote:15 minutes using Paint.NET.
Why does that kinda look like a kongregate badge? ...
enough with the facepalms already, if you keep using them at any chance you get they become trivial.
Now I would like to insert one here

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Re: Fan Art

Post by Assaultman67 » Thu Mar 11, 2010 12:05 pm

what the fuck ... im never outside the loop ... let alone facepalmed ...

What the hell's going on here :? :P

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Re: Re:

Post by Armored Wolf » Thu Mar 11, 2010 1:01 pm

m3nace wrote: enough with the facepalms already, if you keep using them at any chance you get they become trivial.
Now I would like to insert one here

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Re: Re:

Post by m3nace » Fri Mar 12, 2010 12:52 pm

Armored Wolf wrote:
m3nace wrote: enough with the facepalms already, if you keep using them at any chance you get they become trivial.
Now I would like to insert one here
now that's exactly what I mean...

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Post by Johannes » Tue Mar 30, 2010 5:17 am

Aspen wrote:15 minutes using Paint.NET.

/Image of Wolfire Badge/
Hey you used my gold star!
I made that one just for Armored Wolf* :P

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Re: Re:

Post by Aspen » Tue Mar 30, 2010 5:55 pm

jo-shadow wrote:
Aspen wrote:15 minutes using Paint.NET.

/Image of Wolfire Badge/
Hey you used my gold star!
I made that one just for Armored Wolf* :P
Indeed I did. Since Armored Wolf did not appear to be using such a nice piece of work, and I could not let it go to waste, I grabbed it for this image. I had been before planning on using an ordinary Wolfire symbol, but I could not pass up such an opportunity.

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Re: Fan Art

Post by Andrige » Sun Apr 04, 2010 9:14 am

Since I'm terrible at posts and lurking is kind of my thing therefore, here comes a spontaneous "wtf is this" art from someone with 10 posts total. Couldn't get back home to my relatives during easter so I was bored, thinking I could concept a new race just for fun.


General description:
These are obviously bears, and they are in comparison to the rest not keen on grouping up in communities as they rather roam the wilderness, gathering medicinal herbs.
They are quite friendly but due to their sheer size they are for the most part left alone for a good reason, as they tend to grow anxious and easily irritated when they visit the villages to sell their wares.
Recently all races have found them to be invaluable merchants due to the frequent battles as the medicinal herbs do save many lives; which have in return made them very wealthy. They do try to hide this by not buying or wearing anything too flashy.
However many of them who get ahead of themselves go down in ambushes, often in vain as they never carry all of their money with them at any time. The herbs they carry in their backpack are valuable though, but since it's very difficult to sell them across the races it's considered too risky to be worth it, and therefore often let to wither along with the corpse.

Social structure:
They do socialize but they rarely meet each other in person as you would expect perhaps neighbours to do. They build cottages that are submerged under ground-level and usually very well hid from even the trained eye.
Each individual can have several of these hidden cottages and they are used from time to time by basically anyone who happens to be nearby. There have been more than a few stories that tells how desperate survivors find themselves saved after by a sheer stroke of luck banging their foot on a hidden trapdoor.
However as common courtesy goes they do expect the visitor to leave something behind, plentiful of money or food can usually be found in these cottages. However if someone steal from this supply or don't leave a token of their gratitude, they will track down whoever was inside with their sensitive nose and make sure they pay back several times over. In money or blood.

They have a council, which are most of the time not politically influenced by other races, but there have been times in the past where they have sided. Such as the one time a few generations ago that left the race in shambles.
They gained a new ally after such a treaty since the trade was almost too good to pass up on, but in the process they also gained many more enemies that each day burned down more and more of their cottages, forcing them to stick together just in order to survive. Then when they finally had to retreat to the army settlements of their ally - far out of their comfort-zone - fights soon started as they grew restless and intimidated.
It all ended up with them being hanged out to the enemies as traitors and basically left to die, and after that event their numbers have been extremely low and the council are sworn to never take sides for all of them ever again. The current council for that time of course was punished, as each and every survivor after that ripped away pieces of their fur (and skin in the process) and then banished them to die in the wilderness. Many of the cottages still have these patches of the "Old Council" as a reminder of the deed that almost made them extinct.

It's not unusual for forests where a bear tries to mark his territory and scaring away others by practising with the sickle at cutting down smaller trees. And usually, they succeed at doing just that. Certain individuals have been said to cut down full-grown trees as well, but it's widely regarded as tall-tales.
They train rigorously in using their larger frame to exert deadly force in just a few blows, which results in a brute force that is often enough to cause even a single blow to be fatal or when wielding a sickle to easily dismember the enemy.
The form of the sickle as well has proven ideal for disarming enemies, as spears gets shattered and swords twisted out of its owner's hands. Therefore in most single encounters against a bear the attacker find himself with a broken wrist and ankles, but life still intact.
However - quite logically - the chance of ever being able to buy his goods are effectively reduced to zero.

But they have a very apparent weakness.
They aren't even close as nimble as the other races, and are easily outmanoeuvred when there's more than one attacker. And since they work alone you can always count on that there never is another one that will back him up once you attack. However, usually one does not want to slay a bear as even though they help the enemy, their own kin will usually fare just as bad. And the worst thing that can happen is when a village gets blacklisted; usually judged out by the council if there's been assaults for no apparent reason.
Then it doesn't bode well for the future of said village in the long term.
Therefore the larger military forces have branded them as neutral under all conditions (same which can't be said for the rogue bandits of course).

To motivate their outfits I figured they wear these huge backpacks that they carry the herbs in.
Also I just went something on their armour, but I figured that making their armour out of wood and leather made sense and works with their size. Haven't bothered looking for better alternatives on the design on the armour yet, so the helmet looks pretty wonky for a good reason I guess.
The sickle felt right since it's somewhat contradicting for them to carry something that look this delicate for battle, but it does make sense for them to carry one of these.
The paint on the face is a simple white color that they just smack with their hand across the muzzle. Simple enough.

That's it for now anyway, back to lurking!
Last edited by Andrige on Sat Sep 24, 2011 6:11 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Fan Art

Post by Endoperez » Sun Apr 04, 2010 11:35 am

Very nice! m3nace did some bears before, and they had a bit of a different style. He didn't write a background like you did, though, and I really like how you handled the bears. Making them gather healing herbs was a great idea, and and there are lots of great details in both the writing and the picture. I think it's easier to learn from this image than from some other artists' pictures. Thanks for sharing them both, the picture and the background!

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Re: Fan Art

Post by Andrige » Sun Apr 04, 2010 8:59 pm

Glad to hear the basic idea behind them was well received, looking back at m3ance's design it was gladiator-themed so I think this is a more interesting way to take it.
Next I think of doing some concepts of the cottages, I have an idea how I'd like it to look like.

Also I have to ask if there's any cool inspiring designs I could take into account for a second visit at their clothing/armour? Right now it's only based on looking at the reference sheet of the races in armour and just trying to make it differ from that.
Any culture that I could draw some inspiration from?

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Re: Fan Art

Post by Endoperez » Mon Apr 05, 2010 3:37 am

I'm afraid I can't find anything that'd look as good as what you have done. :lol: Some kinds of straps and stuff would be needed to keep the chest "plate" in place, but it's a very interesting concept already. Perhaps some thick ropes or cloth or leather going around the waist and the sides, offering some protection to the sides? I really like the helmet.

If this was in the game, it would offer protection against most cuts, but weapons like spears could be troublesome... But that sickle could be used to parry a spear, and if the spear misses and/or is caught in the hook, the bear could use his the tremendous strength to shatter the haft...

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Re: Fan Art

Post by Andrige » Mon Apr 05, 2010 4:38 pm

Here's another update, I did some more iterations and patched the armour up a bit so it covers more than before. Probably not effective still for protecting yourself, but hey who cares! :p


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